Degree in Informatics Engineering

240 credits - Higher Polytechnic School

  If you cannot find all of the information on the course that you are taking, check the old Degree in Informatics Engineering study programme.
  This degree has been given the EURO-INF seal, the international engineering accreditation granted by the EQANIE.

Entry Profile

Those interested in computer sciences should have an affinity for the sciences and technology in general.

We recommend that students wishing to study in this programme have:

  1. The ability to analyse and reflect
  2. Observation abilities
  3. The ability to work methodically and in an organized way
  4. The ability to be critical and present arguments
  5. Creative abilities
  6. Logical reasoning skills
  7. Decision-making and problem solving abilities
  8. Initiative
  9. The ability to work in a group
  10. Interest in the field of computing and a positive outlook on related professions

Adaptation Course for UIB graduates

The UIB offers a special course for graduates of the university's 3-year engineering degree in business information technology and for the 3-year engineering degree in computer systems, which allows them to obtain a bachelor's degree in computer sciences.

This course is approved by The National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain (ANECA).

Num. of places: 30

Student profile

This special course was specifically designed for graduates from the 3-year business information technology engineering degree programme and the 3-year computer systems engineering degree offered by the University of the Balearic Islands via the study plans defined by Official State Gazette (B.O.E.) numbers 27139 of 17 December 1997, and 26915 of 15 December 1997, respectively.

Students who have not completed either of these programmes can access this special course based on the requirements considered necessary by the Credit Recognition and Transfer Commission as well as the subjects that each student has taken.

If there the number of registered students exceeds the number of places available, enrolment requests will be ranked based on previous studies and entrance requirements.

Course structure

Entrance profile for business IT engineering

For students who have studied the 3-year business IT engineering degree, the following subjects must be taken in order to be awarded a bachelor's degree in computer sciences with a specialisation in computation:

Subject Credits
Physics 6
Intelligent Systems 6
Applications Distributed over the Internet and User Interfaces 6
English for Engineering 6
Compilers I 6
Compilers II 6
Data Mining 6
Bachelor's Thesis 18
Credit total


  1. Credit will not be awarded for previous Bachelor's Theses.
  2. Credit may be awarded for the subject "Physics" if the student has taken "Physics" (2717-6 credits, optional) as an optional subject during his/her previous studies.
  3. Credit may be awarded for the subject "Applications Distributed over the Internet and User Interfaces" if the student has taken "Development of User Interfaces" (2715-6 credits, optional) as an optional subject during his/her previous studies.
  4. The subject "English for engineering" must be taken if the conditions established in the UIB regulation that can be found in part 5.2.4 of the computer sciences study plan are not met.
  5. No credit will be awarded for unofficial professional, work, or university teaching experience.
  6. The decision of whether or not to award credit for courses taken as part of study programmes other than those mentioned in this profile will be made by the Credit Recognition and Transfer Commission for the UIB's computer sciences degree.
Entrance profile for computer systems engineering

For students who have studied the 3-year computer systems engineering degree, the following subjects must be taken in order to be awarded a bachelor's degree in computer sciences with a specialisation in computer engineering:

Subject Credits
Business 6
Artificial Intelligence 6
Applications Distributed over the Internet and User Interfaces 6
English for engineering 6
Advanced Architectures 6
Embedded Systems 6
Computer Systems Administration 6
Bachelor's Thesis 18
Credit total


  1. Credit will not be awarded for previous Bachelor's Theses.
  2. Credit may be awarded for the subject "Business" if the student has taken "Introduction to Business Economics" (4000-6 credits, optional) as an optional subject during his/her previous studies.
  3. Credit may be awarded for the subject "Embedded Systems" if the student has taken "Embedded Systems" (2747-12 credits, optional) as an optional subject during his/her previous studies.
  4. The subject "English for engineering" must be taken if the conditions established in the UIB regulation that can be found in part 5.2.4 of the computer sciences study plan are not met.
  5. No credit will be awarded for unofficial professional, work, or university teaching experience.
  6. The decision of whether or not to award credit for courses taken as part of study programmes other than those mentioned in this profile will be made by the Credit Recognition and Transfer Commission for the UIB's computer sciences degree.

Conditions for enrolling

Before being able to enrol, students must pay the fee required for recognising credits from their previous studies as well as the fee for credits to which they are registered. The cost of this enrolment corresponds to the public prices for official UIB teaching.

Entry information

Number of places. Academic year 2024-25: 150

Course entry methods

Admission mark calculation

The entrance mark (Information in Spanish) for courses will be calculated in accordance with the following criteria:
(1) For entry with high-school diploma or equivalent (PAU: university entrance exam) , the entrance mark is calculated (out of 14 points) with the entrance mark and the two best weighted marks from passed subjects, in accordance with the weighting parameters.
(2) For entry with a higher vocational qualification , the entrance mark is calculated (out of 14 points) with the average from the training course and the two best weighted marks from subjects passed in the PAU entrance block, in accordance with the weighting parameters.
(3) For further information, please see the full details of the weighting parameters for university admission

Weighting Parameters

(3) Weighted subjects in the voluntary stage. Academic year 2024-25:

Batxiller Course Parameter
Mathematics II 0,2
Physics 0,2
Technology and Engineering II 0,2
For more information, please see the full details about weighting criteria for university admission (Spanish)

Cut-off mark



Credit Recognition and Transfer Committee for GIN3

Bonet Alcover, Pau
Hidalgo Marín, Paula

Accreditation grid between degrees from the UIB

Table of equivalences by curriculum: Degree in Informatics Engineering - Majorca

Computer Engineering (1997 syllabus)
Computer Engineering (1997 syllabus) Degree in Informatics Engineering - Majorca
743 - Artificial Intelligence
21722 - Artificial Intelligence
744 - Simulation
21765 - Computerised Systems Modelisation
745 - Concurrent Programming
21720 - Concurrent Programming
747 - Computer Architecture I
21737 - Extended Study of Computer Architecture
750 - Computer Networks II
21758 - Advanced Networks
754 - Computer Architecture II
21764 - Functioning Guarantee in Computer Systems
1470 - Language Processors
21743 - Compilers II
2347 - Database Mangement Systems
21751 - Database Management Systems
2351 - Multimedia Systems
21755 - Multimedia Technology
Degree in Computer Engineering (2010 syllabus)
Degree in Computer Engineering (2010 syllabus) Degree in Informatics Engineering - Majorca
20300 - Discrete Mathematics
20300 - Discrete Mathematics
20301 - Mathematics II - Calculus
20301 - Mathematics II - Calculus
20302 - Programming - Computer Science I
20302 - Programming - Computer Science I
20304 - Documentation and Technical Communication
20304 - Documentation and Technical Communication
20305 - Mathematics III - Statistics
20305 - Mathematics III - Statistics
20307 - Mathematics I (Linear Algebra)
20307 - Mathematics I (Linear Algebra)
20318 - Affine and Metric Geometry
20318 - Affine and Metric Geometry
20319 - English
20395 - English for Engineering
20326 - Statistical Inference
20326 - Statistical Inference
20329 - Introduction to Optimisation
20329 - Introduction to Optimisation
21703 - Digital Systems
21703 - Digital Systems
21705 - Methods of Linear Algebra
21705 - Methods of Linear Algebra
21706 - Computer Structure I
21706 - Computer Structure I
21707 - Programming II
21707 - Programming II
21708 - Operating Systems I
21708 - Operational Systems
21709 - Physics
21777 - Physical Foundations of Computers
21710 - Theory of Computation
21710 - Theory of Computation
21712 - Software Engineering
21712 - Software Engineering
21713 - Data Communication and Networks
21713 - Data Communication and Networks
21714 - Computer Graphics
21714 - Computer Graphics
21715 - Computer Structure II
21715 - Computer Structure II
21716 - Databases I
21716 - Databases I
21718 - Operating systems II
21718 - Operating systems II
21719 - Performance Evaluation of Information Systems
21719 - Performance Evaluation of Information Systems
21720 - Concurrent Programming
21720 - Concurrent Programming
21721 - Programming Languages
21721 - Programming Languages
21722 - Artificial Intelligence
21722 - Artificial Intelligence
21723 - Project Management
21723 - Project Management
21724 - Internet Distributed Applications and User Interfaces
21724 - Internet Distributed Application and User Interfaces
21725 - Final Degree Project in Informatics Engineering
21725 - Final Degree Project in Informatics Engineering
21726 - Databases II
21726 - Databases II
21733 - Advanced Project Management
21733 - Advanced Project Management
21735 - Computer Architecture
21735 - Computer Architecture
21736 - Computer Networks
21736 - Computer Networks
21737 - Extended Study of Computer Architecture
21737 - Extended Study of Computer Architecture
21738 - Laboratory of Microcomputer-Based Systems
21738 - Systems Based on Microcomputer Laboratory
21739 - Perception and Control for Embedded Systems
21739 - Perception and Control for Embedded Systems
21740 - Computer Systems Administration
21740 - Computer Systems Administration
21741 - Advanced Architectures
21741 - Advanced Architectures
21743 - Compilers II
21743 - Compilers II
21745 - Intelligent Systems
21745 - Intelligent Systems
21746 - Data Mining
21746 - Data Mining
21747 - Advanced Algorithms
21747 - Advanced Algorithms
21748 - Security in Information Systems
21748 - Security in Information Systems
21749 - Strategic Management of Business Information Systems
21749 - Strategic Management of Business Information Systems
21751 - Database Management Systems
21751 - Database Management Systems
21753 - Management and Distribution of Business Information
21753 - Management and Distribution of Business Information
21754 - Security in Networks and Services
21754 - Security in Networks and Services
21755 - Multimedia Technology
21755 - Multimedia Technology
21757 - Management of Systems and Computer Installations
21757 - Management of Systems and Computer Installations
21758 - Advanced Networks
21758 - Advanced Networks
21759 - Technological Innovation Management
21759 - Technological Innovation Management
21761 - Governance of ICT
21761 - Governance of ICT
21763 - Human Factors in Software Engineering
21763 - Human Factors in Software Engineering
21764 - Functioning Guarantee in Computer Systems
21764 - Functioning Guarantee in Computer Systems
21765 - Computerised Systems Modelisation
21765 - Computerised Systems Modelisation
21766 - Graphical User Interfaces
21766 - Graphical User Interfaces
21768 - Marketing and ICT
21768 - Marketing and ICT
21769 - Information Systems Applied to Industry
21769 - Information Systems Applied to Industry
21771 - Distributed Operating Systems
21771 - Distributed Operating Systems
21772 - Design of Distributed Systems
21772 - Design of Distributed Systems
21773 - Placement in Companies
21773 - Placement in Companies
21774 - Placement in Companies
21774 - Placement in Companies
21760 - Introduction to Business
21776 - Computer Engineering, Business and Society
21711 - Algorithmics
21778 - Algorithmics and Data Structures I
21717 - Data Structures
21779 - Algorithms and Data Structures II
21742 - Compilers I
21780 - Compilers
21744 - Programming Projects Laboratory
21782 - Software Projects Laboratory
21728 - Requirements Engineering
21784 - Software Analysis and Architecture
21730 - Software Quality and Processes
21785 - Software Quality
21734 - Solutions Design for the Tourist Sector
21786 - SOA solutions for tourism industry
22413 - Automatic Regulation
22413 - Automatic Regulation
22419 - Computer Control
22419 - Computer Control
22424 - Robotics
22424 - Robotics
22437 - Industrial Vision
22437 - Industrial Vision
22438 - Perception Systems
22438 - Perception Systems
22439 - Extended Study of Robotics
22439 - Extended Study of Robotics
22449 - Embedded Systems
22449 - Embedded Systems
Degree in Informatics Engineering (2014 syllabus)
Degree in Informatics Engineering (2014 syllabus) Degree in Informatics Engineering - Majorca
21743 - Compilers II
21743 - Compilers II
20300 - Discrete Mathematics
20300 - Discrete Mathematics
20301 - Mathematics II - Calculus
20301 - Mathematics II - Calculus
20302 - Programming - Computer Science I
20302 - Programming - Computer Science I
20304 - Documentation and Technical Communication
20304 - Documentation and Technical Communication
20305 - Mathematics III - Statistics
20305 - Mathematics III - Statistics
20307 - Mathematics I (Linear Algebra)
20307 - Mathematics I (Linear Algebra)
20318 - Affine and Metric Geometry
20318 - Affine and Metric Geometry
20326 - Statistical Inference
20326 - Statistical Inference
20329 - Introduction to Optimisation
20329 - Introduction to Optimisation
20395 - English for Engineering
20395 - English for Engineering
21703 - Digital Systems
21703 - Digital Systems
21705 - Methods of Linear Algebra
21705 - Methods of Linear Algebra
21706 - Computer Structure I
21706 - Computer Structure I
21707 - Programming II
21707 - Programming II
21708 - Operating Systems I
21708 - Operational Systems
21710 - Theory of Computation
21710 - Theory of Computation
21712 - Software Engineering
21712 - Software Engineering
21713 - Data Communication and Networks
21713 - Data Communication and Networks
21714 - Computer Graphics
21714 - Computer Graphics
21715 - Computer Structure II
21715 - Computer Structure II
21716 - Databases I
21716 - Databases I
21718 - Operating systems II
21718 - Operating systems II
21719 - Performance Evaluation of Information Systems
21719 - Performance Evaluation of Information Systems
21720 - Concurrent Programming
21720 - Concurrent Programming
21721 - Programming Languages
21721 - Programming Languages
21722 - Artificial Intelligence
21722 - Artificial Intelligence
21723 - Project Management
21723 - Project Management
21724 - Internet Distributed Applications and User Interfaces
21724 - Internet Distributed Application and User Interfaces
21725 - Final Degree Project in Informatics Engineering
21725 - Final Degree Project in Informatics Engineering
21726 - Databases II
21726 - Databases II
21733 - Advanced Project Management
21733 - Advanced Project Management
21735 - Computer Architecture
21735 - Computer Architecture
21737 - Extended Study of Computer Architecture
21737 - Extended Study of Computer Architecture
21738 - Laboratory of Microcomputer-Based Systems
21738 - Systems Based on Microcomputer Laboratory
21739 - Perception and Control for Embedded Systems
21739 - Perception and Control for Embedded Systems
21740 - Computer Systems Administration
21740 - Computer Systems Administration
21741 - Advanced Architectures
21741 - Advanced Architectures
21745 - Intelligent Systems
21745 - Intelligent Systems
21746 - Data Mining
21746 - Data Mining
21747 - Advanced Algorithms
21747 - Advanced Algorithms
21749 - Strategic Management of Business Information Systems
21749 - Strategic Management of Business Information Systems
21751 - Database Management Systems
21751 - Database Management Systems
21753 - Management and Distribution of Business Information
21753 - Management and Distribution of Business Information
21754 - Security in Networks and Services
21754 - Security in Networks and Services
21755 - Multimedia Technology
21755 - Multimedia Technology
21757 - Management of Systems and Computer Installations
21757 - Management of Systems and Computer Installations
21758 - Advanced Networks
21758 - Advanced Networks
21759 - Technological Innovation Management
21759 - Technological Innovation Management
21761 - Governance of ICT
21761 - Governance of ICT
21763 - Human Factors in Software Engineering
21763 - Human Factors in Software Engineering
21764 - Functioning Guarantee in Computer Systems
21764 - Functioning Guarantee in Computer Systems
21765 - Computerised Systems Modelisation
21765 - Computerised Systems Modelisation
21766 - Graphical User Interfaces
21766 - Graphical User Interfaces
21768 - Marketing and ICT
21768 - Marketing and ICT
21769 - Information Systems Applied to Industry
21769 - Information Systems Applied to Industry
21771 - Distributed Operating Systems
21771 - Distributed Operating Systems
21772 - Design of Distributed Systems
21772 - Design of Distributed Systems
21773 - Placement in Companies
21787 - Practical Placements on the Degree in Informatics Engineering I
21774 - Placement in Companies
21788 - Practical Placements on the Degree in Informatics Engineering II
22413 - Automatic Regulation
21781 - Machine learning
22424 - Robotics
22424 - Robotics
22437 - Industrial Vision
22437 - Industrial Vision
22438 - Perception Systems
22438 - Perception Systems
22439 - Extended Study of Robotics
22439 - Extended Study of Robotics
22449 - Embedded Systems
22449 - Embedded Systems
21760 - Introduction to Business
21776 - Computer Engineering, Business and Society
21709 - Physics
21777 - Physical Foundations of Computers
21711 - Algorithmics
21778 - Algorithmics and Data Structures I
21717 - Data Structures
21779 - Algorithms and Data Structures II
21742 - Compilers I
21780 - Compilers
21744 - Programming Projects Laboratory
21782 - Software Projects Laboratory
21730 - Software Quality and Processes
21785 - Software Quality
21734 - Solutions Design for the Tourist Sector
21786 - SOA solutions for tourism industry
21728 - Requirements Engineering
21784 - Software Analysis and Architecture
22419 - Computer Control
22419 - Computer Control
21736 - Computer Networks
21736 - Computer Networks
21748 - Security in Information Systems
21748 - Security in Information Systems
22413 - Automatic Regulation
22413 - Automatic Regulation
Technical Engineering in Business Computing
Technical Engineering in Business Computing Degree in Informatics Engineering - Majorca
1670 - Computer Graphics I
21714 - Computer Graphics
2710 - Extended Study of Computer Networks
21736 - Computer Networks
2715 - Development of User Interfaces
21766 - Graphical User Interfaces
2718 - Introduction to Computers
21706 - Computer Structure I
2719 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
21722 - Artificial Intelligence
2721 - Programming languages.
21721 - Programming Languages
2723 - Discrete Mathematics
20300 - Discrete Mathematics
2726 - Advanced Programming Techniques
21747 - Advanced Algorithms
2727 - Project Management Techniques and Tools
21723 - Project Management
2729 - Computer Networks
21713 - Data Communication and Networks
4501 - Digital Circuits
21703 - Digital Systems
4503 - Algebra
21705 - Methods of Linear Algebra
4504 - Mathematical Analysis I
20301 - Mathematics II - Calculus
4505 - Introduction to Programming
  • 20302 - Programming - Computer Science I
  • 21707 - Programming II
4509 - Databases
  • 21716 - Databases I
  • 21726 - Databases II
4512 - Operating Systems
21708 - Operational Systems
4513 - Automats and Formal Languages
21710 - Theory of Computation
4520 - Extended Study of Operating Systems
21718 - Operating systems II
4546 - Assessment and Exploitation of Computer Systems
21719 - Performance Evaluation of Information Systems
2712 - Computer Architecture
21735 - Computer Architecture
2716 - Software Engineering I
21712 - Software Engineering
4507 - Statistics
20305 - Mathematics III - Statistics
Technical Engineering in Computer Systems (1997 syllabus)
Technical Engineering in Computer Systems (1997 syllabus) Degree in Informatics Engineering - Majorca
1670 - Computer Graphics I
21714 - Computer Graphics
2710 - Extended Study of Computer Networks
21736 - Computer Networks
2718 - Introduction to Computers
21706 - Computer Structure I
2721 - Programming languages.
21721 - Programming Languages
2723 - Discrete Mathematics
20300 - Discrete Mathematics
2726 - Advanced Programming Techniques
21747 - Advanced Algorithms
2727 - Project Management Techniques and Tools
21723 - Project Management
2729 - Computer Networks
21713 - Data Communication and Networks
2743 - Digital Systems
21715 - Computer Structure II
2747 - Embedded Systems
  • 21739 - Perception and Control for Embedded Systems
  • 22449 - Embedded Systems
4501 - Digital Circuits
21703 - Digital Systems
4503 - Algebra
21705 - Methods of Linear Algebra
4504 - Mathematical Analysis I
20301 - Mathematics II - Calculus
4505 - Introduction to Programming
  • 20302 - Programming - Computer Science I
  • 21707 - Programming II
4509 - Databases
  • 21716 - Databases I
  • 21726 - Databases II
4512 - Operating Systems
21708 - Operational Systems
4513 - Automats and Formal Languages
21710 - Theory of Computation
4520 - Extended Study of Operating Systems
21718 - Operating systems II
4546 - Assessment and Exploitation of Computer Systems
21719 - Performance Evaluation of Information Systems
4547 - Systems Laboratory
21738 - Systems Based on Microcomputer Laboratory
2483 - Computer Structure
21735 - Computer Architecture
3022 - Software Engineering
21712 - Software Engineering
2740 - Statistics
20305 - Mathematics III - Statistics

Automatic accreditation between higher technical programmes and university courses

Automatic accreditation of credits between courses on higher degree training cycles from the professional groups in the Balearic Islands and university degree courses in Degree in Informatics Engineering
CFGS Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
Subject Credits
20302 - Programming - Computer Science I 6
21722 - Artificial Intelligence 6
21745 - Intelligent Systems 6
21746 - Data Mining 6
21781 - Machine learning 6
Total 30
CFGS Cybersecurity in Information Technology Environments
Subject Credits
21748 - Security in Information Systems 6
21754 - Security in Networks and Services 6
Total 12
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Electronic Maintenance
Subject Credits
21703 - Digital Systems 6
21776 - Computer Engineering, Business and Society 6
21777 - Physical Foundations of Computers 6
21787 - Practical Placements on the Degree in Informatics Engineering I 6
Recognition of fourth-year elective credits 6
Total 30
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Electrotechnical and Automated Systems
Subject Credits
21776 - Computer Engineering, Business and Society 6
21777 - Physical Foundations of Computers 6
21787 - Practical Placements on the Degree in Informatics Engineering I 6
Recognition of fourth-year elective credits 12
Total 30
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Industrial Automation and Robotics
Subject Credits
21773 - Placement in Companies 6
21776 - Computer Engineering, Business and Society 6
21777 - Physical Foundations of Computers 6
Recognition of fourth-year elective credits 12
Total 30
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Multi-platform Application Development
Subject Credits
20302 - Programming - Computer Science I 6
21716 - Databases I 6
21724 - Internet Distributed Application and User Interfaces 6
21726 - Databases II 6
21755 - Multimedia Technology 6
21776 - Computer Engineering, Business and Society 6
21787 - Practical Placements on the Degree in Informatics Engineering I 6
Recognition of fourth-year elective credits 6
Total 48
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Network Computer Systems Administration
Subject Credits
21713 - Data Communication and Networks 6
21716 - Databases I 6
21755 - Multimedia Technology 6
21787 - Practical Placements on the Degree in Informatics Engineering I 6
Recognition of fourth-year elective credits 6
21776 - Computer Engineering, Business and Society 6
Total 36
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Telecommunications and IT Systems
Subject Credits
21713 - Data Communication and Networks 6
21733 - Advanced Project Management 6
21776 - Computer Engineering, Business and Society 6
Recognition of fourth-year elective credits 12
Total 30
CFGS Higher VET Diploma in Web Application Development
Subject Credits
20302 - Programming - Computer Science I 6
21716 - Databases I 6
21724 - Internet Distributed Application and User Interfaces 6
21726 - Databases II 6
21755 - Multimedia Technology 6
21776 - Computer Engineering, Business and Society 6
21787 - Practical Placements on the Degree in Informatics Engineering I 6
Recognition of fourth-year elective credits 6
Total 48
CFGS Video Game and Virtual Reality Development
Subject Credits
20302 - Programming - Computer Science I 6
21714 - Computer Graphics 6
Total 12

Accreditation of English Skills

In order to be awarded the degree, students must show that they have reached a level of English by the end of their course that equates to a B2 level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), in accordance with how this requirement is stipulated in the curriculum. The different ways to attain this are:

  1. passing the specific English language course in the curriculum.
  2. turning in a certificate or accreditation, recognised by the UIB, which shows the student has obtained a minimum level of English equivalent to B2 in the CEFR.
  3. passing a set number of subjects taught in English in the degree programme.
  4. passing a set number of subjects taught in English on a mobility programme.

More information.

Academic Accreditation Committee