Double degree in Mathematics and Telematics Engineering

366 credits - Higher Polytechnic School

  This study programme has been modified. You can refer to the new study programme.

22376. Final Degree Project in Telematics Engineering (2024-25)

Credits 18 ECTS.
Type Final Degree Project
Status Curriculum being terminated and subject available in this curriculum, centre and island.


  • To register for subject 22376,you need to be enrolled on 100% of the credits for basic training subjects and mandatory subjects in the same academic year or have passed them
  • You need to have passed all credits from basic training subjects

Recommended bibliography available in the UIB library collection

There are no recommended books in the university library collection ( more information here (catalan) ).
To view the complete bibliography, please see the corresponding section within the subject course guide.

Information regarding course groups

Period: Yearlong

Syllabi from previous years

Academic year groups 2023-24

Period: Yearlong

Academic year groups 2022-23

Period: Yearlong

Academic year groups 2021-22

Period: Yearlong

Academic year groups 2020-21

Period: Yearlong

Academic year groups 2019-20

Period: 2nd semester

End-of-degree project

  • Advances in computational neuroscience: short term plasticity
  • Modelitzaciķ matemātica de sistemes MIMO massius unicelˇlulars. aplicaciķ als serveis eMBB i URLLC
  • Transmisiķn conjunta unicast y multigrupo multicast en sistemas MIMO masivos
  • Variational and learning-based unfolding methods for optical flow estimation
  • Fonaments matemātics de les xarxes User-Centric Cell-Free Massive MIMO
  • Ālgebres evolutives
  • Uso de la estadística para la enseņanza de las matemáticas en tiempos de COVID-19
  • Aplicaciķn para la detecciķn de imágenes duplicadas
  • Estudio comparativo de algoritmos de inpainting
  • Diseņo e implementaciķn de un algoritmo para el chequeo remoto de subsistemas de antena en redes UMTS
  • Estudi de les propietats matemātiques dels sistemes Massive MIMO: canals amb esvaīments de tipus Rice espacialment correlats
  • Segmentaciķn de fondo y objetos en vídeo utilizando movimiento entre imágenes
  • Assignaciķ de recursos en xarxes d'ārea corporal sense fils SmartBAN