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Dr María Gómez Garrido

Dr María Gómez Garrido
Tenured contract senior lecturer
  • Despatx BG07primer pisRamon Llull


Brief CV

Member of the research group Inequalities, Gender and Public Policies (UIB). Her research lines are the sociology of culture and the sociology of emotions applied to processes of inequality, stigmatization as well as to the formation of collective identities.
She obtained did a PhD in Social and Political Sciences at the European University Institute, a Msc in Sociology at the London School of Economics and a BA in History at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She participated in the Marie-Curie program in-depth training in social research methods at the Institut de Recherche sur le Sociétés Contemporaines (currently named Centre Maurice Halbwachs, CNRS).
In the past she has worked at the Institute of Public Goods and Policies (CSIC) analysing the role of values in attitudes to the Welfare State. She has also worked in the diagnosis and evaluation of various projects of labour market participation and social inclusion under the Program Equal funded by the European Commission.

Her lines of research deal with the processes of building social and political solidarity. In recent years he has also been researching migratory processes. Some of her publications are:

Gómez Garrido, María (2020) A vueltas con la exclusión social. Retos para unas políticas sociales inclusivas, en del Pino, E. y Moreno-Fuentes, J. (eds) Transformaciones territoriales y sociales del Estado en la era digital. Homenaje a Luis Moreno. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales: 479-500.

Gómez Garrido, M. Carbonero, M. Antònia y Viladrich, A. (2019) The role of grassroots foodbanks in building politica solidarity with vulnerable people, European Societies, 21(5), 753 - 773.

Carbonero Gamundí, M.A. y Gómez Garrido, María, (2018) Being like your girlfriend. Authenticity and the Shifting Borders of Intimacy in Sex Work, Sociology, 52(2) 384-399.

Gómez Garrido, María (2017) Die Familie in Spanien während der Krise: letzter Zufluchtsort? Das Argument Vol. 324: 516-520.

Calzada, I., Gómez Garrido, María., Moreno-Luis y Moreno-Fuentes, F.-J. (2014) It is not Only About Equality. A Study of the Other Values that Ground Attitudes to the Welfare State, Journal of Public Opinion Research, Vol. 26, n 2.

Gómez Garrido, María (2013) La mirada antropológica de E.P. Thompson, Sociología histórica, 3.

Gómez Garrido, María (2013) Hidden Injuries: Class Resentment in Western Democracies, in Fantini, Moruno and Moscoso (eds) On Resentment: Past and Present. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


Office Hours

Lecturer Tutorial Times
Start Date End Date Day Start Time End Time Location
09/09/2024 28/02/2025 Wednesday 14.00 16.00 BG07 Ramon Llull

Thesis advising

Thesis advisor during the academic year 2024-25 for the following PHD programmes:

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
21900 - Foundations of Contemporary Society
21931 - Final Degree Project
21980 - Foundations of Contemporary Society
22106 - Sociology, Living in harmony and Education
22333 - Citizenship and Welfare Society
22531 - Socio-labour Audit and Research and Assessment Techniques
22532 - Final Degree Project in Labour Relations
22568 - Social Research Techniques


Research groups

Group Membership type
Inequalities, gender and public policy (DGPP) Member
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