I am Senior Lecturer in English Studies, specialising in Translation Studies. I completed a BA in Translation and Interpreting (English/German) at Universidad de Salamanca before earning an MA and a PhD (Doctor Europaeus) in the same field at Universidad de Granada (2011). Before joining UIB, I was a visiting researcher at the Centre de Sociologie Européenne (CNRS-Paris, 2009-2010) and Lecturer in Translation Studies at CES Felipe II (2012), University of Hull (2013-2015), Newcastle University (2015-2018) and Universidad Complutense in Madrid (2018-2019).My research follows three main lines: a sociological approach to literature and literary translation with the help of Pierre Bourdieu's sociological framework; the political effects of culture and the importance of translation for the evolution, circulation, and transformation of political concepts; and the study of translation as a creative practice within Modernist and postcolonial writing projects. In this sense, I am open to proposals for PhD theses in my research areas (translation and politics, literary translation, reception of translations, hybrid writing, experimental poetry, comparative literature, etc.).I am the author of two monographs -Translating the Crisis. Politics and Culture in Spain after the 15M (Routledge, 2020) and Espacios de dominación, espacios de resistencia. Literatura y traducción desde una sociología crítica (Peter Lang, 2014)- and several articles/chapters. With Jonathan Evans, I have co-edited The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Politics (Routledge, 2018). With Julia Rone (Cambridge), I am series co-editor for Critical Perspectives on Citizen Media (Routledge).My work as academic establishes a dialogue with my activity as creative writer, literary translator and poetry editor. I have published several books of poems and two pieces of reflective prose, as well as translations from German (Kafka, Hofmannsthal, Kaschnitz), English (Kavanagh), French (Rodenbach), Italian (Sanguineti), and Greek (Sachtouris). Between 2007 and 2011, I co-directed the international poetry festival Cosmopoética, which was awarded the National Award for the Promotion of Reading in 2009. Since September 2022, I am also an advisor for the indie publisher Kriller71 (https://kriller71ediciones.com/), which focuses mainly on the translation of poetry.