Evolution and human cognition (EVOCOG)
Publications in journals
- Cattaneo, Z.; Schiavi, S.; Silvanto, J.; Nadal, M., "A TMS study on the contribution of visual area V5 to the perception of implied motion in art and its appreciation", "Cognitive Neuroscience", Volume 8, Pages 59-68, 2017. Paper.
- Ferrari, C.; Nadal, M.; Schiavi, S.; Cela-Conde, C. J.; Cattaneo, Z., "The dorsomedial prefrontal cortex mediates the intersection of ethics and aesthetics: a TMS study on the Beauty-is-Good stereotype", "Social Cognitive And Affective Neuroscience", Volume 12, Pages 707-717, 2017. Paper.
- Pérez Manrique, A.; Gomila, A., "The comparative study of empathy: sympathetic concern and empathic perspective-taking in non-human animals", "Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society", Volume 93, Issue 1, Pages 248-269, 2017. Paper.
- Christensen, Julia F. Cela-Conde, Camilo José Gomila, Antoni Gomila, "Not all about sex: neural and biobehavioral functions of human dance", "Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences", Issue 1400, Pages 8-32, 2017. Paper.
- Díaz, R.J.; Viciana, H.; Gomila, A., "Cold 'side effect' effect: affect does not mediate the influence of moral considerations in intentionality judgments", "Frontiers In Psychology", Volume 8, Pages 295, 2017. Paper.
- Maye, Alexander; Isern-Mas, Carme; Barone, Pamela; Michael, John., "Sensorimotor accounts of Joint Attention", "Scholarpedia", Volume 12, Issue 2, Pages 42361, 2017. Paper.
- Gómez-Puerto, G.; Rosselló, J.; Corradi, G.; Acedo-Carmona, C.; Munar, E.; Nadal, M., "Preference for Curved Contours Across Cultures", "Psychology Of Aesthetics Creativity And The Arts", Volume 12, Pages 432-439, 2017. Paper.
- Emilio López-Navarro; Cristina del Canto; Antoni Mayol; Ovidio Fernández-Alonso; Enric Munar, "Psychotic symptoms and quality of life: a mediation analysis of daily-life coping", "Psychiatry Research", Issue 262, Pages 505-509, 2017. Paper.
- Olivera-La Rosa, A.; Villacampa, J.; Amador, O.; Corradi, G.; Munar, E.; Acosta, S.; Rosselló, J., "Implicit Attitudes Toward Violence in a Sample of Adolescent Offenders With Conduct Disorder. Journal of Interpersonal Violence", "Journal of Interpersonal Violence", 2017. Paper.
- Nadal, M.; Skov, M., "Top-down and bottom-up: front to back. Comment on "Move me, astonish me. . . delight my eyes and brain: The Vienna Integrated Model of top-down and bottom-up processes in Art Perception (VIMAP) and corresponding affective, evaluative, and neurophysiological correlates" by Matthew Pelowski et al", "Physics Of Life Reviews", Volume 21, Pages 148-149, 2017. Paper.
- Nadal, M.; Gallardo, V.; Marty, G., "Commentary: Neural substrates of embodied natural beauty and social endowed beauty: An fMRI study", "Frontiers In Human Neuroscience", Volume 11, Issue 596, 2017. Paper.
- Nadal, M.; Vartanian, O.; Skov, M., "Psychological models of art reception must be empirically grounded", "Behavioral and Brain Sciences", Volume 40, Pages 36-37, 2017. Paper.
- Olivera-La Rosa, Antonio; Villacampa, Javier; Amador, Omar; Corradi, Guido; Munar, Enric; Acosta, Sergio y Rosselló, Jaume, "Implicit attitudes towards violence in a sample of adolescent offenders with conduct disorder", "Journal of Interpersonal Violence", Volume 2017, 2017. Paper.
- Skov, M.; Nadal, M., "Commentary: "What Is Art Good For? The Socio-Epistemic Value of Art"", "Frontiers In Human Neuroscience", Volume 11, Issue 602, 2017. Paper.
- Ayala, Francisco J.; Cela-Conde, Camilo J., "Which brain networks related to art perception are we talking about?", "Physics Of Life Reviews", Volume 21, Pages 133-134, 2017. Paper.
- Alcaraz, S., Pons, J., Angulo-Brunet, A. y Cruz, J., "Intervenciones para la promoción de actividad física basadas en la teoría de la autodeterminación: Una revisión narrativa (2011-2016).", "Revista de Psicología del Deporte", Volume 26, Issue 3, Pages 116-123, 2017. Paper.