PhD in Global Health, Health Services and Health and Social Care

Academic year 2024-25

Lines of research

Health Promotion and Prevention of Prevalent Diseases: The different groups that work on health promotion concentrate on designing, implementing and assessing interventions to prevent chronic prevalent diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, different types of cancer and depression. This type of research is undertaken at community and primary health care level.

Epidemiology, Global Public Health and Health Inequalities: Epidemiological research quantifies diseases and their risk factors. This area of research includes projects on health inequalities. Inequalities between countries or states, and within geographies, by relevant social groups such as ethnicity, gender, education, class, etc. are taken into account.

Effectiveness and Implementation of Complex Interventions: The research groups that work on complex interventions in primary care assess the effectiveness of interventions aimed both at preventing and treating the illness, and consider different levels that interact with one another, such as health professionals (knowledge, attitudes, abilities), patients (comorbidity, values, beliefs, educational and socioeconomic level) and the system itself: all from a pragmatic standpoint.

Information and Communication Technologies Applied to Health and Wellbeing: Advances in information and communication technologies (ICT) represent a new challenge in research for health care, prevention and promotion. The research groups that work on this area include projects linked to telemedicine and mHealth.

Chronicity, Multimorbidity and Dependency: An ageing population and higher rates of chronic diseases in society today are leading to a progressive rise in disability and dependency. This area of research includes assessing multidisciplinary care and intervention models for people with chronic illnesses and multimorbidity, as well as those in situations of dependency and its impact on carers.

Evidence in Health and Social Care: Projects aimed at assessing different health and social care models. Health and social care interventions include activities and care aimed at meeting the needs of people who due to their age, illness or disability, experience reduced levels of autonomy.

Research into Health Services and Policies: Research projects in health services and policies include assessment of how useful certain activities and interventions are, where there is not sufficient evidence regarding their effectiveness. Moreover, they look at the need for rationalisation, and establishing criteria and procedures that support community health.

Clinical and Epidemiological Research: Different research groups work on clinical research to contribute to improving disease detection, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Epidemiological research including biomedical and social sciences focuses on analysing the distribution, frequency, determining factors, associations and predictions of factors linked to community health and disease.

General and specific competencies

The programme intends to provide top-flight training for research and interventions in the area of global public health and social care, combining quantitative, qualitative and cross-cutting research methods.

Core Skills

  • CB11 - Systematic comprehension of a field of study and mastery of research skills and methods related to this field
  • CB12 - The ability to devise, design or create, implement and adopt a substantial research or invention process
  • CB13 - The ability to contribute to widening the frontiers of knowledge through original research
  • CB14 - The ability to perform a critical analysis, assessment and synthesis of new and complex ideas
  • CB15 - The ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community, as well as with society as a whole, about their areas of knowledge in the methods and languages commonly used within the international scientific community
  • CB16 - The ability to promote scientific, technological, social, artistic or cultural advancement in academic and professional settings within the knowledge-based society.

Personal Skills and Abilities

  • CA01 - Work in contexts where there is little specific information
  • CA02 - Uncover key questions that need to be answered in order to resolve a complex problem
  • CA03 - Design, create, develop and undertake new and innovative projects in their area of knowledge
  • CA04 - Work in a team and independently in an international or multidisciplinary setting
  • CA05 - Incorporate knowledge, handle complexity and provide opinions with limited information
  • CA06 - Intellectual criticism and defence of solutions.

Acces and entry Requirements

El perfil d'ingrés recomanat per al programa de doctorat en Salut Global, Serveis de Salut i Atenció Sociosanitària és el de llicenciats, graduats o diplomats en àrees afins a la recerca en salut pública global, serveis de salut, cronicitat, cures i atenció sociosanitària com a Infermeria, Medicina, Fisioteràpia, Ciències de l'Activitat Física o Treball Social, que estiguin en possessió d'un títol de màster universitari (excepte per a llicenciats o graduats amb un nivell 3 de MECES) o tinguin formació sanitària especialitzada (EIR, MIR, etc.) i que compleixin tots els requisits especificats en l'RD 99/2011 i en l'RD 43/2015.

En aquest sentit i sense perjudici que el doctorand hagi realitzat altres estudis equivalents, els màsters oferts per la UIB i relacionats amb alguna de les línies de recerca del Programa de Doctorat són:

  • Màster Universitari de Investigació en Salut i Qualitat de Vida
  • Màster Universitari de Investigació Biomèdica
  • Màster Universitari en Psicologia General Sanitària
  • Màster Universitari en Neurociències
  • Màster Universitari en Nutrició i Alimentació Humana
  • Màster Universitari en Nutrigenòmica i Nutrició Personalitzada
  • Màster Universitari en Evolució i Cognició Humana
  • Màster Universitari en Investigació i Innovació en Salut (pendent de verificació per part ANECA).

No obstant això, el Programa de doctorat pot admetre estudiants amb altres titulacions diferents de les indicades sempre que la Comissió Acadèmica així ho accepti. S'admetran els alumnes que hagin cursat màsters en matèries afins, que segons el parer de la comissió acadèmica els permetin un correcte desenvolupament del programa de doctorat.

Es recomana un nivell d'anglès que permeti als estudiants la lectura de publicacions internacionals, l'escriptura d'articles internacionals, així com l'assistència i participació en congressos internacionals (equivalent a B2) i de qualsevol de les altres dues llengües del doctorat (castellà i/o català).

L'admissió de l'alumnat de doctorat es durà a terme per la comissió acadèmica del programa de doctorat que aplicarà com a criteris d'admissió els següents (ponderació):

  • L'expedient acadèmic de les titulacions prèvies de Grau i Postgrau (60%). La puntuació obtinguda en cadascuna de les assignatures es ponderarà sobre la base del nombre de crèdits de l'assignatura, independentment de si són assignatures de grau (o de diplomatures o de llicenciatures) o de postgrau. S'utilitzarà l'escala de puntuació d'assignatures de 0 a 10, per tractar-se d'un sistema de puntuació estès a la majoria dels països i per ser fàcilment escalable a altres sistemes. En el cas d'estudiants amb titulació estrangera amb una escala de puntuació diferent, es podrà sol·licitar l'equivalència de la nota mitjana estrangera a través del servei d'equivalència de nota mitjana del Ministeri d'Educació i Formació Professional (
  • Valoració d'una declaració de motius que impulsen al doctorand a matricular-se en aquest programa de doctorat (30%). Dins d'aquest apartat es valorarà el projecte de tesi, el grau de motivació, la claredat de l'exposició i la relació amb les línies de recerca que integren el programa.
  • Altres mèrits: (10%). Es valoraran els mèrits acadèmics i científics que vagin més enllà de l'expedient acadèmic, com poden ser cursos d'especialització, historial de col·laboracions amb grups de recerca, publicacions, assistències a congressos i experiència professional.

Els i les estudiants que no estiguin en possessió d'una titulació adequada al perfil d'ingrés recomanat hauran de justificar-lo en la declaració d'objectius, la qual serà avaluada per la comissió acadèmica del programa de doctorat que, si ho considera oportú, podrà sol·licitar una entrevista personal amb l'estudiant per a aprovar la seva admissió al Programa (aquest aspecte és particularment aplicable al cas d'estudiants estrangers per la possible varietat de titulacions de procedència).

Support and guidance information

The Academic Commission for the PhD Programme in Global Health, Health Services and Social Care uses the following procedure to assign thesis tutors and supervisors:

  • Every academic year, the commission will designate a thesis tutor for each research area from the lecturers linked to the PhD programme and who have supervised a thesis in the last five years
  • Once the doctorand has been admitted to the programme, the commission will assign a tutor based on the research area selected on the admission form
  • The tutor shall be responsible for proposing a thesis supervisor to the commission, selected from all the lecturers on the PhD programme, taking into account the research topic and the part- or full-time status of the student
  • The commission shall formally assign the supervisor to the doctorand within six months at most, starting from the student’s enrolment date in the programme.

Changes related to thesis tutors and supervisors that occur during the PhD programme shall be resolved by the Academic Commission.

Supervision and monitoring of doctorands' training activities and their PhD thesis shall be in line with the UIB procedures for PhD students (RD 99/2011), the UIB regulations establishing the organisation of university PhD studies and the approved report on the programme, which may be viewed in the 'Results' section. The administrative and academic procedures that students must undertake during the PhD may be viewed on the UIB Doctoral School website, in the 'Procedures' section:

The rights and obligations of the supervisor, tutor and doctorand are those in place at the University of the Balearic Islands to establish a best practice guide to supervise and monitor doctorand training activities and theses. The regulations implementing Royal Decree 99/2011, the UIB Regulations Establishing the Organisation of PhD Studies, further specify the guidelines for supervising PhD theses in articles 9 to 13 (FOU no. 361).

Maximum and Average Length

A full-time PhD programme lasts a maximum of three years, starting from the doctorand’s admission to the programme up to submission of the PhD thesis. This period may be extended for a maximum of two years, including one extension year and a second additional exceptional year.

A part-time PhD programme lasts a maximum of five years, starting from the doctorand’s admission to the programme up to submission of the PhD thesis. This period may be extended for a maximum of three years, including two extension years and a third additional exceptional year.

The length of doctoral studies is regulated by Article 3.2 of RD 99/2011 of 28th January that governs official doctoral studies and Articles 3 and 4 of Regulatory Agreement 13084 of 10th April 2019 that approves the University of the Balearic Islands regulations establishing the organisation of PhD studies.


The UIB centre responsible for the academic management of PhD programmes is the Doctoral School of the University of the Balearic Islands (EDUIB). The EDUIB was established by the Governing Council on 22nd November 2011. It is a unit that manages the involvement of different stakeholders in R&D&i activity at the university (research groups, departments, university research institutes and other research groups at the university or with UIB participation) and external research centres, including public research bodies, overseas centres and businesses with R&D&i departments in organising UIB PhD studies. The Doctoral School implements policies set out in the university’s strategic plan, linked to the transformation project to an International Centre of Excellence, particularly in terms of attracting and training talent, and seeking excellence in research and internationalisation activities. The EDUIB’s mission is to centralise and coordinate available PhD programmes and their academic management, providing support and information for administrative management to other UIB centres, and thus contribute to the UIB’s progressive adaptation to European Higher Education Area guidelines. The EDUIB is the responsible advisory body for coordinating PhD programmes. It is also responsible for accrediting students’ overseas qualifications and the equivalence of overseas higher education qualifications to the academic level of PhD from the University of the Balearic Islands. The EDUIB is located in the Antoni Maria Alcover i Sureda Building and houses the necessary infrastructure for the corresponding administrative services, as well as lecture halls, laboratories, scientific and technical equipment, an events hall, and meeting and communal spaces for students on UIB PhD programmes.

  • Multipurpose room in the UIB Scientific and Technical Services Building, and lecture rooms in the Antoni Maria Alcover i Sureda Building (including an events hall).

General Services at the University of the Balearic Islands

The University of the Balearic Islands has general training, support and advice services to help all students on PhD programmes.

  • Campus Digital: the management service for the online teaching and learning platform
  • Information Technology Centre (CTI): management services for information and communication technologies for research, teaching and management at the university
  • Student Service: the service responsible for supporting and responding to students’ needs in all matters relating to their admission and time at the university, until they receive their degree certificate
  • University Statistics and Quality Service (SEQUA): management and technical support for ongoing improvement processes in quality and strategic planning, particularly assessment and accreditation processes for qualifications available at the UIB
  • Library and Documentation Service: teaching and research support service that organises and makes available all bibliographic and documentary resources at the UIB to all users
  • Information Service (SI UIB): the main purpose of the SI is to house all cultural, administrative, academic and general information from the university and outside (other universities and institutions) and make it available to UIB students and staff
  • Language Service: this service offers an advisory, translation, editing, training and learning service for languages and their acquisition to all university community members
  • International Relations Office (SRI): a unit reporting to the Office of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Strategic Planning, Internationalisation and Cooperation mainly responsible for promoting and managing student and lecturer mobility programmes
  • Cooperation for Development and Solidarity Office (OCDS): a solidarity unit charged with managing operations for development and volunteering programmes, as well as other activities that may arise in these areas or others linked to solidarity missions
  • Equal Opportunities Office: a service established at the UIB (FOU no. 278 of 28th February 2007) whose purpose is to consolidate the work of the Equal Opportunities Observatory and ensure the principle of gender equality
  • Scientific and Technical Services (SCT): a general support service for UIB researchers that has specialised technical staff, laboratories and instruments which, given their specialised nature and high procurement and maintenance costs, are often unique within the region
  • Research Support Office (OSR): an R&D service for researchers who may enquire about and process all issues relating to research project applications and management. The office also promotes the participation of UIB researchers in European, national and regional research projects. In turn, one of its missions is to develop research in collaboration with business and promote technology transfer in collaboration with the FUEIB
  • University-Enterprise Foundation (FUEIB): a non-profit institution with its own legal status. Its main activities include connecting the academic and business spheres, promoting university training with postgraduate and specialised courses, and focusing on technological innovation, transferring research results and helping technology start-ups
  • Careers Guidance and Placement Department (DOIP) at the University-Enterprise Foundation of the Balearic Islands (FUEIB): professional advice services aimed at university students and businesses, with a view to boosting the employability of graduates from University of the Balearic Islands
  • Support for People with Special Needs Office: approved by the UIB Executive Council on 26th April 2005 with a view to strengthening and ensuring the participation of people with disabilities at the UIB. In particular, it welcomes, advises and supports students with disabilities undertaking university courses, from the time they sit the university entrance exam to the moment they finish their course. It plans and implements relevant activities to meet the needs of those with disabilities in the university community, ensuring full accessibility by removing all types of barriers.

The IdISBa Infrastructure Plan sets out the list of facilities and infrastructure where the IdISBa undertakes its activities and the relevant section for each of its constituent bodies, such as IUNICS. IUNICS and IdISBa research groups have their own infrastructure for undertaking research.

Production and Assessment Protocol of the Doctorand's Research Plan

More information about these processes is provided by the general information sessions on the first annual assessment and subsequent annual assessments.

The online classroom service Aula Digital is available for the PhD Programme in Global Health, Health Services and Social Care (TSGL STUDENTS—General Course for the PhD Programme in Global Health, Health Services and Social Care). Students need to follow the instructions on the Campus Digital website to access this area: Student Services - FAQs - How to Access My Subjects on Aula Digital. All the necessary information regarding the PhD programme can be found here: regulations, news, courses, grants and templates to write the research plan (first year) and subsequent annual assessments (second year onwards). There is also a general forum and messages where queries can be made.

Both the research plan (first year) and annual assessments (second year onwards) must be produced by using the templates approved by the CAD and include the calendar (attached in the same .pdf) and the signatures of the doctorand, supervisor(s) and tutor. They shall not be approved if the template is not used and do not include the signatures. The activities record is filled in at:

The Academic Commission (CAD) receives all documentation in order to assess PhD students at this link and meets once a month, a week before the EDUIB Executive Committee. The responsibilities of the CAD include:

  • Approving research plans and annual assessments
  • Approving extensions, changes to part-time status and additional years
  • Approving changes to thesis supervisors
  • Authorising PhD thesis submission.

Students are contacted at the e-mail address they provide for this purpose for administrative procedures or to provide additional requested documentation. Students must ensure they are up to date with any communication/notification. Failure to reply to a notification regarding annual assessment reviews or any other administrative procedure within the set deadline may lead to students losing their place.