Roberta Zambrini obtained her degree in Physics in Italy at Milan University and her PhD in Spain at UIB working in quantum aspects of the complex phenomenon of spontaneous pattern formation (EU projects QSTRUCT and QUANTIM), gaining experience in numerical methods to study non-linear quantum systems. Between 2003 and 2006 she was postdoc working in light angular momentum at Strathclyde University in the UK and from 2008 she is tenured researcher of CSIC at IFISC working in Complex Quantum Systems, Main topics are quantum networks, open quantum systems and quantum synchronization (EU QUPROCS project), and recently she started to work in quantum machine learning and quantum reservoir compiting. She has been leading and participating in several regional, national and EU projects. She is in the editorial board of 3 journals and active in outreach activities. She is currently coordinating the CSIC initiative of a white paper on Digital and Complex Information.