PhD in Translational Research in Public Health and High Prevalence Diseases

Academic year 2024-25

Interdisciplinary and specific educational activities

All cross-cutting activities will be elective.

Cross-cutting training programme for PhD students at the University of the Balearic Islands

The cross-cutting training activities proposed will have specific assessment procedures based on objective tests. As a general rule, the supervisor or tutor shall be responsible for incorporating the assessment or successful completion of the activity into the doctorand activities document.

Cross-cutting Activities

Communication Skills in English: Written and Oral Expression (Module I)
A cross-cutting training activity aimed at students attaining advanced knowledge of English (written and oral communication)
Number of hours
Intensive and cross-cutting
Semester one in each academic year
First year
Assessment procedure
Activities where students can practise their writing abilities in English to attain C1-level skills
Not applicable
Communication Skills in English: Written and Oral Expression (Module II)
A cross-cutting training activity aimed at students attaining advanced knowledge of English (written and oral communication). Students shall work on their English usage based on immersion in the communication context for the speciality, linked to inherent situations and documents for each area. The specific content of this module shall be oral fluency (seminars, presentations and workshops)
Number of hours
Intensive and cross-cutting
Semester two in each academic year
First year
Assessment procedure
Activities where students can practise their writing abilities in English to attain C1-level skills
Not applicable
Ethics and Integrity in Scientific Research
An activity aimed at students understanding the purpose and objectives of scientific research in any area. The scientific method. Classification of scientific disciplines. Ethical problems in scientific research. Experiments with humans and animals. The bioethics committee
Number of hours
Intensive and cross-cutting
Semester two in each academic year
First year
Assessment procedure
This activity shall be assessed by undertaking case studies
Not applicable

Specific Activities

Research Seminars
A specific training activity comprising attendance at seminars given by researchers linked to the PhD programme and renowned guest researchers. The sessions will be given in either Spanish, Catalan or English, depending on the guest speaker. In general, doctorands must attend a minimum of 10 hours of these seminars
Number of hours
Full-time students shall attend seminars from the first year of their programme. Part-time students may either choose to start attending in the first or second year of their programme, in line with their availability
Assessment procedure
Students shall submit an attendance certificate signed by the organiser for each of the seminars they attend throughout their training period, stating the title, date and duration. In addition, students shall submit a report on each of the seminars containing a critical summary of what was explained and its possible impact on their research work to their thesis supervisor. Supervisors shall assess the reports (Pass/Fail) and include them in the doctorand activities document
The Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research at the University of the Balearic Islands and the IUNICS run specific programmes to fund travel and stays for renowned researchers who work in the research areas of the programme. In addition, funding shall be requested from the guest lecturer programmes run by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport
Active Participation in the Seminars Organised Annually by the Royal Academy of Medicine of the Balearic Islands (RAMIB)
Specific training activity organised annually by the RAMIB comprising seminars in which students on the programme must actively participate, the content of which is determined by the Royal Academy itself. The number of hours for this activity includes preparation time for the presentation and attendance to the other seminars
Number of hours
Full-time students shall do this activity in the second year of their programme. Part-time students may either choose to do it in the second or third year of their programme, in line with their availability
Assessment procedure
Students shall submit an attendance certificate signed by the organiser for each of the seminars they attend throughout their training period, stating the title, date and duration. In addition, students shall submit a report on each of the seminars containing a critical summary of what was explained and its possible impact on their research work to their thesis supervisor. Supervisors shall assess the reports (Pass/Fail) and include them in the doctorand activities document
Not applicable
Preparing and Presenting Scientific Papers
A specific training activity comprising training for scientific communication. It shall include production and submission of an article linked to the thesis topic, as well as its public presentation (where it is accepted) at national and international conferences, meetings and workshops
Number of hours
Full-time students shall do this activity from the second year of their programme. Part-time students shall do it from the third year of their programme
Assessment procedure
The student's acquisition of competencies shall be assessed on the basis of the writing and public presentation of a scientific paper in the context of the training activity. In the event that this paper is published in an international peer-reviewed journal or presented at a conference, the student shall provide supporting documents as proof for the assessment
The Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research at the University of the Balearic Islands and the IUNICS run specific programmes to fund travel and stays for renowned researchers who work in the research areas of the programme. In addition, funding shall be requested from the guest lecturer programmes run by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport
Ideally, both activity 1 (Cross-cutting training courses) and activity 4 (Preparing and Presenting Scientific Papers) may be combined with student mobility. In addition, experiments conducted during the time the student prepares the PhD thesis may also be carried out through mobility. An example of this would be carrying out experiments in overseas centres, within the framework of research projects which cannot be undertaken in the facilities available to the research groups at the University of the Balearic Islands.

Thus, there are three types of training activities that students should ideally undertake:
  • Attendance at specialised courses
  • Attendance at scientific conferences
  • A research stay at another laboratory

The Academic Committe for the PhD Programme shall promote cross-cutting training activities (attending specialised courses and/or scientific conferences) at other universities/institutions within the framework of mobility activities, notifying students about any opportunities it becomes aware of.

Thesis supervisors are charged with assessing the need for any researcher stays at other laboratories.

Funding is a critical aspect for these activities. In this sense, the University of the Balearic Islands has specific funding programmes for trips, stays and registration at conferences for doctorands, where their work is accepted. In addition, research groups have funds linked to projects that may be used for this purpose. Moreover, most PhD grants, whether national or international, include the possibility for students to travel in order to undertake research tasks at other centres.

Nevertheless, the PhD programme cannot ensure funding, the availability of mobility for part-time students, or the need/opportunity for a specific training activity for each student. In turn, the PhD programme skills may be completed without having to undertake mobility activities. Due to these two reasons, mobility is not mandatory for PhD students, although it is deemed highly recommendable for full- and part- time students alike

Number of hours
Assessment procedure
The usefulness of the mobility activity undertaken by the student shall be assessed by the thesis supervisor, who shall issue a report to this effect. Both the mobility activity and the supervisor's assessment shall be included in the doctorand activities document
This is described in the details for the training activity