Evolution and human cognition (EVOCOG)
Publications in journals
- Carme Isern-Mas; Antoni Gomila, "A Second-Personal Approach to the Evolution of Moral Motivation and the Feeling of Obligaton", "Biological Theory", Volume 17, Pages 199-209, 2022. Paper in press.
- Carme Isern-Mas; Antoni Gomila, "Love, friendship, and moral motivation", "Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology", Volume 42, Issue 2, Pages 93-107, 2022. Paper.
- Clemente, A.; Pearce, M. T.; Nadal, M., "Musical aesthetic sensitivity", "Psychology Of Aesthetics Creativity And The Arts", Volume 16, Pages 58-73, 2022. Paper.
- Skov, M.; Vartanian, O.; Navarrete, G.; Modroño, C.; Chatterjee, A.; Leder, H.; Gonzalez-Mora, J. L.; Nadal, M., "Differences in regional grey matter volume predict the extent to which openness influences judgments of beauty and pleasantness of interior architectural spaces", "Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences", Volume 1507, Pages 133-145, 2022. Paper.
- Galvez-Pol, A., Munar, E., Kilner, M. J, "The influence of interoceptive signals on the processing of external sensory stimuli", "The Routledge International Handbook of Neuroaesthetics", 2022. Paper in press.
- Chuquichambi, Erick G.; Sarria, Daniela; Corradi, Guido B.; Munar, Enric., "Humans Prefer to See and Imagine Drawing Curved Objects", "Empirical Studies Of The Arts", Volume 41, Pages 135-156, 2022. Paper.
- Erick G Chuquichambi; Oshin Vartanian; Martin Skov; Guido Corradi; Marcos Nadal; Paul J Silvia; Enric Munar, "How universal is preference for visual curvature? A systematic review and meta?analysis", "Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences", Volume 1518, Issue 1, Pages 151-165, 2022. Paper.
- Gomila, A.; Pérez, D.I., "Presentación del número monográfico del Teorema dedicado a La perspectiva de segunda persona (editor invitado)", "Teorema", Volume XLI, Issue 2, Pages 5-13, 2022. Paper.
- Galvez-Pol, A., Salome, Antoine., Charlotte, Li., James M. Kilner, "People can identify the likely owner of heartbeats by looking at individuals' faces", "Cortex", 2022. Paper.
- Galvez-Pol, A., Pavandeep, V., Villacampa, J., & Kilner, J.M, "Active tactile discrimination is coupled with and modulated by the cardiac cycle", "Elife", Volume 11, Issue e78126, Pages 1-20, 2022. Paper.
- Dorado, A.; Skov, M.; Rosselló, J.; Nadal, M., "Defensive emotions and evaluative judgements: Sensitivity to anger and fear predicts moral judgements, whereas sensitivity to disgust predicts aesthetic judgements", "British Journal of Psychology", Volume 114, Issue 1, Pages 1-20, 2022. Paper.
- Barone, Pamela; Isern-Mas, Carme.; Pérez-Manrique, Ana, "The Implications of the Second-Person Perspective for Personhood. An Application to the case of Human Infants and Non-human Primates", "Teorema", Volume 41, Issue 2, Pages 133-150, 2022. Paper.
- Roberto Silva Flores y Juan Tomás Escudero López, "El Entrenamiento Psicológico a Distancia, Un Caso de Bloqueo en Gimnasia Artística", "Revista de Psicología Aplicada al Deporte y la Educación Física", Volume 7, Issue 2, 2022. Paper.
- I. Arslanova; A. Galvez-Pol; J. Kilner; G. Finotti; M. Tsakiris, "Seeing through each other's hearts: Inferring others' heart rate as a function of own heart rate perception and perceived social intelligence", "Affective Science", Volume 3, Issue 4, Pages 862-877, 2022. Paper.
- Pamela Barone; Lisa Wenzel; Marina Proft; Hannes Rakoczy, "Do young children track other's beliefs, or merely their perceptual access? An interactive, anticipatory measure of early theory of mind", "Royal Society Open Science", Volume 9, Issue 10, 2022. Paper.
- Gomila, A.; Pérez, D., "Presentación de los directores invitados al número monográfico sobre 'The second person perspective of psychological attribution'", "Teorema", Volume XLI, Issue 2, Pages 5-13, 2022. Paper.
- Pérez-Manrique, A., Fernández Gracia, J., Gomila, A. & Ramasco, J.J., "The study of agression and affiliation motifs in bottlenose dolphins' social networks.", "Scientific Reports", Volume 12, Pages 19672, 2022. Paper.