Evolution and human cognition (EVOCOG)
Publications in journals
- Gomila, A., "Realizing who I am", "Revista de Filosofia Moderna e Contemporanea", Volume 9, Issue 1, Pages 15-28, 2021. Paper.
- Chuquichambi, E.G.; Corradi, G.B.; Munar, E.; Rosselló-Mir, J., "When Symmetric and Curved Visual Contour Meet Intentional Instructions: Hedonic Value and Preference", "Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology", Volume 74, Issue 9, Pages 1-17, 2021. Paper.
- Barone Pamela; Gomila Antoni., "Infants' performance in the indirect false belief tasks: A second-person interpretation", "Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Cognitive Science", Volume 12, Issue 3, 2021. Paper.
- Pérez-Manrique, A.; Gomila, A., "Emotional contagion on non-human animals: a review", "Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Cognitive Science", 2021. Paper.
- Christensen, JF, Vartanian, M, Sánchez, L, Khorsandi, F, Borhani, F, Farahi, F, Yazdi, S & Gomila, A., "A practice-inspired mindset for hobby dance, sports practice and empirical research", "Frontiers In Psychology", 2021. Paper.
- Skov, M.; Nadal, M., "The nature of perception and emotion in aesthetic appreciation: A response to Makin's challenge to Empirical Aesthetics", "Psychology Of Aesthetics Creativity And The Arts", Volume 15, Pages 470-483, 2021. Paper.
- Skov, M.; Nadal, M., "The nature of beauty: behavior, cognition, and neurobiology", "Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences", Volume 1488, Pages 44-55, 2021. Paper.
- Clemente, A.; Pearce, M. T.; Skov, M.; Nadal, M., "Evaluative judgment across domains: Liking balance, contour, symmetry and complexity in melodies and visual designs", "Brain and Cognition", Volume 151, Pages 105729, 2021. Paper.
- Che, J.; Sun, X.; Skov, M.; Vartanian, O.; Rosselló, J.; Nadal, M., "The role of working memory capacity in evaluative judgments of liking and beauty", "Cognition & Emotion", Volume 35, Pages 1407-1415, 2021. Paper.
- Gálvez-Pol, A.; Nadal, M.; Kilner, J. M., "Spatial maps of emotions reveal links between environment, mental health, and interoception", "Scientific Reports", Volume 11, Pages 16150, 2021. Paper.
- Chuquichambi, Erick G.; Palumbo, Letizia; Rey, Carlos; Munar, Enric., "Shape familiarity modulates preference for curvature in drawings of common-use objects", "Peerj", Volume 9, Issue e11772, 2021. Paper.
- Javier Villacampa, Gordon P.D. Ingram, Guido Corradi, Antonio Olivera-La Rosa, "Applying an implicit approach to research on the uncanny feeling", "Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis", Volume 16, Issue 2, 2021. Paper.
- Galvez-Pol, A., Nadal, M., Kilner, M.J, "Emotional representations of space vary as a function of peoples' affect and interoceptive sensibility", "Scientific Reports", Volume 11, Issue 16150, Pages 1-12, 2021. Paper.
- E. Palser; A. Galvez-Pol; Clare E. Palmer; R. Hannah; A. Fotopoulou; E. Pellicano; J.M. Kilner., "Reduced differentiation of emotion-associated bodily sensations in autism", "Autism", Volume 25, Issue 5, Pages 1321-1334, 2021. Paper.
- Antonio Olivera-La Rosa, Javier Villacampa, Guido Corradi & Gordon P. D. Ingram, "The Creepy, the Bad and the Ugly: Exploring perceptions of moral character and social desirability in uncanny faces", "Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis", 2021. Paper.