Evolution and human cognition (EVOCOG)

Meetings participation

  • Ana Clemente. , "Aesthetic Sensitivity Across Domains". "Neurosciences and Music - VII (Neuromusic Aarhus) Conference", Denmark, 2021. Speech.
  • Clemente, A.; Ruta, N.. , "Perceptual and Hedonic Sensitivity to Visual Contour (March 2, 2021).". "Vision Club", St. Andrews, United Kingdom, 2021. Speech.
  • Clemente, A.; Board, F.; Pearce, M. T.; Orgs, G.. , "Hedonic Judgments of Audiovisual Displays: Liking Complexity in Sound and Image Sequences.". "18th Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop (RPPW) 2021", Oslo, Norway, 2021. Speech.
  • Clemente, A.. , "Hedonic Judgments of Audiovisual Displays: Liking Complexity in Sound and Image Sequences.". "Music Research Today 2021", Stockholm, Malmö, Piteå, Sweden, 2021. Speech.
  • Clemente, A. ; Penacchio, O.; Vila-Vidal, M.; Pepperell, R.; Ruta, N.. , "Contrasting perceptual and hedonic judgments of visual contour". "43rd European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP) 2021", United Kingdom, 2021. Publication data: Perception. Speech.
  • Clemente, A., Kaplan, T., & Pearce, M. T.. , "Free Exploration and Free Play in Music". "ICMPC16-ESCOM11 conference on Connectivity and diversity in music cognition", United Kingdom, 2021. Speech.
  • Clemente, A., Friberg, A., & Holzapfel, A.. , "Perceived Affect in the Aesthetic Appreciation of Images and Music". "ICMPC16-ESCOM11 conference on Connectivity and diversity in music cognition", United Kingdom, 2021. Speech.
  • Erick G. Chuquichambi; Carlos Rey; Robert Peperell; Alejandro Dorado; Enric Munar. , "Preference for curvature in the perception of artworks in the museum". "International APPE/SEPEX Meeting 2020 (deferred 2021)", Faro, Portugal, 2021. Speech.
  • Carlos Rey; Erick G. Chuquichambi; Rosana Llames; Juan Tomás Escudero; Alejandro Dorado; Enric Munar. , "Circles' low-level features make its detection faster than downward-pointing triangles". "International APPE/SEPEX Meeting 2020 (deferred 2021)", Faro, Portugal, 2021. Poster.
  • Erick G. Chuquichambi, Letizia Palumbo, Carlos Rey, Enric Munar. , "Shape Familiarity Modulates Preference for Curved Object Drawings". "43rd European Conference on Visual Perception", Online, Croatia, 2021. Poster.
  • Erick G. Chuquichambi; Letizia Palumbo; Enric Munar. , "Participants prefer curved contours in pairs of object drawings with the same familiarity". "XXVI Conference of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics", Online, United Kingdom, 2021. Poster.
  • Nadal, M.. , "The concept of Aesthetic Emotions in the age of neuroasthetics: a roundtable discussion". "XXVI Conference of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics", Londres, United Kingdom, 2021. Round table.
  • Pons, J., Alcaraz, S., Garcia, M., Zamora, R. & Torregrossa, M.. , "Student-Athletes' Perceived Social Support and Mental Health: Results one Year after the Beginning of the Lockdown". "XV ISSP World Congress in Sport Psychology.", Taiwan, China, 2021. Paper presentation.
  • Alcaraz, S., Ramis, Y., Viladrich, C., Pons, J., Pallarès, S., Muñoz, J., y Torregrossa, M.. , "Hacia la motivación y más allá: La evolución en el estudio de la motivación desde la perspectiva del Grup d'Estudis de Psicologia de l'Esport (GEPE).". "1er Simposio Iberoamericano de Motivación en Educación Física, Deporte y Salud (SIM).", Elche, Spain, 2021. Invited conference.
  • López-Navarro, Emilio; Giorgetti, Daniela; Barone, Pamela, Isern-Mas, Carme; Al-Halabí Díaz, Susana. , "Longitudinal effects of COVID-19 breakdown on quality of life of young people and protective factors". "14th International Congress of Clinical Psychology", Spain, 2021. Poster.
  • López-Navarro, Emilio; Giorgetti, Daniela; Isern-Mas, Carme; Barone, Pamela; Al-Halabí Díaz, Susana. , "Spanish adaptation of the Prague Spirituality Questionnaire in a sample of young people". "14th International Congress of Clinical Psychology", Spain, 2021. Poster.
  • Barone, Pamela; Giorgetti, Daniela; Isern-Mas, Carme; López-Navarro, Emilio. , "How do you help? A conceptual replication of an interactive false belief task". "14th International Congress of Clinical Psychology", Spain, 2021. Poster.
  • Giorgetti, Daniela; Isern-Mas, Carme; Barone, Pamela. , "Over-imitation in children with autism spectrum disorders. A review". "14th International Congress of Clinical Psychology", Spain, 2021. Poster.
  • Clemente, A.. . "XXII International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR)", United States, 2021. Participation in scientific committee.
  • Daniela Giorgetti, Carme Isern-Mas, Pamela Barone. , "Overimitation in children with autism spectrum disorders. A review.". "14th International Congress of Clinical Psychology", Spain, 2021. Poster.