Juan Fernández Gracia
- 971259518 (9518)
- Despatx S05soterraniServeis Cientificotècnics i IUR
Brief CV
I have 33 publications, of which 3 are book chapters. 21 of them are in Q1 journals (8 in D1) and I have been cited 1694 times and have an h-index of 18 (GS). My work has been featured over 20 times in scientific blogs and news outlets. The multidisciplinarity of my work is reflected by the journals where I have published: generalists (2 PNAS, 2 Plos ONE, 1 Science Advances, 9 Scientific Reports), physics (1 PRL, 2 PRE, 1 Frontiers in physics), ecology (1 TREE, 1 Ecological Applications, 1 Biological Conservation) and others that include medicine (Frontiers in Medicine), marine science (Frontiers in Marine Science), complex systems (Complexity) and even forensic science (Forensic Science International).
Regarding my contribution to these papers, I have been first author of 34% of them, and in the others I have specific contributions in data analysis and modeling. In many of these papers I have acted as a bridge between disciplines (e.g. ecology and physics).
I have made 45 contributions to congresses and workshops (29 oral, 18 poster). The congresses again reflect the interdisciplinarity of my work, as I have participated in congresses about network science (Costnet, Netsci, Complex Networks, Network Frontiers, Complenet), physics (APS, DPG, FisEs, Bienal), complex systems (Crossroads in Complex Systems, International Conference on Complex Systems, BIFI, Orflow, Robust, COMSOTEC), social sciences (SBP-BRIMS, WEHIA, Sunbelt, CEF) and ecology (Physics & Ecology at the Scientific Meetings in the Mediterranean, EECONET). I received the best paper award at SBP- BRIMS 2017. I have participated as programm committee member for several conferences (SBP-BRIMS, Netsci-X) I have been a postdoctoral fellow at IMEDEA (UIB-CSIC) for 6 months in 2014; at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health for 2 years through project MIDAS (NIH) in 2015 and 2016; and since 2017 at IFISC (CSIC-UIB) through international (CAASE) and national (SPASSIM) projects, as well as with a competitive postdoctoral contract from UIB (2019-2021) and the excellence postdoctoral program of the government of the Balearic Islands, Vicenç Mut (2021-2023).
I have participated as researcher in 10 projects: 3 international ones (MIDAS, CAASE, LASAGNE), 4 national ones (SPASSIM, MODASS, FISICOS, COVID-SHINE), a regional one (Física Interdisciplinar) and 2 small regional outreach projects (EL IFISC - Una introducción a la Física de los Sistemas Complejos:Caos y Patrones, El IFISC y el paradigma de los sistemas complejos).
I have made several short stays (1 to 4 weeks) at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (Boston, USA), at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (Thuwal, Saudi Arabia), the University of Western Australia (Perth, Australia), Telenor (Oslo, Norway), the Human Nature Lab (Cambridge, USA) and the COSIN3 group at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Castelldefels, Spain).
I have participated actively in outreach activities such as the Pint of Science, the Week of Science and Technology and the Science Fair of the Balearic Islands when there was one. I am currently codirecting the PhD thesis of Ms. Somaye Sheykhali, Gorka Buenvarón Campo and Juan Antonio García Castillo. I have also codirected 3 master thesis. I have served as external evaluator for the Dutch Research Council. I am certified as 'contratado doctor' (~ assistant professor) by the regional quality agency of the Balearic Islands (AQUIB).
Since late 2023 I am permanent staff at IFISC.
Office Hours
You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring sessionSubjects taught. Academic Year 2024-25
Thesis advising
Teaching, 5 previous years
Subject | Information |
11003 - Complex Networks | |
11933 - Computational Social Sciences |
21026 - Statistical Physics | |
21400 - Physics I |
Research groups
Group | Membership type |
Cross-disciplinary physics group (GFI) | Member |