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Dr Laura Mariño Pérez

Dr Laura Mariño Pérez
Tenured contract senior lecturer
Physical Chemistry
  • Despatx QF121primer pisMateu Orfila i Rotger (Química)


Brief CV

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Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
11364 - Enzymes and Enzymatic Catalysis
11367 - Experimentation in Biological Chemistry
  • Master's Degree in Chemical Science and Technology2020-21
21402 - General Chemistry Laboratory I
21404 - Chemistry II
21405 - General Chemistry Laboratory I
21418 - Physical Chemistry III
21423 - Physical Chemistry Experimentation
21428 - Advanced Chemistry Laboratory
21429 - Integrated Chemistry Laboratory
22123 - Experimental Sciences and Teaching I (Biology-Chemistry)
  • Degree in Primary Education2023-24
22132 - Final Degree Project in Primary Education
  • Degree in Primary Education2023-24
22405 - Chemistry


Research groups

Group Membership type
Molecular reactivity (ReacMol) Member
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