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Dr Mireia Guillén Solà

Dr Mireia Guillén Solà
Tenured contract senior lecturer
  • Despatx 222segon pisMargalida Comas i Camps


Brief CV

PhD from the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), Graduate in Nursing and Sociology from the University of Barcelona, ​​specialized in Public Health from Pompeu Fabra University. Currently, CPD at the Faculty of Nursing and Physiotherapy, where I teach subjects related to social and psychosocial determinants of health and member of the CurES Group (UIB): Care, chronicity and health evidence.

Experience in the clinical field at an international level (Manchester Royal Infirmary -United Kingdom), at a national level as Nursing Manager of the Clinical Trials Unit of the Hospital Universitario de Bellvitge and as a health technician at the Medical Technology and Research Assessment Agency ( AATRM/AIAQS) of Barcelona and the Primary Care Research Unit of the Balearic Islands.


Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
21604 - Social Determinants of Health
22701 - Psychosocial Sciences Applied to Health
22704 - Education and Health Promotion
22706 - Applied Statistics in Health Sciences
22716 - Nursing, Primary Care and Global Health
22722 - Nursing in Adults V
  • Degree in Nursing (2016 syllabus)2021-22
22728 - Clinical Practice VI
  • Degree in Nursing (2016 syllabus)2021-22
22729 - Clinical Practice VII
22730 - Final Degree Project
22754 - Final Degree Project in Nursing
22763 - Psychosocial Sciences Applied to Physiotherapy
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