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Dr José Luis Luján López

Dr José Luis Luján López
Full professor
Philosophy of Science and Logic
  • Despatx BC15primer pisRamon Llull


Brief CV

PhD in Philosophy (University of Valencia), he has been a researcher at State University of Navarra and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). Author of El artefacto de la inteligencia (with J.A. López Cerezo) (Anthropos, 1989); Ciencia y política del riesgo (with J.A. López Cerezo) (Alianza, Madrid, 2000); Ciencia, tecnología y sociedad (with M.I González and J.A. López Cerezo) (Tecnos, 1996); And La imagen social de las nuevas tecnologías biológicas (with J. Atienza) (CIS, 1997). He has been editor of Ciencia, tecnología y sociedad: lecturas seleccionadas (with M.I. González and J.A. López Cerezo) (Ariel, 1997); Filosofía de la tecnología (with J.A. López Cerezo) (Teorema, vol. XVII / 3); Gobernar los riesgos (with J. Echeverría) (Biblioteca Nueva, 2004); and has published in the following journals: Futures, Journal of Risk Research, Public Understanding of Science, Science, Technology & Human Values, Social Studies of Science, Science & Public Policy, Social Epistemology, Risk Analysis, Science Communication, Technology In Society.


Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
11410 - Philosophy Study Methods
11434 - The Philosophy of Social Sciences
11443 - Master's Thesis
  • Master's Degree in Philosophy2019-20
20916 - Philosophy of Science I
20929 - Final Degree Project


Research groups

Group Membership type
Philosophical analysis and scientific knowledge Main researcher
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