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Dr Miquel Āngel Conesa Muņoz

  • Despatx 121primer pisComplex Balear de Recerca i Desenvolupament Tecnolōgic


Brief CV

Degree in Biology (UIB, 2001) and PhD in Biology (UIB, 2010) co-supervised by Drs. Maurici Mus (UIB) and Josep Antoni Rosselló (University of Valencia).

Has developed his teaching and research career at the areas of Botany and Plant Production. He is currently Associate Professor at the area of Plant Production in the Department of Biology of UIB.

He has taught at the UIB (Degree in Biology, Agricultural Technical Engineering-Horticulture and Gardening, Degree in Biology, Degree in Agrifood Engineering and Rural Environment -GEAM-, Master's Degree in Plant Biology in Mediterranean Conditions, Master's Degree in Applied Biotechnology) from the 2007-2008 academic year. He has been secretary of the GEAM studies board.

His research is mainly related to the ecophysiology and evolution of the autochthonous and endemic species of the Balearic Islands, and to the characterization of the drought tolerance and the fruit shelf-life in the Balearic tomato 'de Ramellet' and in other Mediterranean tomatoes that present the long shelf-life (LSL) fruit phenotype.


Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Thesis advising

Thesis advisor during the academic year 2024-25 for the following PHD programmes:

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
11217 - Biotechnological Applications in Biodiversity Management
11228 - Field techniques and methodologies
22468 - Technology of Protected Crops
  • Degree in Food and Agriculture Engineering and the Rural Environment2019-20
22469 - Nursery Gardening
  • Degree in Food and Agriculture Engineering and the Rural Environment2022-23
22471 - Herbaceous and Forage Crops
22472 - Woody Crops
22473 - Horticultural Crops I
22490 - Water and Agronomy
  • Degree in Food and Agriculture Engineering and the Rural Environment2019-20
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