Master's Degree in Agronomic Engineering

Academic year 2024-25

You can also consult this information for the academic year 2023-24.
Branch of Knowledge Engineering and Architecture
Area of Knowledge Chemical Engineering, Materials Engineering and Environmental Engineering
Academic management Dr. Pau Carles Martí Pérez
The centre's academic calendar
Spots for new students
Credits 90
Teaching method


Campus Mallorca
Catalan, Spanish (See subjects for more details)
Price Public price per credit, 1st registration 15,63¤
Total cost: 1.460,77 ¤ (*)(**)
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  (*) Price applicable to citizens of member states of the European Union and Spanish residents. In all other cases, a 30% increase is applied ( more information about proof of residency ).
The cost column is solely illustrative, because both taxes or discounts can apply
(**) Additional information about price

El Màster en Enginyeria Agronòmica és un màster professionalitzant que habilita per a l'exercici de la professió d'Enginyer Agrònom, d'acord a les especificacions recollides a l'Ordre CIN/325/2009.

La durada és de 90 crèdits, els quals es desenvolupen al llarg de dos cursos acadèmics (3 semestres, en total).


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