Interdisciplinary ecology (EI)
Publications in journals
- Antònia Solomando; Amanda Cohen-Sánchez; Antonio Box; Inmaculada Montero; Samuel Pinya; Antoni Sureda, "Microplastic presence in the pelagic fish, Seriola dumerili, from Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean), and assessment of oxidative stress and detoxification biomarkers in liver", "Environmental Research", Volume 212, 2022. Paper.
- Amanda Cohen?Sánchez; Antònia Solomando; Samuel Pinya; Silvia Tejada; José María Valencia; Antonio Box; Antoni Sureda, "First detection of microplastics in Xyrichtys novacula (Linnaeus 1758) digestive tract from Eivissa Island (Western Mediterranean)", "Environmental Science and Pollution Research", Pages 1-11, 2022. Paper.
- Antònia Solomando; Francisca Pujol; Antoni Sureda; Samuel Pinya, "Ingestion and characterization of plastic debris by loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta, in the Balearic Islands", "Science of the Total Environment", Volume 826, Pages 154159, 2022. Paper.
- Maria Febrer-Serra; Nil Lassnig; Víctor Colomar; Gabriela Picó; Silvia Tejada; Antoni Sureda; Samuel Pinya, "Oxidative stress and behavioral responses of moorish geckos (Tarentola mauritanica) submitted to the presence of an introduced potential predator (Hemorrhois hippocrepis)", "Science of the Total Environment", Volume 855, Issue 158864, Pages 1-11, 2022. Paper.
- Antonia Solomando; Francisca Pujol; Antoni Sureda; Samuel Pinya, "Evaluating the Presence of Marine Litter in Cetaceans Stranded in the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean Sea)", "Biology-Basel", 2022. Paper.
- Joan Tomàs, Carles Cardona, Pere Ferriol, Leonardo Llorens & Lorenzo Gil., "Floral traits and reproductive biology of two Mediterranean species of Clematis, asynchronous and sympatric, are key food sources for pollinator survival.", "South African Journal of Botany", Volume 151, Pages 85-94, 2022. Paper.
- Marcello Dante Cerrato; Arnau Ribas-Serra; Iván Cortés-Fernández; Carles Cardona Ametller; Pere Miquel Mir-Rosselló; Cyril Douthe; Jaume Flexas; Lorenzo Gil; Antoni Sureda, "Effect of seawater salinity stress on Sporobolus pungens (Schreb.) Kunth, a halophytic grass of the mediterranean embryonic dunes", "Plant Growth Regulation", 2022. Paper.
- Marta Salom-Oliver; Andreu Ruiz de la Hermosa Amengual; Aina Aguiló-Zuzama; Arnau Ribas-Serra; Juan Vallespir; Silvia Tejada-Gavela; Samuel Pinya, "Plastron color patterns allow for individual photo-identification in two different chelonian species", "Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne de Zoologie", 2022. Paper.
- Lluc García; Samuel Pinya, "Presència de la gambeta Palaemon varians Leach, 1814 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palaemonidae) en una llacuna costanera del LIC 5310029 Na Borges a Mallorca", "Bolletí de la Societat d'Història Natural de les Balears", 2022. Paper.
- Adreu Ruiz de la Hermosa Amengual; Francisco Truyols-Henares; Samuel Pinya, "Individual photographic identification based on unique colour pattern of the thorax of Acherontia atropos (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)", "Shilap-Revista de Lepidopterologia", Volume 50, Issue 197, Pages 33-41, 2022. Paper.
- Arnau Ribas-Serra & Lorenzo Gil-Vives, "La flora vascular del término municipal de Algaida (Mallorca, Islas Baleares, España).", "Flora Montibérica", Volume 82, Pages 102-112, 2022. Paper.
- Iván Cortés-Fernández; Marcello Dante Cerrato; Arnau Ribas-Serra; Xavier Canyelles Ferrà; Lorenzo Gil-Vives, "The role of E. maritimum (L.) in the dune pollination network of the Balearic Islands", "Ecology And Evolution", 2022. Paper.
- Khokhlova, A.; Gudnitz, M. N., Ferriol, P.; Tejada., S.; Sureda, A.; Pinya, S.; Mateu-Vicens, G., "Epiphytic foraminifers as indicators of heavy-metal pollution in Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows", "Ecological Indicators", Volume 140, Pages 109006, 2022. Paper.
- Lombardo, J.; Solomando, A.; Cohen-Sánchez, A.; Pinya, S.; Tejada, S.; Ferriol, P.; Mateu-Vicens, G.; Box, A.; Faggio, C.; Sureda, A., "Effects of Human Activity on Markers of Oxidative Stress in the Intestine of Holothuria tubulosa, with Special Reference to the Presence of Microplastics", "International Journal Of Molecular Sciences", Volume 23, Issue 16, Pages 9018, 2022. Paper.