Degree in Telematics Engineering

240 credits - Higher Polytechnic School

  If you cannot find all of the information on the course that you are taking, check the old Degree in Telematics Engineering study programme.
  New curriculum. You may take the following pathways:
  • Cybersecurity
  • Network design and roll-out
Duration 4 years / 240 credits
Level MECES 2
Spots for new students
45 places for the academic year 2024-25
Teaching method In-Person Classes
Public price per credit, 1st registration: ¤17.85, ¤41.12, ¤89.02, ¤123.35 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th enrolment respectively. (*)
Total cost of the first enrolment in the first year: ¤1,112.19 (*) (**)

(*) Prices for the academic year: 2024-25
(**) Total cost of the first enrolment in the first year, including taxes, for EU members under 28 years of age without any special condition:

The degree programme in telematics engineering trains students with knowledge on the set of technologies, systems, services, and applications that are instrumental to both information technologies and telecommunications.

The Degree in Telematics Engineering leads to the obtaining of a certification to work as a professional Technical Telecommunications Engineer, as set out in Order CIN/352/2009.

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Engineering and Architecture
Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering and Telecommunications Engineering

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