Degree in Spanish Language and Literature

240 credits - Faculty of Philosophy and Arts

Implementation year of this curriculum version

The main aim of the Degree in Spanish Language and Literature is to train professionals with a wide knowledge of Spanish language and literature who are able to continue their learning independently and adapt to constantly changing professional and social settings.

The teaching in this degree programme is designed to provide students with an excellent fundamental mastery of Spanish, as well as the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge to describe Spanish in its different variants and for critical study, commentary and analysis of Spanish literature. In turn, students will attain the ability to understand, speak and write in English.

Credit Summary

Core Training Mandatory Elective Subjects External Practicum Final Degree Project Total
  60   144   30   -   6 240

Subject list by year and semester


First Year

First Semester

Visual Culture: Themes and Symbols in the History of Art*
The Idea of Europe throughout History*
Oral and Written Expression Techniques*
Introduction to Literary Studies*

Second Semester

Philosophy in the Current World*
Comprehension and Interpretation of
Academic Texts in English*
Introduction to Latin*
Introduction to the Study of the Spanish Language*
Critical Study of Spanish Literature*

Second Year

First Semester

Evolution of Latin and Romance Languages
18th-Century Spanish Literature
Golden Age Spanish Literature: Poetry
Description and Analysis of Spanish: Lexical Study
Description and Analysis of Spanish: Syntax I

Second Semester

19th-Century Spanish Literature
Golden Age Spanish Literature: Prose
Description and Analysis of Spanish: Phonetics and Phonology
Description and Analysis of Spanish: Syntax II
Second Foreign Language and Literature I (German) (1)
Second Foreign Language and Literature I (French) (1)
Second Foreign Language and Literature I (Portuguese) (1)

Third Year

First Semester

Golden Age Spanish Literature: Theatre
Mediaeval Spanish Literature I
Social Variation in Spanish
Second Foreign Language and Literature II (German) (1)
Second Foreign Language and Literature II (French) (1)
Second Foreign Language and Literature II (Portuguese) (1)
Elective 1

Second Semester

Contemporary Spanish Literature: Turn of the Century
Introduction to Latin American Literature
Description and Analysis of Spanish: Study of Meaning
History of the Spanish Language I
Elective 2

Fourth Year

First Semester

Contemporary Spanish Literature: 19th Century and
Avant Garde
Mediaeval Spanish Literature II
Geographical Variation in Spanish
Elective 3
Elective 4


* Core Training

Second Semester

Contemporary Spanish Literature: from the Civil War to
History of the Spanish Language II
Description and Analysis of Spanish: Text Linguistics
Final Degree Project
Elective 5


General Skills

  • Interpersonal
    1. The ability to maintain interpersonal communication with specialists in the area, as well as non-experts.

    2. The ability to learn from the work of others.

    3. The ability to maintain a professional ethical attitude and commitment within the framework of social responsibility and respect.

  • Academic
    1. Analysis and synthesis.

    2. The ability to locate, use and summarise information.

    3. The ability to self-manage study time.

    4. The ability to apply knowledge in practice.

    5. The ability to be original in developing and applying ideas based on acquired knowledge.

    6. The ability to expand and update knowledge independently.

    7. The ability to generate new ideas and be creative.

  • Professional
    1. The ability to transmit knowledge, clearly communicate conclusions, both orally and in writing, to all types of audiences at different levels of specialisation.

    2. The ability to identify problems and research topic, and assess their importance for the field of study.

    3. The ability to adapt to different professional contexts.

Specific Skills

  • Interpersonal
    1. The ability to acquire strategies for collaborative work developing attitudes that respect multiple perspectives and contrasting opinions.

    2. The ability to appreciate, accept and integrate the linguistic and cultural diversity in the Hispanic world.

  • Academic
    1. Knowledge of the structure of Spanish language in different analytical areas: phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicon, semantics, pragmatics and discourse.

    2. Knowledge of the main phenomena of Spanish linguistic variation (social, geographic and historical variants).

    3. Knowledge of the history and development of the Spanish language and identification of the main periods in its evolutions and the fundamental linguistic features of each of these periods.

    4. Knowledge of Spanish literature.

    5. Knowledge of the internal and external historical evolution of Spanish and Latin American literature, as well as the acquisition of skills to analyse it and comment on it from an historical and comparative perspective.

    6. Knowledge of textual criticism and editing texts in Spanish.

    7. Knowledge and proper use of the specific inherent terminology for literary and linguistic studies.

    8. Knowledge and comprehension of different currents of thought in linguistics, and in literary theory and criticism.

    9. Knowledge of the different methods and techniques for analysing linguistic and literary texts, and their application in the Hispanic context.

    10. Knowledge of Latin and the main aspects to its evolution for Romance languages.

    11. Fundamental knowledge of English in academic contexts.

    12. Knowledge of the grammar and communication skills in other languages studied.

    13. Knowledge of the literary currents in other languages studied.

    14. Knowledge of the cultural and artistic context linked to the linguistic and literary study of Spanish.

  • Professional
    1. The ability to suitably produce different types of texts.

    2. The ability to analyse and critically assess different types of texts and discourses by using the appropriate analytical techniques.

    3. The ability to critically evaluate the style of a text and to formulate alternative proposals.

    4. The ability to locate, use and critically assess bibliography related to Spanish language and literature, and to frame it within a theoretical perspective.

    5. The ability to use and benefit from databases, computer resources and online sources to study Spanish language and literature.

    6. The ability to identify problems linked to the knowledge acquired and possible areas of study for Spanish language and literature.

    7. The ability to undertake advisory, proofing and linguistic planning duties with regard to Spanish language use.

    8. The ability to design, organise and assess teaching and learning contexts in Spanish as a foreign language, bearing in mind the linguistic and cultural diversity that characterises the Hispanic world.