Formalising New Requests
The study coordinator must follow the steps below in order to request the assessment of research studies not governed by law that involve the use of human data:
1. Fill in the assessment request form (see below). Requests using the old version of the form shall not be accepted
2. Sign the filled-in request form electronically
3. Submit the request and supporting documents (in .pdf) using the relevant form on the Research Staff Portal. Make sure you select the ‘Research Ethics Committee (CER) Request’ option in the Form Type section.
Only requests submitted at least six (6) working days before the CER meeting will be accepted (see calendar below).
Receipt and Allocated Reference Number
Once the Research Ethics Committee (CER) has received the request, a file reference number will be assigned and used in all communication pertaining to the request.
Important Notice
• The CER shall not assess studies that have already started. In this sense, the applicant undertakes to not start the study until they have received the favourable report from the CER
• The applicant must have an ‘ongoing’ relationship with the UIB. This includes staff with a permanent contract, I3 programme researchers, associate lecturers, etc.
• Students (including doctorands) must state their supervisor or tutor as the study coordinator.
Amending Requests
The study coordinator must follow the steps below where the CER issues a ‘negative’ or ‘conditional’ report:
1. Make the necessary changes to the request or supporting documents (in .pdf), in accordance with the instructions stated in the report
2. Fill in the amendment index document (see link below), stating the changes made and the relevant section (document, paragraph, etc.). This document must also be signed electronically
3. Submit the signed amendment index and amended documents over the Research Staff Portal. Applicants must amend the original request form and not submit a new one.
Information Regarding Class Time to Take Part in Research Studies
If you want to use class time for students to participate in research studies, the following considerations should be taken into account:
- The research study would have to be directly related to the objectives and/or contents of the subject and the students would have to be informed about this relationship.
- If this relationship does not exist, and as long as the faculty responsible for the subject authorizes it, only the minimum possible time (no more than 10 minutes) could be dedicated to presenting the study and, in any case, distributing a link, email address, QR code or similar that allows interested students to access the research study outside of class time.
- If participation in a research study is included in the teaching guide for a subject and provides for the possibility of obtaining part of the grade with this participation, an alternative method to obtain the same grade would have to be offered to students who do not want to participate in the study.
- The informed consent form should always guarantee students that they will not receive a penalty if they do not agree to participate in the research and, where appropriate, clearly state the alternative method to obtain the same improvements in the grade.
Upcoming meetings:
- Tuesday February 18, 2025
- Tuesday March 18, 2025
- Tuesday April 15, 2025
- Tuesday May 13, 2025
- Tuesday June 17, 2025
- Tuesday July 15, 2025