PhD in Human Cognition and Evolution

Academic year 2024-25

Interdisciplinary and specific educational activities

Cross-cutting and specific training activities

Research Seminars
A specific training activity comprising attendance at seminars given by researchers linked to the PhD programme and renowned guest researchers (preferably from overseas research centres). During the academic year, these researchers will give two-hour seminars in which they will explain their research work to the students on the PhD programme. At least four seminars - which may be given in Spanish, Catalan or English - will be organised each academic year. The number of hours for the activity includes preparation time (reading the paper recommended by the guest researcher) and synthesis of the seminars. All doctorands must attend these seminars as part of the research group's activities and training unless they are on a temporary stay or grant transfer, regardless of the year of their grant
Number of hours
 Specific and mandatory
This activity may be taken over the three (full-time students) or five (part-time students) years of the students' PhD programme
Assessment procedure
Attendance and summary report to be submitted to the thesis supervisor. Both full-time and part-time students must adapt their schedule to attend no less than two thirds of the seminars
Seminars Given by PhD Students
A specific training activity comprising a day for students enrolled on the PhD programme to explain and publicly defend the work they have done over the year to other students and lecturers on the PhD programme. The number of hours for the activity includes preparation time for their exposition, as well as attendance at the other presentations as an essential part of their training. The total duration of the activity will depend on the number of students in the programme in each academic year, and thus it is not set, but at least 45 hours will be devoted to this activity. All presentations must be given in English
Number of hours
 Specific and mandatory
This activity may be taken over the three (full-time students) or five (part-time students) years of the students' PhD programme
Assessment procedure
Attendance register. Students must adapt their schedule to attend no less than 75% (full-time students) or 25% (part-time students) of the seminars
Preparation and Presentation of a Scientific Paper
A specific activity comprising training in scientific communication. Students will prepare and publicly defend a paper related to their thesis topic to be presented at seminars, conferences and/or PhD workshops (both national and international). The number of hours for the activity includes preparation time for the paper and its presentation
Number of hours
 Specific and mandatory
This activity may be taken over the three (full-time students) or five (part-time students) years of the students' PhD programme
Assessment procedure
Proof of submission of the work for consideration by the corresponding committee shall be required. Students on the programme must submit at least one paper or poster proposal per year (full-time students) or every two years (part-time students) 
The following activities are included in this training activity:
  • Attendance at specialised courses (cross-cutting or specific)
  • Attendance at scientific conferences
  • Research stays at other centres. Duration: three months in one or several periods and research centres

The Academic Committee of the PhD programme shall promote training activities (attending specialised courses and/or scientific conferences) at other universities/institutions within the framework of mobility activities, notifying students about any opportunities it becomes aware of.

Funding is a critical aspect for these activities. In this sense, the University of the Balearic Islands has specific programmes to fund travel, stays and registration at conferences for doctorands, where their work is accepted. In addition, research groups have funds linked to projects that may be used for this purpose. Moreover, most PhD grants (both national and international) include the possibility of student mobility to undertake research tasks at other centres. 

Nevertheless, the PhD programme cannot ensure funding, the availability of mobility for part-time students, or the need/opportunity for a specific training activity for each student. Furthermore, the PhD skills can be completed without having to undertake mobility activities. For these two reasons, the mobility activity is not mandatory

Number of hours
Specific and elective
This activity may be taken over the years of the students' PhD programme
Assessment procedure
Monitoring of attendance at specialised courses and scientific conferences shall be undertaken by the corresponding thesis supervisor(s). With regard to research stays at other centres, correct monitoring of the activities to be performed shall be down to the person responsible for the current agreements with other centres, in accordance with the thesis supervisor(s) of the doctorand. The accreditation system at the University of the Balearic Islands shall be used to validate these mobility activities