Double degree in Mathematics and Telematics Engineering

360 credits - Higher Polytechnic School

  If you cannot find all of the information on the course that you are taking, check the old Double degree in Mathematics and Telematics Engineering study programme.

20334. Final Degree Project in Mathematics (2024-25)

Credits 12 ECTS.
Type Final Degree Project
Status Current curriculum and subject available in this curriculum, centre and island.


  • You need to be enrolled on 100% of the credits for basic training subjects and mandatory subjects in the same academic year or have passed them

Recommended bibliography available in the UIB library collection

There are no recommended books in the university library collection ( more information here (catalan) ).
To view the complete bibliography, please see the corresponding section within the subject course guide.

Information regarding course groups

Period: Yearlong

  • Large Group 9

    • Head of group
    • Teaching
    • Mobility
      This group is available to incoming mobility students, subject to authorisation from the programme coordinator.

Syllabi from previous years

Academic year groups 2023-24

Period: Yearlong

  • Large Group 9

    • Head of group
    • Teaching
    • Mobility
      This group is available to incoming mobility students, subject to authorisation from the programme coordinator.
    • Syllabus

Academic year groups 2022-23

Period: Yearlong

Academic year groups 2021-22

Period: Yearlong

Academic year groups 2020-21

Period: Yearlong

End-of-degree project

  • Advances in computational neuroscience: short term plasticity
  • Estudio de soluciones de viscosidad, enfoque al laplaciano infinito y su aplicación a imágenes
  • Modelització matemàtica de sistemes MIMO massius unicel·lulars. aplicació als serveis eMBB i URLLC
  • Variational and learning-based unfolding methods for optical flow estimation
  • Fonaments matemàtics de les xarxes User-Centric Cell-Free Massive MIMO
  • Àlgebres evolutives
  • Aplicación para la detección de imágenes duplicadas
  • Estudio comparativo de algoritmos de inpainting
  • Diseño e implementación de un algoritmo para el chequeo remoto de subsistemas de antena en redes UMTS
  • Estudi de les propietats matemàtiques dels sistemes Massive MIMO: canals amb esvaïments de tipus Rice espacialment correlats
  • Segmentación de fondo y objetos en vídeo utilizando movimiento entre imágenes
  • Assignació de recursos en xarxes d'àrea corporal sense fils SmartBAN