This section is for students who have been admitted to a master’s degree and have to enrol.
Please read it carefully and, where necessary, contact the Centre for Postgraduate Studies for any queries.
Resolving any academic queries before enrolment
It is important that students clear up any academic queries about the master's programme they plan to take before enrolment: how many credits they need to pass to be awarded the degree; which subjects are mandatory; whether it is necessary to take a specific speciality or pathway to be awarded the degree (and, if so, which elective subjects are linked to these specialities or pathways); whether they have to do a placement and what this comprises, and what the academic requirements are for the master’s thesis viva defence, etc.
The answers to these questions can be found on the CEP website. Nonetheless, should students still have any queries, they should contact the management team of the master’s programme. The contact form is available on the corresponding master’s degree website and can be accessed by clicking on the director’s name.
Enrolment deadlines
An enrolment period is set for admission lists on each master's programme. Admitted students who fail to enrol within the set deadline shall lose their spot, which will then be opened up to candidates on the waiting list.
The enrolment formalisation periods are listed in the Application, admission and enrolment periods section on the CEP website.
Enrolment procedure
Enrolment is done in the Acadèmic app within the deadlines listed in the Application, admission and enrolment periods section on the CEP website.
An enrolment period is set for the admission list for each master's programme. Admitted students who fail to enrol within the corresponding deadline shall lose their spot, which will then be opened up to candidates on the waiting list.
In order to access enrolment, students need to go to their personal student area, enter their username and password, and click on the section for enrolment via Acadèmic.
Once in the Acadèmic app, they need to select the 'Matrícula > Alta de matrícula' ('Enrolment > Enrol') option and follow the steps set out in the app:
- Review their personal details
- Read and accept the enrolment terms
- Fill in the statistical survey
- Check the requirements to be awarded the degree
- Select the subjects to enrol in
- Select, where applicable, any possible discounts or allowances they may have the right to, such as being an applicant for a general grant from the Ministry
- Select the payment method for enrolment
- Review the enrolment print-out to check everything is correct
- In addition, if payment is made by direct debit, the SEPA debit document should be printed, signed and submitted to the CEP before the set deadline.
Minimum number of credits that students must have for enrolment
New students on official master's programmes must have at least 30 credits in their academic record, including those they have enrolled on and those that have been accredited.
Where students have been granted part-time status, the number falls to 15 credits.
Documentation to submit to the CEP after enrolment
Supporting Documentation for Applicable Enrolment Discounts or Allowances
Students who are entitled to a discount or exemption from enrolment fees (large families, persons with disabilities, victims of terrorism or gender-based violence, foreign national identification card [NIE], etc.) must submit the originals and a photocopy of the corresponding supporting documents to the admin services in the Antoni Maria Alcover i Sureda building. Students enrolled in the Master's Degree in Teacher Training at the off-campus centres in Minorca and Ibiza & Formentera must submit these documents to the relevant admin services at their centre.
More information about Supporting Documentation for Applicable Enrolment Discounts or Allowances.
The deadline is 30th November of the current academic year.
Documentation for Direct Debit Payments
Students who have chosen to pay their fees by direct debit must submit the duly signed SEPA direct debit mandate, which will be generated when they complete the enrolment procedure, to the admin services in the Antoni Maria Alcover i Sureda building. Students enrolled in the Master's Degree in Teacher Training at the off-campus centres in Minorca and Ibiza & Formentera must submit this document to the relevant admin services at their centre.
The deadline is 30th November of the current academic year.
Originals of Admission Documentation
Students holding a UIB admission qualification must submit the originals and a photocopy of their admission documents, except for their degree certificate and transcript which the UIB already has.
Students with admission qualifications from other institutions must submit the originals and a photocopy of these documents.
Students must submit these documents to the admin services in the Antoni Maria Alcover i Sureda building, except for those enrolled in the Master's Degree in Teacher Training at the off-campus centres in Minorca and Ibiza & Formentera, who must submit it to the relevant admin services at their centre. Students may also send a certified copy* of the documents by post.
* The only valid certified copies for the purposes of enrolment are those issued by a Spanish registered notary public, Government delegations and offices, or Spanish embassies and consulates. Those provided by administrative units of the issuing bodies shall also be accepted. Please check the requirements on the CEP website for certifying foreign documents 'Students with foreign degrees'.
This documentation may be submitted from 22nd November of the current academic year. No academic certificates nor the master’s degree certificate may be requested until this documentation has been submitted.
Applying for credit recognition
Students who wish to apply for credit recognition for studies they have already completed must submit an application to the administrative services in the Antoni Maria Alcover i Sureda building within the corresponding enrolment deadline depending on the date when they have been admitted to the master's programme. This date is listed in the Application, admission and enrolment periods section on the CEP website.
Students who wish to apply for accreditation of the placement on their master's programme must submit an application to the administrative services in the Antoni Maria Alcover i Sureda building in the first five days of the month.
A photocopy of students' DNI, NIE or passport must be attached to the application form. In addition, they shall need to pay the corresponding accreditation study fee.
Students who apply for accreditation of studies from other universities must submit the academic certificate of the studies taken in Catalan, Spanish or English so that the UIB may correctly issue their final academic certificate for the programme and the European Diploma Supplement.
The credit recognition and transfer committees for each master's programme shall approve the applications received and the Centre for Postgraduate Studies will notify students so that they may pay the corresponding fees.
Amending enrolment
Students who need to do so may modify their enrolment as follows:
- After formalising enrolment in the ordinary period, and during the established period, they may maintain or increase their number of enrolled credits.
- Where students enrol on more credits in a semester than those set out in the programme curriculum for said semester, they may reduce the number of credits to the amount indicated in the curriculum, within the first 20 calendar days after the start of academic teaching in each semester.
- During the enrolment amendment period, students may claim a fee-waiver status that they had previously failed to mention in the enrolment procedure, regardless of when they originally had to fulfil this status.
Moreover, in instances where the master's management team so deems, students may add subjects to their enrolment during the extended enrolment period set for each master's degree. This period only applies to second-semester and annual subjects with approval from the head of the programme. You may view the extended enrolment deadlines and the list of available subjects at this link.
Amendments are made via the Acadèmic app, selecting the 'Enrolment > Change enrolment' section and following the instructions indicated.
Regulations on ongoing attendance
Students enrolled on a master’s degree programme must bear in mind the number of credits they need to pass in order to remain enrolled on the programme.
Full-time students must pass at least 40% of their enrolled credits for each academic year (rounded up to the nearest whole number).
Part-time students must pass at least 10% of their enrolled credits for each academic year (rounded up to the nearest whole number).
Where master’s degree students only enrol for one subject, such as the master's thesis, they do not have to comply with these minimum requirements.
The consequences of failing to pass the minimum number of credits may be consulted in the current Ongoing Attendance Regulations.
Students with a Specific Enrolment Status
What is Specific Enrolment Status?
Where you fulfil any of the special conditions set out in the the Academic Regulations, you may request permission to take your programme with a specific enrolment status. In this way, you may reduce the minimum number of credits to enrol and pass per year, adapt assessments on different pathways, etc.
Qualifying Circumstances for Specific Enrolment Status
You must accredit any of the following circumstances in order to qualify for specific enrolment status:
- Being in employment with an equivalent working day to at least half the ordinary full-time working day
- Having a physical, sensory or psychological disability with a level equal to or above 33%
- Being 45 years of age or above at the start of the academic year
- Having family protection status or caring for dependents
- Being a high-level or high-performance athlete
- Being enrolled full-time for the current academic year on an official advanced programme in the arts, in any specialisations
- Having a serious illness or having been in an accident that impedes full-time status on a university programme
- Having or being an applicant for international protection
- Accrediting victim of gender-based violence status.
- Being in any other extraordinary situation the relevant body deems a determining factor to be granted specific enrolment status on the programme.
Most of these circumstances must be accredited on a yearly basis to renew specific enrolment status. Whilst some only require one-time accreditation, students must inform the university in the event of any change in their circumstances.
New Students
In order to enrol with a specific status, it must already be accredited on your admission application or, where your circumstances change during the academic year, you must submit a request.
Returning Students
In order to enrol with specific status, you must submit a request to renew the status awarded in previous academic years or be granted it for the first time. The deadline period for requests runs from 25th July to 16th October 2024.
Changes in Circumstances during the Academic Year
If students' circumstances change in the first semester, they may request specific status:
- Where the request is made before the start of the addition of courses period on the master's programme, the following may be amended: the number of second-semester credits and the academic conditions for second-semester subjects
- Where the request is made up to 10 days after the start of academic activities for each semester on the master's programme, the status may be applied to subjects in a semester for the purpose of specific assessment pathways.
More Information
Please see the specific procedure.