PhD in Marine Ecology
Academic year 2024-25
You may also check this information for the 2023-24 academic year.
- Lines of research
- General and specific competencies
- Acces and entry Requirements
- Support and guidance information
Lines of research
Ecologia de la zona costanera: cicles biogeoquímics, estructura de xarxes tròfiques, dinàmica de poblacions, impactes antròpics
Les tesis emmarcades en aquesta línia inclouen un ventall de temàtiques com ara cicles biogeoquímics en la columna d'aigua, l'estudi d'hàbitats de macroalgues i fanerògames incloent-hi aspectes com la resposta al canvi climàtic, l'efecte d'espècies invasores, la fixació de nitrogen o l'ús de bioindicadors, així com l'anàlisi de l'impacte de la contaminació per plàstics a un nivell ecosistèmic i específic.
Biologia pesquera: dinàmica de poblacions marines explotades, biodiversitat, ecosistemes demersals, selectivitat d'arts
En el context d'aquesta línia de recerca es desenvolupen tesis doctorals dirigides per especialistes en biologia pesquera i gestió d'espècies explotades comercialment i en l'àmbit de la pesca recreativa, tenint en compte les diferents variables ambientals i molt especialment els efectes del canvi climàtic.
General and specific competencies
Producing a doctoral thesis represents a continuous individual learning process which, beyond the specific knowledge accrued, provides the capacity to make decisions analytically, objectively and rationally. These skills are highly useful when developing a scientific career and for the business sector.
The main goals of the programme are to:
- Develop research ability, critical analysis and the capacity to synthesise
- Acquire skills in developing and managing national and international scientific projects and collaborations
- Continually acquire the latest knowledge during production of the thesis
- Become skilled in writing quality scientific publications
- Support the exchange of knowledge by undertaking stays at national and overseas research centres
- Provide a collaboration framework between the UIB and institutions whose main focus is marine ecology to strengthen the development of doctoral projects
- Generate knowledge and promote its transfer to non-academic spheres.
Core Skills
- CB11 - Systematic comprehension of a field of study and mastery of research skills and methods related to this field
- CB12 - The ability to devise, design or create, implement and adopt a substantial research or invention process
- CB13 - The ability to contribute to widening the frontiers of knowledge through original research
- CB14 - The ability to perform a critical analysis, assessment and synthesis of new and complex ideas
- CB15 - The ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community, as well as with society as a whole, about their areas of knowledge in the methods and languages commonly used within the international scientific community
- CB16 - The ability to promote scientific, technological, social, artistic or cultural advancement in academic and professional settings within the knowledge-based society.
Personal Skills and Abilities
- CA01 - Work in contexts where there is little specific information
- CA02 - Uncover key questions that need to be answered in order to resolve a complex problem
- CA03 - Design, create, develop and undertake new and innovative projects in their area of knowledge
- CA04 - Work in a team and independently in an international or multidisciplinary setting
- CA05 - Incorporate knowledge, handle complexity and provide opinions with limited information
- CA06 - Intellectual criticism and defence of solutions.
Acces and entry Requirements
The recommended admission profile for the PhD programme in Marine Ecology is as follows: science graduates (biology, marine sciences/oceanography, environmental sciences, biotechnology, biochemistry, physics, chemistry and geology) who have an official university master's in areas related to marine ecology.
For these purposes, and without prejudice to candidate doctorands who have taken equivalent studies, the relevant programme at the UIB would be the Master's in Marine Ecology. Other Spanish universities offer the following equivalent programmes:
- Master's in Marine Biology (Universities of Vigo, La Coruña and Santiago de Compostela)
- Master's in Marine Sciences: Oceanography and Marine Environmental Management (University of Barcelona)
- Master's in Oceanography (University of Las Palmas)
- Master's in Oceanography (University of Cadiz)
Candidates must have a minimum level of English enabling them to read international publications, write articles for international journals, and attend and participate in international conferences. In this vein, a minimum level of B2 is recommended or proof of having attained an equivalent level. Where this is not the case, the academic committee proposes that students take the following cross-cutting training activity: 'Communication Skills in English: Written and Oral Expression.'
The academic committee for the PhD programme shall oversee candidate admissions. Where the number of pre-registrations exceeds available places, the following criteria shall be applied (weighting):
- The academic record and transcript from prior undergraduate and postgraduate training (80%). The mark for each subject shall be weighted based on the number of credits for each subject, regardless of whether they are undergraduate or postgraduate subjects. A marking scale of 0 to 10 shall be used, since this type of grading is widespread in most countries and can easily be scaled to other systems.
- An assessment of the statement where candidate doctorands set out their reasons for registering on the PhD programme (10%). The level of motivation, clarity of expression and link to the research areas on the programme shall be assessed.
- Other merits (10 %). Academic and scientific merits beyond the scope of the academic record/transcript shall be assessed, such as specialised courses, a background in collaborating with research groups, publications, conference attendance and professional experience.
Candidates who do not possess a suitable qualification for the recommended admission profile shall have to explain the reasons for this in their statement, which shall be assessed by the academic committee for the PhD programme; where appropriate, the latter may request a personal interview with the candidate to approve her/his admission to the programme.
Support and guidance information
The academic committee of the Doctoral Programme will assign a tutor to the applicant (once he or she is admitted). The tutor will be a doctor with accredited research experience and involved in the doctoral programme. Within six months from the first enrolment, the academic committee of the doctorate will assign to every student a thesis supervisor, which may or may not be the same as the tutor.
Supervision and monitoring of doctorand training activities and their PhD theses shall be in line with the UIB procedures for PhDs (RD 99/2011), the UIB Doctoral Degree Regulations ( and the verified degree report that you may consult on the "Results" webpage. The administrative and academic procedures that students must perform during their PhD may be viewed on the "Procedures" section of the UIB Doctoral School website: