PhD in Translational Research in Public Health and High Prevalence Diseases

Academic year 2024-25

Lines of research

  1. Kidney disease, oncology and hematology
  2. Public Health, Neurosciences and Mental Health
  3. Cardiovascular diseases, respiratory and nutrition

General and specific competencies

Doctoral studies aim to provide advanced education to students in research techniques, and. They include the development and presentation of a corresponding doctorate thesis that consists of original work in research.

Doctoral studies aim to provide students with advanced training in research techniques. Usual activities in these studies could incorporate courses, seminars, or other activities directed at education in research. This also involves the preparation and presentation of a doctoral thesis, which needs to be an original work of research. Specific objectives of the Doctoral Programmes of the Balearic Islands University are: to train researchers and form research teams to successfully address current societal challenges making use of new sciences, techniques and methodologies; to promote the training of the teaching faculty, and to perfect professional, scientific, technical and artistic development of postgraduates.

Core Skills

  • CB11 - Systematic comprehension of a field of study and mastery of research skills and methods related to this field
  • CB12 - The ability to devise, design or create, implement and adopt a substantial research or invention process
  • CB13 - The ability to contribute to widening the frontiers of knowledge through original research
  • CB14 - The ability to perform a critical analysis, assessment and synthesis of new and complex ideas
  • CB15 - The ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community, as well as with society as a whole, about their areas of knowledge in the methods and languages commonly used within the international scientific community
  • CB16 - The ability to promote scientific, technological, social, artistic or cultural advancement in academic and professional settings within the knowledge-based society.

Personal Skills and Abilities

  • CA01 - Work in contexts where there is little specific information
  • CA02 - Uncover key questions that need to be answered in order to resolve a complex problem
  • CA03 - Design, create, develop and undertake new and innovative projects in their area of knowledge
  • CA04 - Work in a team and independently in an international or multidisciplinary setting
  • CA05 - Incorporate knowledge, handle complexity and provide opinions with limited information
  • CA06 - Intellectual criticism and defence of solutions.

Acces and entry Requirements

The recommended entry profile is that of graduates or graduates who are in any of the situations referred to in Article 6 and the second additional provision of Royal Decree 99/2011 of January 28 which have skills and knowledge in one of the main research lines involved in the PhD program.

To access in a UIB doctorate you must have completed a total of 300 credits ECTS (60 of which must be on an official university master's degree course).

Also can access to the doctorate, without holding an official university masters's degree, the candidates that have obtained the Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA), regulated by the Royal Decree 778/1998, of 30 April, or the Sufficiency Researcher, regulated by the Royal Decree 185/1985, or that hold a title of a bachelor's degree of 300 credits ECTS according to the European regulation.  Besides this, each Doctoral Programme, may establish specific admission requirements.

Admissions (Pre-Registration): This is the process in which the student applies for admission into the desired University programme. During this process, available places are allotted according to the admissions process and the marks obtained by each applicant. Pre-registration is open throughout the year.

The academic commission of the doctoral program will carry out the final admission of PhD students.

List of agreements of the doctoral programme

Balearic Islands Health Research Institute – IdISBa (pending renewal)

Agreements and framework agreements of UIB. Search of agreements  .

Protocol for the annual reviews

Abans d'acabar el primer any, el doctorand ha d'haver redactat un pla de recerca, que almenys ha d'incloure la metodologia que aplicarà i els objectius que pretén assolir, així com els mitjans i la planificació temporal per assolir-los. Aquest pla es pot millorar i detallar al llarg de l'estada al programa, i ha de ser avalat pel tutor i el director. Aquest pla de recerca s'ha de presentar davant la Comissió Acadèmica del Programa de Doctorat per a l'aprovació pertinent.
La Comissió Acadèmica ha d'avaluar anualment el pla de recerca i el document d'activitats, juntament amb els informes que a aquest efecte han d'emetre el tutor i el director. L'avaluació positiva és requisit indispensable per continuar en el programa. En cas d'avaluació negativa, que ha de ser degudament motivada, el doctorand ha de tornar a ser avaluat en el termini de sis mesos i, a aquest efecte, ha d'elaborar un pla de recerca nou. En el supòsit que li'n tornin a fer una avaluació negativa, el doctorand ha de ser donat de baixa definitiva del programa. No obstant això, tindrà la possibilitat de demanar de ser admès a un altre programa de doctorat.

Podeu ampliar la informació d'aquests processos a les seccions d'informació general del primer control anual i controls anuals següents.

S'ha obert un nou espai de coordinació a Aula digital per al Doctorat en Investigació Translacional en Salut Pública i Malalties d'Alta Prevalença (TISP ALUMNES - Curs general del programa de Doctorat en Investigació Translacional en Salut Pública i Malalties d'Alta Prevalença). Per poder accedir a aquest espai, heu de seguir les indicacions que podeu trobar a la pàgina de Campus Digital - Atenció a l'alumnat - Preguntes més freqüents - Com puc accedir a les assignatures que tenc a Aula digital?

En aquest espai trobareu la normativa detallada del doctorat, dades de contacte, publicació d'actes de la Comissió Acadèmica i de la Comissió de Garantia de Qualitat, accés a la bústia amb les novetats de cursos, beques, etc., i les plantilles per elaborar el pla de recerca (primer any) i els controls anuals dels anys següents (segon any i successius). També hi ha un fòrum general i els missatges, on podeu fer consultes.

Tant el pla de recerca (primer any) com els controls anuals dels anys següents (segon any i successius) s'han d'elaborar amb les plantilles aprovades per la CAD, i hi ha de constar el calendari (adjuntat al mateix PDF), així com les signatures del doctorand, el/s director/s i el tutor. No s'aprovaran si no es realitzen amb la plantilla i no estan signats. El registre d'activitats es fa a GREC.

La Comissió Acadèmica (CAD) rep tota la documentació a revisar dels estudiants de doctorat a través de <>, i es reuneix una vegada al mes, una setmana abans del Comitè Executiu de l'EDUIB. Així, la CAD s'encarrega de:

  • Aprovar els plans de recerca i controls anuals.
  • Aprovar les pròrrogues, canvis de dedicació a temps parcial i anys addicionals.
  • Aprovar els canvis en els directors de tesis.
  • Autoritzar la presentació de la tesi doctoral, entre altres funcions.

Les comunicacions amb l'alumnat es duen a terme a l'adreça electrònica proporcionada a aquest efecte per als tràmits administratius o documentació addicional sol·licitada. És obligació de l'alumne estar al dia d'aquestes comunicacions. No contestar a una notificació per a la revisió en els controls anuals o a un altre tràmit administratiu en els terminis establerts pot comportar la pèrdua de la plaça.

Support and guidance information

Guide "Road map of the PhD in Translational Research in Public Health and High Prevalence Diseases (TISP). Guide for students, supervisors and tutors" (in Spanish).

The procedure used by the Academic Commission for the PhD Programme in Translational Research in Public Health and High Prevalence Diseases to assign the thesis tutor and supervisor is as follows:

  1. The commission shall, each academic year, designate for each research area a thesis tutor from amongst the lecturers permanently associated to the programme, who themselves have supervised a thesis over the last five years.
  2. Once the doctorand is admitted to the programme, the commission shall assign the tutor depending on the area of research selected in the admissions application.
  3. The tutor shall be responsible for proposing a thesis supervisor to the commission from amongst all lecturers who participate in the PhD programme, taking into account the proposed research topic and the student’s dedication (whether full- or part-time).
  4. The supervisor shall be formally assigned to the doctorand by the commission within six months from programme registration.

Changes that may take place with regard to thesis tutors and supervisors during the PhD programme shall be approved by the academic commission.

Supervision and monitoring of doctorand training activities and their PhD theses shall be in line with the UIB procedures for PhDs (RD 99/2011), the UIB Doctoral Degree Regulations ( and the verified degree report that you may consult on the "Results" webpage. The administrative and academic procedures that students must perform during their PhD may be viewed on the "Procedures" section of the UIB Doctoral School website:

The rights and obligations of the supervisor, the tutor and the PhD student serve as a reference for the University of the Balearic Islands to set a guide of best practice for the supervision of PhD students’ training activities and PhD theses. More specifically, in developing what is set out in Royal Decree 99/2011, the Regulatory Agreement approving the regulations on the organisation of university PhD programmes at the University of the Balearic Islands sets forth the guidelines for the supervision of PhD theses (articles 9 to 13).

More information:

Services and infrastructures available for teaching on the programme

The infrastructures available to PhD students in this programme enable them to undertake all the research activities required to develop their thesis. The facilities and infrastructures where all the IdISBa activities are carried out are listed in the IdISBa Infrastructure Strategy, including those of its constituent entities, such as the IUNICS. Additionally, all the IUNICS and IdISBa research groups have their own infrastructures in which to conduct their research.

  1. Facilities and equipment of the IUNICS and its component groups:
  2. Facilities and equipment of the different component groups at the IdISBa:
  3. Facilities and equipment of the UIB Scientific and Technical Services (including the Animal Facility):
  4. Facilities and equipment of the Scientific-Technical Platforms of the IdISBa:
  5. Multipurpose room of the UIB Scientific and Technical Services building.
  6. Classrooms in the Antoni Maria Alcover i Sureda building (including the Conference Room).
  7. Virtual space on Aula Digital (Digital Classroom):
  8. UIB Library and Documentation Service: