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Dr Mercedes Nadal Serrano

Dr Mercedes Nadal Serrano
Tenured contract senior lecturer
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Despatx 44Cprimer pisGuillem Colom i Casasnovas


Brief CV

Mercedes Nadal studied at the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB, Palma), receiving her degree in Biochemistry in 2009. After completing her master's in Advanced Microbiology at UIB, she received a predoctoral fellowship to perform her Ph.D. in the Dr Pilar Roca's research team at the UIB, studying the molecular mechanism of mitochondrial regulation and oxidative stress in breast cancer (2010-2014). During her PhD training, EMBO awarded her a short-term fellowship to do a research stay abroad for three months at the University of Verona, supervised by Dr Massimo Donadelli. Her work contributed to demonstrated that mutant p53 protein counteracts autophagic mechanism, and this sensitizes cancer cells to mTOR inhibition. Her thesis 'The effects of estrogens, genistein and leptin on oxidative stress in breast cancer. The significance of UCP2' was defended in October 2014 getting the European Doctorate and the best qualification cum laude. In 2016, Dr Nadal joined Dr Joaquín Arribas team at Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO, Barcelona) as postdoctoral research fellow. There, she worked in mechanisms of resistance to antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) targeting HER2-positive breast tumors. Part of these studies have been published in Cancer Research and Cancers journals. Moreover, fruit of additional studies focused on evaluating novel therapeutic strategies to improve the effect of ADCs by reactivating senescence programs, a new manuscript has just been accepted for publication (Cancer Research). After this exciting postdoctoral in translational research, in September 2019 she started at Fundació Institut d'Investigació Sanitària Illes Balears (IdISBa, Palma), awarded with a competitive FOLIUM postdoctoral fellow (2019-2021). There, she established and validated an in vitro model of blood-brain barrier to study extravasation of cancer cells. Next, she joined the research group of Advanced Therapies and Biomarkers in Clinical Oncology at IdISBa to continue her studies in breast cancer research lines. In September 2022, Dr Nadal secured a position as an assistant professor (Profesora Ayudante Doctora) in the Department of Fundamental Biology and Health Sciences at UIB. Since December 2023, she has held a permanent faculty position (Profesora Permanente Laboral) in the department and is a member of the 'Grupo Multidisciplinar de Oncología Traslacional' at the UIB. Her ongoing work is contributing to the identification of new vulnerabilities and key drivers that mediate metastasis in breast cancer patients.

Briefly, Dr Nadal is co-author of 20 original research papers (7 as first author), 1 review and 1 book chapter, has participated in 45 national and international conferences, has been a member of multiple master and PhD examination panels, and has supervised 2 master's theses and 2

Data from Web of Science (Jan 2023)

H-Index: 14; i10-Index: 15
Publications: 19; Publications Q1:10; Publications First author: 7
Times Cited: 646; Average per item: 30.95
Team member of R&D projects funded through competitive calls: 15
Works submitted to national or international conferences: 45


Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
11732 - Advanced Research Seminars
11733 - Molecular Basis of Carcinogenesis
11737 - Advanced Experimental Strategy
11741 - Master's Thesis
20112 - Integrated Practices in Molecular and Cell Biology
20148 - Biochemistry
21425 - Biological Chemistry
21501 - General Biochemistry Laboratory
21502 - Biochemistry Instrumentation Laboratory
21516 - Methods and Techniques of in Molecular Biology
21521 - Food Biochemistry
22703 - Biochemistry and Nutrition
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