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Dr Luisa Ana Unda Garces

Dr Luisa Ana Unda Garces
Distinguished lecturer
Financial Economics and Accounting
  • Despatx DB022 / Associats Economia de l'Empresaplanta baixaGaspar Melchor de Jovellanos


Brief CV

Luisa A. Unda is a Professor of Accounting at the Department of Business Economics and she joined the University of the Balearic Islands in 2024. Prior to this, Luisa held academic positions at the University of Mannheim, Germany (2020-2024), Monash University, Australia (2016-2020) and La Trobe University, Australia (2011-2015). Her research interests include corporate governance, financial reporting quality, managerial attributes, non-GAAP earnings, climate and sustainability disclosures, gender differences in financial decision making, and financial inclusion. Her research work is regularly presented at international conferences, and has been published in impactful and widely recognized journals, such as the European Accounting Review, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking & Finance, Financial Accountability and Management, Accounting & Finance. She has obtained national and international research grants.

Luisa has developed a strong teaching record across undergraduate and postgraduate accounting and finance courses. She has supervised a number of bachelor and master theses, and she has received various academic excellence awards.

Recent Publications:

  • Shahriar, A.Z, Unda, L.A., Berns, J., and Phatraphumpakdee, P. (2024). Monitoring and loan pricing: Do microfinance institutions extract rent from entrepreneurs. Quarterly Journal of Finance.
  • Ranasinghe, D, Unda, L, and Wright, S. (2022). Do women mind the non-GAAP? Board gender diversity and non-GAAP disclosure quality. European Accounting Review
  • Unda, L. (2022). Cooperative values and the development of the credit union movement in Australia. Journal of Management History
  • Unda, L, Gong, Z, Benatti, K, Loh, R. (2022). Shared Accountability, Role Expectations and Performance in the School Setting. Financial Accountability & Management
  • Unda, L, and Foerster A. (2022) Climate risk disclosure, compliance, and regulatory drivers: A textual tone analysis. Company & Securities Law Journal 47(39), 47-72.
  • Mather, P, Ranasinghe, D, and Unda, L. (2021). Are female directors more cautious? The impact of board gender diversity on sentiment in earnings press releases. Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics 17(3), 100278.
  • Loh, R, Unda, L, Gong, Z, and Benatti, K. (2021). Board effectiveness and school performance: a study of Australian independent schools. School Effectiveness and School Improvement. 32(4), 650-673.
  • Berns, J, Shahriar, A.Z, and Unda, L. (2021). Delegated monitoring in crowdfunded microfinance: Evidence from Kiva. Journal of Corporate Finance 66, pp.101864.
  • Shahriar, A.Z, Unda, L., and Alam, Q (2020). Gender differences in the repayment of microcredit: The mediating role of trustworthiness. Journal of Banking & Finance 110, pp.105685.
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