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Dr Belén Bermejo González

Dr Belén Bermejo González
Tenured contract senior lecturer
Computer Architecture and Technology
  • Despatx 132primer pisAnselm Turmeda


Brief CV

Dr. Belén Bermejo González is a member of the ACSIC research group, where she completed her doctoral thesis in 2020. Her research is focused on improving the balance between energy consumption and the performance of virtualized servers and cloud computing systems. In addition, she is currently also focusing her efforts on studying the energy consumption of surveillance capitalism. During her pre-doc and post-doc stage, she has made several stays at Newcastle University and the University of Seville.

She is also Chair of Women in Engineering of the IEEE Spain section: 

Today she has numerous publications in journals indexed in the JCR and international conferences, as well as book chapters: 

Dr. Bermejo teaches the Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering and the Master's Degree in Intelligent Systems:

  • Extension of Computer Architecture (3rd course GEIN)
  • Advanced Architectures (4th GEIN course)
  • Evaluation of the Performance of Computer Systems (2nd course GEIN)
  • Innovation and Research Management (1st Master course)



Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
11751 - Research Management and Innovation
21719 - Performance Evaluation of Information Systems
21737 - Extended Study of Computer Architecture
21741 - Advanced Architectures
  • Degree in Informatics Engineering (2014 syllabus)2020-21
21761 - Governance of ICT


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