Economic analysis of the impact of tourism (AEIT)

Meetings participation

  • Bujosa, A.; Riera, A.; Rosselló, J. i Torres, C.M.. , "Influencia de la experiencia recreativa en los procesos de elicitación de preferencias. Aplicación a los ecosistemas forestales de Mallorca.". "X Encuentro de Economía Aplicada", Logroño, Spain, 2007. Paper presentation.
  • Bujosa Bestard, A.; Riera Font, A.; Rosselló Nadal, J.; Torres Figuerola, C. M.. , "Influencia de la experiencia recreativa en los procesos de elicitación de preferencias". "X Encuentro de Economía Aplicada", Logroño, Spain, 2007. Paper presentation.
  • Riera Font, A.; Ripoll Penalva, A. M.; Mateu Sbert, J.; Capó Parrilla, J.. , "Medición de la eficiencia hotelera". "X Encuentro de Economía Aplicada", Logroño, Spain, 2007. Paper presentation.
  • Capó, J.; Oliver; X.. , "Redistribution and Stabilization: A microeconomic approach using the Spanish population". "Second ECINEQ Conference (Society for the study of Economic Inequality)", Berlín, Germany, 2007. Paper presentation.
  • :; A. Riera; Mateu, J.; Ripoll, A.; Capó, J.. , "Medición de la eficiencia hotelera: análisis y factores clave". "X Encuentro de Economía Aplicada", Logroño, Spain, 2007. Paper presentation.
  • Álvarez, M.; Mateu, J.; Rosselló, J.. , "Forecasting Tourist Arrivals to Balearic Islands Using Genetic Programming". "First Conference Of the International Association for Tourism Economics", Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2007. Paper presentation.
  • Álvarez, M; Mateu, J ; Rosselló, J.. , "Forecasting Tourist Arrivals to Balearic Islands Using Genetic Programming". "XV Jornadas ASEPUMA - III Encuentro Internacional", Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2007. Paper presentation.
  • Rosselló, J.. . "First Conference of the International Association for Tourism Economics", Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2007. Participation in organising committee.
  • Rosselló, J.. , "Tourism Demand: Time Series IV". "First conference of the International Association of tourism economics", Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2007. Chair of session.
  • Rosselló, J.. , "Economic Impacts III". "First conference of the International Association of tourism economics", Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2007. Chair of session.
  • Rosselló, J.. . "First conference of the International Association of tourism economics", Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2007. Participation in review committee.
  • Polo, C. y Valle, E.. , "An assessment of the weight of tourism in the balearic islands". "Second International Conference on advances in tourism economics", Vila Nova de Santo André, Portugal, 2007. Paper presentation.
  • Polo, C. y Valle, E.. , "An assessment of the weight of tourism in the balearic islands". "International conference: 'Tourism econonomics in islands: models and development strategies'", Ponta Delgada. Azores, Portugal, 2007. Paper presentation.
  • Polo, C. y Valle, E.. , "The effects of a national income tax cut on a regional economy". "II Jornadas Españolas de Análisis Input-Output", Zaragoza, Spain, 2007. Paper presentation.
  • Valle, E. y Yobesia, M.N.. , "Economic impacts of tourism in Kenya". "First conference of the international association for tourism economics", Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2007. Paper presentation.
  • Torres, C.M.; García, D.; Riera, A.. , "Are preferences for coastal water quality different for second-home residents?". "First Conference of The International Association for Tourism Economics", Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2007. Paper presentation.
  • Riera, A.; Moyà, C. M.; Torres, C.M.; Basterretxea, G.; Lozano, J.. , "Identification and quantification of the negative impacts of human activities on bathing water quality in Santa Ponça Bay (Calvià, Mallorca)". "Thresholds Stream 6/7 Meeting", Stuttgart, Germany, 2007. Paper presentation.
  • Aguiló, E. y Rossello, J.. , "Determinant attitudes to tourism in a mass tourist destination: A dynamic analysis". "First conference of the international association for tourism economics", Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2007. Paper presentation.