Calvo, M.; García Rosselló, J.; Javaloyas, D.; Albero, D.; Van Strydonck, M., "Matching Data: Analyzing the Chronological Use Sequence in the Iron Age Necropolis of the Staggered Turriform of Son Ferrer (Balearic Islands, Spain)", "Radiocarbon", Volume 56, Issue 2, Pages 361-374, 2014. Paper.
VALENZUELA-LAMAS, S; VALENZUELA-SUAU, L; SAULA, O; COLET, A; MERCADAL, O; NADAL, J, "Shechita and Kashrut: Identifying Jewish populations through zooarchaeology and taphonomy. Two examples from Medieval Catalonia (North- Eastern Spain)", "Quaternary International", 2014. Paper.
Albero, D.; Aranda, G., "Elección tecnológica y expresión social: análisis arqueométrico de cerámicas funerarias argáricas del Cerro de San Cristobal (Ogíjares, Granada)", "Complutum", Volume 25, Issue 1, Pages 109-127, 2014. Paper.
Calvo, M., Javaloyas, D.; Albero, D.; García, J., "Enhancing 'places' through archaeological heritage in sun, sand and sea touristic coastal areas: a case from Mallorca (Spain)", "Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology", Volume 9, Issue 3, Pages 341-263, 2014. Paper.
Albero, D., "Identifying spathic calcite recipe in archaeological ceramics: possibilities & limitations", "Cerâmica", Volume 60, Pages 379-391, 2014. Paper.
CALVO, M., GARCÍA ROSSELLÓ, J, "Acción técnica, interacción social y práctica cotidiana: propuesta interpretativa de la tecnología", "Trabajos de Prehistoria", Volume 71, Pages 7-22, 2014. Paper.
Gabriel Servera Vives; Yannick Miras; Santiago Riera; Ramon Julià Brugués; Philippe Allée; Hèctor Orengo; Sandrine Paradis-Grenouillet; Josep Maria Palet, "Tracing the land-use history and vegetation dynamics in the Mont Lozère (Massif central, France) during the last 2000 years: the interdisciplinary study-case of Countrasts peat bog", "Quaternary International", Volume 5, Issue 353, Pages 123-139, 2014. Paper.