Degree in Automation and Industrial Electronic Engineering
240 credits - Higher Polytechnic School
The Degree in Industrial and Automatic Electronic Engineering certifies students to work in the regulated profession of Technical Industrial Engineer. This programme is regulated by ministerial order CIN/351/2009 of 9th February 2009 (BOE 20th February 2009).
This programme falls within the framework of degrees related to Industrial Engineering. Industrial Engineering covers all necessary technologies, services and applications in industrial settings. A wide variety of fields that give rise to different degree certifications are part of industrial technologies such as: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Chemical Engineering, Textile Engineering and this programme in Industrial and Automatic Electronic Engineering.
This degree programme will train students in the analysis, planning, design, optimisation and control of goods and services production, taking into account economic, technological and social aspects. The degree is focussed on the specific technology in industrial and automatic electronics, meaning it covers a variety of applied technology fields. In this sense, it includes topics on electricity, industrial electronics, system control, automation of industrial processes, electric engines and their control, energy, IT, designing industrial plants, etc. Students will learn to design, specify and analyse systems using their wide, general knowledge and methods in mathematics, physics, social sciences...
Degree adaptation course for Industrial and Automatic Electronic Engineering
Credit Summary
Core Training | Mandatory | Elective Subjects | External Practicum | Final Degree Project | Total |
60 | 144 | 24 | - | 12 | 240 |
Subject list by year and semester
First Year
First Semester
Mathematics II – Calculus*
Programming - Computer Studies I*
General Physics*
Graphic Expression and Computer-aided Design*
Second Semester
Mathematics for Engineering*
Theory of Circuits
Electromagnetism and Waves*
Mathematics III – Statistics*
Second Year
First Semester
Digital Electronics
Materials Engineering
Electronic Components and Systems
Hydraulic Machines
Mechanical Systems
Second Semester
Introduction to Industrial Information Science*
Occupational Risk Prevention
Environmental Engineering
Thermal Energy Engineering
Automatic Regulation
Analogue Electronics
Third Year
First Semester
Electronics Technology
Industrial Information Science
Power Electronics
Industrial Communication Networks
Second Semester
Industrial Automation
Computer Control
Electric Machines
Electronic Instrumentation
Fourth Year
First Semester
Industrial Projects
Digital Electronic Systems
Extended Study of Industrial Automation
Organisation of Industrial Output
Second Semester
Final Degree Project
* Core Training
General Skills
- Core Skills
The ability to analyse and summarise.
The ability to write reports and documents.
The ability to give oral presentations in public on knowledge, ideas and reports.
English language skills.
The ability to search, link and structure information from different sources, and integrate ideas and knowledge.
- Interpersonal Skills
The ability to question one's own or others' ideas.
The ability for teamwork, especially when this is multilingual and multi-disciplinary.
The ability to organise, plan, coordinate and manage activities.
The ability to work with an ethical approach to environmental and social aspects (gender equality, diversity and multiculturalism).
- Systematic Skills
The ability to solve problems by putting knowledge into practice.
The ability to learn and adapt to new situations.
The ability to find new solutions and take decisions.
The ability to work independently.
The ability to apply quality principles and methods.
Specific Skills
- Core Training
The ability to solve mathematical problems that may arise in engineering. An aptitude for applying knowledge on: linear algebra; differential geometry; differential and integral calculus; differential equations and partial derivatives; numerical methods; numerical algorithms, and statistics and optimisation.
Understanding and mastery of basic concepts of the general laws of motion, thermodynamics, fields and waves, and electromagnetism, and their application to solve inherent engineering problems.
Basic knowledge on the use and programming of computers, operating systems, databases and computer programs with engineering applications.
The ability to understand and apply core knowledge in general chemistry, organic and inorganic chemistry, and their engineering applications.
The ability for spatial vision and knowledge of graphic representation techniques, both for traditional metric and descriptive geometry methods, and for CAD applications.
Sufficient knowledge on corporate concepts, and corporate institutional and legal frameworks. Business organisation and management.
- Common Industrial Branch
Knowledge in applied thermodynamics and heat transference - their basic principles and applications for solving engineering problems.
Knowledge of the basic principles of fluid mechanics and their application to solving problems in the field of engineering. Calculating fluid pipelines, channels and systems.
Knowledge of the foundations of materials science, technology and chemistry. Understanding the link between microstructure, synthesis or processing, and the properties of materials. Knowledge and use of the principles of circuit and electrical machinery theory.
Knowledge in the fundaments of electronics.
Knowledge in the fundaments of automatism and control methods.
Knowledge of the principles behind the theory of machines and automatism.
Knowledge and use of the resistance principle of materials.
Core knowledge of production and manufacturing systems.
Core and applied knowledge of environmental and sustainability technologies.
Applied knowledge of business organisation.
Knowledge and abilities to organise and manage projects.
Knowing the organisational structure and functions of a project office.
- Specific Industrial Electronics Technology
Applied electrical engineering knowledge.
Knowledge of the fundaments and applications of analogue electronics.
Knowledge of the fundaments and applications of digital electronics and microprocessors.
Applied power electronics knowledge.
Applied electronic instrumentation knowledge.
The ability to design analogue, digital and power electronic systems.
The knowledge and ability to model and simulate systems.
Knowledge in automatic regulation, and control and application techniques for industrial automation.
Knowledge of the principles and applications of robotic systems.
Applied industrial computing and communications knowledge.
The ability to design industrial control and automation systems.
- Final Degree Project Module Skill
The ability to produce, present and defend before a university panel a piece of work comprising a professional project in the Industrial Engineering field, in the Industrial Electronics speciality, which summarises and integrates the skills acquired on the degree programme.