Degree in Biology
240 credits - Faculty of Science
Biology is the multi-angled science of the processes linked to life. Biology today comprises a wide variety of disciplines that are closely intertwined with other social areas such as medicine, biotechnology, agriculture, and the environment. Furthermore, biology as a science is undergoing exponential growth, both in social prominence and in the areas it covers.
The basic goal of this programme is to provide suitable up-to-date knowledge in the field of biology and the tools necessary to use this knowledge. Since this is an experiment-based degree, there are many practical courses. In this way, students in the programme will be able to work on: studying, identifying, analysing, and classifying living organisms and biological agents; researching, developing, and controlling biotechnology processes; the production, transformation, handling, preservation, and quality control of materials with biological origins; studying the biological effects of products of any nature; genetic studies and their applications; ecological studies; assessing environmental impact; planning, managing, using, and preserving natural resources both on land and in the sea; and providing teaching as well as scientific and technical advice on biological issues; etc.
Credit Summary
Core Training | Mandatory | Elective Subjects | External Practicum | Final Degree Project | Total |
60 | 144 | 30 | - | 6 | 240 |
Subject list by year and semester
First Year
First Semester
Mathematics I*
Basic Laboratory Operations*
Second Semester
Mathematics II*
Cytology and Histology*
Basic Field Operations*
Second Year
First Semester
Organic Chemistry for Life Sciences
Molecular Biology and Metabolic Control
Integrated Practices in Molecular and Cell Biology
Second Semester
Botany I
Zoology I
Advanced Microbiology
Integrated Practices in Microbiology and Genetics
Third Year
First Semester
Animal Physiology
Plant Physiology
Zoology II
Resources for Biodiversity Assessment (annual)
Integrated Practices in Physiology and Cell Biology (annual)
Second Semester
Botany II: Vascular Plants
Extended Study of Physiology: Human Physiology
Plant Ecophysiology
Populations and the Physical Environment
Resources for Biodiversity Assessment (annual)
Integrated Practices in Physiology and Cell Biology (annual)
Fourth Year
First Semester
Communities and Ecosystems
Production and Performance of Projects
Physiology and Genetics of Plant-Micro-organism Interactions
Integrated Practices in Ecology
Final Degree Project
* Core Training
Second Semester
Elective 1
Elective 2
Elective 3
Elective 4
Elective 5
Core Skills
- CB1 Acquiring knowledge and understanding in a field of study based on the foundations of general secondary education together with the support of advanced textbooks and aspects of the latest advances in the field.
- CB2 Being able to apply knowledge acquired as a student to a job or vocation in a professional manner, and possessing the skills that are generally demonstrated by producing and defending arguments and solving problems in a field of study.
- CB3 Having the ability to collect and interpret relevant data (generally within a field of study) in order to make judgments which include reflection on relevant issues of a social, scientific or ethical nature.
- CB4 Being able to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialised or non-specialised audiences.
- CB5 Developing the necessary skills to undertake further studies to a certain degree of independence.
General Skills
- CG1 Developing interpersonal skills and a commitment to ethical values and basic human rights, especially in terms of equality and ability.
- CG2 Developing skills in analysis, synthesis, organisation and planning, as well as problem-solving in the area of biology.
- CG6 Acquiring skills in leadership, initiative and entrepreneurial spirit based on creativity, quality and adaptation to new situations.
- CG4 Having the ability to understand scientific literature in biology and acquiring oral and written communication skills, as well as knowledge of English.
- CG5 Developing skills aimed at self-managed, independent learning, critical reasoning and working in a multi-disciplinary team.
- CG3 Having the ability to use the right computer and statistical tools in all areas of biology studies and information management.
Cross-cutting Skills
- CT1 Understanding that any professional activity needs to be done in respect of fundamental rights, promoting gender equality, the principle of universal access and design for all individuals, and in protection of the environment, as well as in accordance with the values inherent to a culture of peace and democracy.
Specific Skills
- CE1 Having the ability to incorporate a multi-disciplinary vision in life processes and mechanisms, from molecular and cellular studies to organisms and ecosystems.
- CE2 Recognising and correctly applying theories, paradigms, concepts and principles related to biological sciences, as well as becoming familiar with nomenclature, classification and terminology in the field of biology.
- CE3 Having the ability to understand and integrate molecular, structural, cellular and physiological bases of the different components and levels of life, related to different biological functions.
- CE4 Obtaining and integrating suitable lines of evidence to formulate hypotheses in the area of biology, knowing and applying scientific methodology.
- CE5 Having the ability to work with biological samples in a contextualised way and performing laboratory duties safely, both independently and as part of a team.
- CE6 Having the ability to analyse and interpret data in the area of organism and system biology linked to theoretical fundaments.
- CE7 Having the ability to plan and take decision in biological research.
- CE8 Having the ability to critically and knowingly interpret and communicate biological research information based on data, texts, scientific articles and reports.
- CE9 Having the ability to collect in an environmentally ethical, safe and suitable way biological samples and evidence from the land and from the sea, both individually and as part of a team.
- CE10 Carrying out analyses and projects linked to biodiversity and acquiring a sensibility for environmental issues.
- CE11 Writing environmental impact reports on human activity in nature.
- CE12 Carrying out studies and communicating results in the field of biomedicine, public health, environmental technology and scientific outreach.
- CE13 Performing diagnostics and analyses on human biological samples or on those from any other organism.