Dr Francisco Javier Rosselló Lozano

Brief CV
Xavier Rosselló is a clinical cardiologist and scientist with strong background cardiovascular research as well as in medical statistics. He performed his clinical training at Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (Barcelona, Spain) and obtained his PhD in translational cardiovascular science at University College London (2017). He also holds an MSc in Medical Statistics from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (2018). Before obtaining this MSc, he was a visiting research fellow at the Department of Medical Statistics and was focused on risk scores, survival analyses and clinical trials. After these fruitful experiences, he performed a 1.5-year postdoc fellowship at Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) in Madrid (Spain), where he mainly focused on cardiovascular outcome studies and clinical trials. Currently, he is working on a part-time basis as an academic cardiologist at Hospital Universitari Son Espases (Mallorca, Spain) and as a clinical scientist and statistician at Institut d'Investigació Sanitària Illes Balears (IDISBA). He is a visiting researcher at CNIC (Madrid, Spain), Associate Professor at Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB), and Honorary Assistant Professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). Among many other commitments, he is the trial coordinator of a large clinical aiming to recruit >8,000 patients (TREatment With Beta-blockers After myOcardial Infarction withOut Reduced Ejection fraction, or REBOOT trial), and a member (past chairperson) of the Methodology and Stats Committee of the PESA (Progression of Early Subclinical Atherosclerosis) Study. Moreover, he is a member of the Quality indicators Study Group and the Acute Heart Failure Study Group of the Acute Cardiovascular Care Association - European Society of Cardiology (ESC). He is a member of the clinical practice guidelines and the ESC Registries Committe of the ESC.
He has published more than 170 scientific articles in PubMed (>50% as first, co-first or corresponding author). Among them, around 85% are related to clinical research, wheres the remaining 15% are related to basic or translational research. His H-index is 35, and his studies have received over 5,000 cites. He has published in The New England Journal of Medicine and The Lancet, and he has been co-ordinator of the 2023 European Society of Cardiology Guidelines for the management of acute coronary syndromes, and the 2024 European Society of Cardiology Guidelines for the management of chronic coronary syndromes.
Twitter: @RosselloXavier.
ORCID: 0000-0001-6783-8463
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/xavier-rossello-66a79764
Office Hours
You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring sessionSubjects taught. Academic Year 2024-25
- 22706 - Applied Statistics in Health Sciences. Degree in Nursing (2016 syllabus) - Ibiza.
- 22706 - Applied Statistics in Health Sciences. Degree in Nursing - Ibiza.
- 22706 - Applied Statistics in Health Sciences. Degree in Nursing - Majorca.
- 23009 - Documentation and Electronic Resources. Degree in Medicine - Majorca.
- 23032 - Medical and Surgical Pathology: Cardiovascular System. Degree in Medicine - Majorca.
- 23011 - Physiology: Systems of the Human Body I. Degree in Medicine - Majorca.
Thesis advising
Teaching, 5 previous years
Subject | Information |
22706 - Applied Statistics in Health Sciences | |
23009 - Documentation and Electronic Resources | |
23011 - Physiology: Systems of the Human Body I | |
23032 - Medical and Surgical Pathology: Cardiovascular System |