Master's Degree in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling

Academic year 2024-25

You can also consult this information for the academic year 2023-24.

The Master's in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling is an interuniversity programme whose participating institutions are: the Autónoma University of Madrid; the University of Barcelona; the University of Cantabria; the University of Extremadura; the University of Murcia; the University of Oviedo; the University of Salamanca; the University of Santiago de Compostela; the University of Valladolid; the University of Vigo; the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea; the Jaume I University of Castellón; the University of the Balearic Islands and the University of Valencia (Estudi General).

Moreover, the programme is taught with the support of an Erasmus Mundus project for master’s degree studies in which over 40 universities, institutions, computer centres and companies are involved.

Addition information is available at this link.

In order to be awarded their qualification, students must pass 120 ECTS credits as follows:

First Year

35 ECTS credits in mandatory subjects.

25 ECTS credits in elective subjects, which must be freely chosen from the programme’s electives.

Teaching on the master’s programme rotates and is provided by one of the Spanish universities in the consortium.

Second Year

12 ECTS credits in mandatory subjects.

18 ECTS credits in elective subjects, which must be freely chosen from the programme’s electives.

30 ECTS in the Master’s Thesis.

Teaching in the second year of the master’s programme is provided by one of the following universities:

the Autónoma University of Madrid; the University of Valencia; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven-Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium); Rijksuniversiteit Groningen-University of Groningen (Netherlands); University of Oporto (Portugal); the University of Perugia (Italy) or the Paul Sabatier University - Toulouse III (France).

Complementary Education and Training

The master’s management team may require applicants to take supplementary education and training for admission to the programme. In such instances, this training may comprise subjects from the degree programmes in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and/or Computer Engineering offered by the UIB.

Subjects with no link are not offered in this edition