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Dr Paloma Fresno Calleja

Dr Paloma Fresno Calleja
Senior lecturer
English Philology
  • Despatx 2primer pisBeatriu de Pinós


Brief CV

Paloma Fresno-Calleja is Senior Lecturer in the Department of English at the University of the Balearic Islands where she teaches Postcolonial Literatures and Gender Studies. Her research focuses on New Zealand and Pacific literatures and cultures, on which she has published a monograph: Patricia Grace: Diálogo Intercultural e Identidad Maorí (KRK, 2001). She has co-edited the collection Beyond Borders: New Zealand Literature in the Global Marketplace (Routledge, 2023) and special issues of Interventions and Journal of Postcolonial Studies. She has also authored numerous book chapters and articles in a range of national and international journals, including the Journal of Commonwealth Literature, Contemporary Women's Writing, Journal of New Zealand Studies, Journal of Popular Television, Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, Australasian Drama Studies and Studies in Australasian Cinema. Her translations of New Zealand and Pacific short stories into Spanish include Un País de Cuento: Veinte Relatos de Nueva Zelanda (Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 2014), the first Spanish anthology of New Zealand short stories, and Albert Wendt: Declaración de Independencia (KRK, 2011). In the last years, she has led two competitive research projects devoted to the analysis of popular romance fiction from a postcolonial perspective: 'The politics, aesthetics and marketing of literary formulae in popular women's fiction: History, Exoticism and Romance' (2017-2020) and 'Romance for Change: Diversity, Intersectionality and Affective Reparation in Contemporary Romantic Narratives' (2021-ongoing). She is lead researcher of the UIB group Contemporary Anglophone Literatures.


Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Thesis advising

Thesis advisor during the academic year 2024-25 for the following PHD programmes:

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
11168 - Monographic Seminar on Literary and Cultural Specialisation I
  • Master's Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures2020-21
11190 - Master's Thesis
  • Master's Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures2023-24
21813 - Postcolonial Literatures in English
21829 - Final Degree Project
21845 - Gender and Culture in the English-Speaking World
21846 - Practical Placements on the Degree in English Studies
22168 - Benchmark practicals: Foreign Language (English)
  • Degree in Primary Education2019-20
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