Degree in Telematics Engineering (2010)
240 credits - Higher Polytechnic School
The Degree in Telematics Engineering leads to the obtaining of a certification to work as a professional Technical Telecommunications Engineer, as set out in Order CIN/352/2009.
Telematics can be defined as the set of technologies, services and applications that are also the foundations of IT and telecommunications. Some examples of how telematics is further moving into our daily activity and generating a large demand for professionals in the field are: internet, Wi-Fi networks, video-conferences, chats, mobile communications, interactive digital television, e-banking, etc.
Telematics Engineering covers the area of ITC (information and communication technologies). In layman's terms, we could say that telematics engineers have sufficient computer and telecommunications knowledge to design, develop and maintain telematics systems, applications and services. Although it is not possible to provide an exhaustive list of areas, telematics engineers master the design of data transmission networks, packet transmission network technologies, communication protocols, internet, telephone switching and signalling, the architecture and operating systems of telematics services, web servers and data protection services on communication networks.
Graphical Representaion of the Subjects in the Curriculum
Credit Summary
Core Training | Mandatory | Elective Subjects | External Practicum | Final Degree Project | Total |
60 | 144 | 18 | - | 18 | 240 |
Subject list by year and semester
First Year
First Semester
Mathematics II -Calculus I*
Linear Algebra and Discrete Mathematics*
Programming – Computer Studies I*
Introduction to Telematics
Second Semester
Calculus II*
Foundations of Physics*
Introduction to Electronics*
Computers and Operating Systems*
Foundations of Telecommunications Networks
Second Year
First Semester
Signals and Systems*
Probability and Random Processes*
Advanced Programming
Digital Electronics
Local Area Networks and Intranets
Second Semester
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
Propagation, Transmitters and Receivers
Network Architecture and Interconnection
Foundations and Applications of Digital Signal Processing
Operator Networks
Third Year
First Semester
Software Engineering and Databases
Electronic Systems
Data Transmission
Network Modelling
Network Application Architectures
Second Semester
Network Management
Telecommunication Installations I
Multimedia Networks
Telematic Applications Development
Security in Telematic Networks
Fourth Year
First Semester
Laboratory of Telecommunication Networks and Projects
Laboratory of Telematic Networks, Applications and Services
Second Semester
Final Degree Project
* Core Training
First Semester
Advanced Network Security
Privacy and Digital ID Management
Second Semester
Software Security
Network Design and Deployment
First Semester
Wired Networks
Wireless Networks
Second Semester
Radio Link Networks
Internet of Things (IoT)
General skills
- CG1 Critical reasoning: ability to analyse and assess different alternatives.
- CG2 Problem solving: ability to find optimal solutions for complex problems and projects.
- CG3 Creativity, innovation and a future outlook: ability to create and innovate products and services.
- CG4 Ability to adapt to the rapid development of ICT and markets.
- CG5 Writing skills: ability to write projects and technical documentation.
- CG6 Oral skills: clarity and fluency in presenting results, products and services to both specialized and non-specialized audiences.
- CG7 Knowledge of software and IT support tools to create and present documentation.
- CG8 Knowledge of English: ability to understand, speak and write in English at an intermediate level.
- CG9 Ability to work in multidisciplinary and multilingual teams.
- CG10 Leadership skills.
- CG11 Ability to manage resources and projects.
- CG12 Ability to continue studying autonomously throughout life (continuous training).
- CG13 Ability to analyse the social, environmental, ethical, economic and commercial dimensions of an engineer's work.
- CG14 Ability to analyse and assess the impact of technological solutions on health, safety and hazards at work.
- CG15 Ability to ensure that technical solutions do not discriminate on the basis of gender or disability.
Basic skills
- CB1 Having and understanding knowledge in a field of study which is in the basis of general secondary education, and is usually found at a level that, while supported by advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the forefront of their field of study.
- CB2 Applying knowledge to their work or vocation professionally, making and defending arguments, and solving problems within their field of study.
- CB3 Gathering and interpreting relevant data (usually within their area of study) to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
- CB4 Presenting information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences.
- CB5 Developing the necessary learning skills to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
Basic skills of engineering
- The ability to solve mathematical problems that may arise in engineering.
- An aptitude for applying knowledge on: linear algebra; geometry; differential geometry; differential and integral calculus; differential equations and partial derivatives; numerical methods; numerical algorithms, and statistics and optimisation.
- Basic knowledge on the use and programming of computers, operating systems, databases and computer programs with engineering applications.
- Understanding and mastery of basic concepts of the general laws of motion, thermodynamics, fields and waves, and electromagnetism, and their application to solve inherent engineering problems.
- Understanding and mastery of the basic concepts of linear systems and their related functions and transforms, the theory of electric circuits, electronic circuits, the physical principle of semiconductors and logic families, electronic and photonic devices, materials technology and their application to solve inherent engineering problems.
- Appropriate knowledge on corporate concepts, and corporate institutional and legal frameworks. Business organisation and management.
Cross-cutting Skills
- The ability to construct, operate and manage telecommunications networks, services, processes and applications, understood as capture, transport, representation, processing, storage, management and presentation systems for multimedia information, from the standpoint of telematic services.
- The ability to apply techniques based on telematic networks, services and applications, such as management, signalling and switching, routing, security (cryptology protocols, tunnelling, firewalls, payment mechanisms, authentication and content protection), traffic engineering (graph theory, queueing theory and teletraffic), service pricing, reliability and quality systems, in fixed-line and mobile, personal, local and long distance environments, with different bandwidths, including telephony and data.
- The ability to construct, operate and manage telematic services using planning analysis tools, dimensioning and analysis.
- The ability to describe, program, validate and optimise communication protocols and interfaces at different levels of network architecture.
- The ability to follow the technological progress of transmission, switching and processing to improve telematic networks and services.
- The ability to design network architectures and telematic services.
- The ability to program telematic services and applications in networking and distributed networking.
Common Telecommunications Skills
- The ability to acquire new knowledge and suitable techniques independently to design, develop or operate telecommunications systems and services.
- The ability to use information and communication applications (office automation, databases, advanced spreadsheets, project management, visualisation, etc.) to provide support to telecommunications and electronic network, service and application development and operation.
- The ability to use IT tools to research bibliographic or information resources linked to telecommunications and electronics.
- The ability to analyse and specify the fundamental parameters of a communication system.
- The ability to assess the advantages and disadvantages of different technology alternatives for rolling out and implementing communication systems, from the standpoint of signal space, interference and noise, and analogue and digital modulation systems.
- The ability to design, roll out, organise and manage telecommunications networks, systems, services and infrastructures in residential (home, city and digital communities), business or institutional contexts, taking charge of commissioning and continuous improvement, as well as being aware of their economic and social impact.
- Knowing and using programming fundaments for telecommunications networks, systems and services.
- The ability to understand electromagnetic and sound wave propagation and transmission, and their corresponding emitters and receivers. The ability to analyse and design combinational and sequential, synchronous and asynchronous circuits, and using microprocessors and integrated circuits.
- Knowing and applying hardware description languages.
- The ability to use different energy sources, especially solar and thermal, as well as the fundaments of electrical and electronic power engineering.
- Knowing and using the concepts of network architecture, protocols and communication interfaces.
- The ability to distinguish the concepts of access and transport networks, circuit and packet switching networks, wired and mobile networks, as well as the systems and applications of distributed networking, voice services, data, audio, video, and interactive and multimedia services.
- Knowing network and routing interconnection methods, as well as the fundaments of planning and dimensioning networks based on traffic parameters.
- Knowledge of standards and regulations on telecommunications nationally, in Europe and internationally.
Specific Telematics Skills
- The ability to construct, operate and manage telecommunications networks, services, processes and applications, understood as capture, transport, representation, processing, storage, management and presentation systems for multimedia information, from the standpoint of telematic services.
- The ability to apply techniques based on telematic networks, services and applications, such as management, signalling and switching, routing, security (cryptology protocols, tunnelling, firewalls, payment mechanisms, authentication and content protection), traffic engineering (graph theory, queueing theory and teletraffic), service pricing, reliability and quality systems, in fixed-line and mobile, personal, local and long distance environments, with different bandwidths, including telephony and data.
- The ability to construct, operate and manage telematic services using planning analysis tools, dimensioning and analysis.
- The ability to describe, program, validate and optimise communication protocols and interfaces at different levels of network architecture.
- The ability to follow the technological progress of transmission, switching and processing to improve telematic networks and services.
- The ability to design network architectures and telematic services.
- The ability to program telematic services and applications in networking and distributed networking.
Skills regarding the Final Degree Project
- An original project to be done individually, and presented and defended before a university panel, comprising a project in the field of specific professional Telecommunications Engineering technologies, where the skills acquired throughout the course are integrated and summarised.