Interdisciplinary ecology (EI)

Publications in journals

  • Benavide, M.; Aristeguí, J.; Agawin, N.S.R.; López Cancio, J.; Hernández-León, S., "Enhancement of nitrogen fixation rates in unicellular diazotrophs versus Trichodesmium after a dust deposition event in the Canary Islands.", "Limnology and Oceanography", Volume 58, Pages 267-275, 2013. Paper.
  • Pinya, S.; Súarez-Fernández, J.J.; Canyelles, X., "Distribution and status of Antheraea pernyi (Lepidoptera; Saturniidae) in the island of Mallorca (Spain)", "Shilap-Revista de Lepidopterologia", Volume 41, Issue 163, Pages 377-381, 2013. Paper.
  • Suárez-Fernández, J.J.; Pinya, S., "First evidences of the naturalization of Eucalyptus globulus at Mallorca", "Orsis", Volume 27, Pages 287-291, 2013. Paper.
  • Cretazzo, E.; Padilla, C.; Bota, J.; Rossello, J.; Vadell, J.; Cifre, J., "Virus interference on local scale viticulture: the case of Moll variety from Majorca (Spain)", "Scientia Agricola", Volume 70, Issue 2, Pages 125-136, 2013. Paper.
  • Agawin NSR; Tovar-Sanchez A; Knoth de Zarruk k; Duarte CM; Agustí S, "Variability in the abundance of Trichodesmium and nitrogen fixation activities in the subtropical NE Atlantic", "Journal of Plankton Research", Volume 35, Pages 1126-1140, 2013. Paper.
  • Benavides, M.; Agawin, N.S.R.; Arístegui, J.; Peene, J.; Stal, L.J., "Dissolved oganic nitrogen and carbon release by a marine unicellular diazotrophic cyanobacterium", "Aquatic Microbial Ecology", Volume 69, Pages 69-80, 2013. Paper.
  • Benavide, M.; Bronk, D.A.; Agawin, N.S.R.; Pérez-Hernández, M.D.; Hernández-Guerra, A.; Aristeguí, J., "Longitudinal variability of size-fractionated N2 fixation and DON release rates along 24.5ºN in the subtropical North Atlantic", "Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans", Volume 118, Pages 3406-3415, 2013. Paper.
  • Pinya, S.; Suárez-Fernández, J.J.; Sáez, Ll.; Castro, J.M., "Catàleg de Biodiversitat del Paratge Natural de la Serra de Tramuntana", "Biota Balear", Volume 3, Issue 1, Pages 5-143, 2013. Paper.
  • Ayres, C.; Alvarez, A.; Ayllon, E.; Bertolero, A.; Buenetxea, X.; Cordero-Rivera, A.; Curco-Masip, A.; Duarte, J.; Farfan, M.A.; Ferrandez, M.; Franch, M.; Fortuño, L.; Guerrero, J.; Hernandez-Sastre, P.L.; Lacomba, I.; Lorente, L.; Miguelez-Carbajo, D.; Pinya, S.; Rada, V.; Romero, D.; Sanchez, J.; Sancho, V.; Valdeon, A., "Conservation projectes for Emys orbicularis in Spain", "Herpetology Notes", Volume 6, Pages 157-164, 2013. Review.
  • Adrover, M., Moyà, G., Vadell, J., "Use of hydroponics culture to assess nutrient supply by treated wastewater", "Journal of Environmental Management", Volume 127, Pages 162-165, 2013. Paper.
  • Benavides, M.; Arístegui, J.; Agawin, N.S.R.; Álvarez-Salgado, X.A.; Álvarez, M.; Troupin, C., "Low contribution of N2 fixation to new production and excess nitrogen in the subtropical northeast Atlantic margin", "Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers", Volume 81, Pages 36-48, 2013. Paper.
  • Vadell, J., Colombàs, M., Farrús, E., Forss, A., & Adrover, M., "Reptes per a la protecció dels sòls. Editorial.", "Bolletí de la Societat d'Història Natural de les Balears", Volume 56, Pages 9-24, 2013. Review.
  • Pinya, S.; Pérez-Mellado, V., "Ageing and growth of the endemic midwife toad, Alytes muletensis", "Endangered species research", Volume 22, Pages 263-268, 2013. Paper.
  • Sureda, A.; Ferrer, M.D.; Mestre, A.; Tur, J.A.; Pons, A., "Prevention of neutrophil protein oxidation with vitamins C and e diet supplementation without affecting the adaptive response to exercise", "International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism", Volume 23, Issue 1, Pages 31-39, 2013. Paper.
  • Nabavi, S.M.; Habtemariam, S.; Nabavi, S.F.; Sureda, A.; Daglia, M.; Moghaddam, A.H.; Amani, M.A., "Protective effect of gallic acid isolated from Peltiphyllum peltatum against sodium fluoride-induced oxidative stress in rat's kidney.", "Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry", Volume 372, Issue 1-2, Pages 233-239, 2013. Paper.
  • Tejada, S.; Deudero, S.; Box, A.; Sureda, A., "Physiological response of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus fed with the seagrass Posidonia oceanica and the alien algae Caulerpa racemosa and Lophocladia lallemandii", "Marine Environmental Research", Volume 83, Pages 48-53, 2013. Paper.
  • Nabavi, S.M.; Nabavi, S.F.; Loizzo, M.R.; Sureda, A.; Amani, M.A.; Moghaddame, A.H., "Cytoprotective effects of silymarin against sodium fluoride-induced oxidative stress in rat erythrocytes", "Fluoride", Volume 45, Issue 1, Pages 31-38, 2013. Paper.
  • Nabavi, S.F.; Nabavi, S.M.; Habtemariam, S.; Moghaddam, A.H.; Sureda, A.; Mirzaei, M., "Neuroprotective Effects of Methyl-3-O-methyl gallate Against Sodium Fluoride-Induced Oxidative Stress in the Brain of Rats", "Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology", Volume 33, Issue 2, Pages 261-267, 2013. Paper.
  • Nabavi, S.F.; Nabavi, S.M.; Habtemariam, S.; Moghaddam, A.H.; Sureda, A.; Jafari, M.; Latifi, A.M., "Hepatoprotective effect of gallic acid isolated from Peltiphyllum peltatum against sodium fluoride-induced oxidative stress", "Industrial Crops and Products", Volume 44, Pages 50-55, 2013. Paper.
  • Habtemariam, S.; Sureda, A.; Moghaddam, A.H.; Nabavi, S.F.; Nabavi, S.M.; Jafari, M.; Abolhasani, F., "Protective role of gallic acid isolated from Peltiphyllum peltatum against sodium fluoride-induced oxidative stress in rat's heart", "Letters In Drug Design & Discovery", Volume 10, Issue 3, Pages 277-282, 2013. Paper.
  • Nabavi, S.F.; Sobarzo-Sánchez, E.; Nabavi, S.M.; Sureda, A.; Moghaddam, A.H., "Bi-3-Azaoxoisoaporphine Derivatives have Antidepressive Properties in a Murine Model of Post Stroke-Depressive like Behavior", "Current Neurovascular Research", Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 164-171, 2013. Paper.
  • Sureda, A.; Tejada, S.; Box, A.; Deudero, S., "Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon levels and measures of oxidative stress in the Mediterranean endemic bivalve Pinna nobilis exposed to the Don Pedro oil spill", "Marine Pollution Bulletin", Volume 71, Issue 1-2, Pages 69-73, 2013. Paper.
  • Ferrer, M.D.; Tauler, P.; Sureda, A.; Palacín, C.; Tur, J.A.; Pons, A., "Antioxidants restore protoporphyrinogen oxidase in variegate porphyria patients", "European Journal of Clinical Investigation", Volume 43, Issue 7, Pages 668-678, 2013. Paper.
  • Córdova, A.; Villa, G.; Sureda, A.; Rodriguez-Marroyo, J.A.; Martínez-Castañeda, R.; Sánchez-Collado, M.P., "Energy consumption, body composition and physical activity levels in 11- to 13-year-old Spanish children", "Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism", Volume 63, Issue 3, Pages 223-228, 2013. Paper.
  • Banaee, M.; Sureda, A.; Mirvaghefi, A.R.; Ahmadi, K, "Histopathological Alterations Induced by Diazinon in Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)", "International Journal Of Environmental Research", Volume 7, Issue 3, Pages 735-744, 2013. Paper.
  • Sureda, A.; Natalotto, A.; Álvarez, E.; Deudero, S., "Increased antioxidant response and capability to produce ROS in hemocytes of Pinna nobilis L. exposed to anthropogenic activity", "Environmental Pollution", Volume 181, Pages 321-324, 2013. Paper.
  • Perona, J.S.; González-Jiménez, E.; Aguilar-Cordero, M.J.; Sureda, A.; Barceló, F., "Structural and compositional changes in erythrocyte membrane of obese compared to normal-weight adolescents", "Journal of Membrane Biology", Volume 246, Issue 12, Pages 939-947, 2013. Paper.
  • Nabavi, S.F.; Habtemaria, S.; Sureda A.; Hajizadeh-Moghaddam, A.; Daglia, M.; Nabavi, S.M., "In vivo protective effects of gallic acid isolated from Peltiphyllum peltatum against sodium fluoride-induced oxidative stress in rat erythrocytes", "Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada i Toksikologiju", Volume 64, Issue 4, Pages 553-559, 2013. Paper.
  • Tejada, S.; Sureda, A., "A new approach using biomarkers to elucidate the regression state of the invasive alga Caulerpa taxifolia in waters around the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean Sea)", "Marine and Freshwater Research", Volume 64, Issue 10, Pages 986-991, 2013. Paper.
  • Meloni, D., Sabato, L., Tropeano, M., Brandano, M., Mateu-Vicens, G, "A 2D view of mixed (bioclastic/lithoclastic) carbonate clinoforms in the Matera area (Plio-Pleistocene, southern Italy)", "Rendiconti Online Societa Geologica Italiana", Volume 5, Pages 121-122, 2013. Paper.
  • Noguera J.; Tejada, S.; Tortajada, C.; Sánchez, A.; Muñoz, J., "Prospective, randomized clinical trial comparing the use of a single-port device with that of a flexible endoscope with no other device for transumbilical cholecystectomy: LLATZER-FSIS pilot study", "Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques", Volume 27, Pages 4284-4290, 2013. Paper.
  • Vergara López, J.M.; Gil, Ll.; Boi, M., "Estimation of the polleniferous potential of a Mediterranean landscape through the analysis of pollen harvested by Apis mellifera L.", "Grana", Volume 52, Issue 2, Pages 147-159, 2013. Paper.
  • Gil, L., "La colomina de flor petita (Fumaria parviflora Lam.).", "Es Saig", Volume 384, Pages 26-27, 2013. Paper.
  • Gil, L., "El jonquillo (Narcissus tazetta L. subsp. tazzeta).", "Es Saig", Volume 385, Pages 28-29, 2013. Paper.
  • Gil, L., "La Romulea ramiflora Ten. subsp. ramiflora).", "Es Saig", Volume 386, Pages 28-29, 2013. Paper.