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Dr Rodrigo Casasnovas Perera

Dr Rodrigo Casasnovas Perera
Senior lecturer
Physical Chemistry
  • Despatx QF106primer pisMateu Orfila i Rotger (Química)


Brief CV

Dr. Rodrigo Casasnovas Perera holds an Associate Professor position in Chemical Physics in the Chemistry Department of the University of the Balearic Islands since 2024. His research is integrated in the group of Molecular Reactivity and Drug Design 'Reactivitat Molecular i Diseny de Fàrmacs' and focuses on the study of protein structure and dynamics; chemical properties of other biomolecules; and chemical reactions of biological relevance. Such research is performed with computational techniques: ab initio and DFT methods, QMMM methods, molecular dynamics and enhanced sampling methods. He has positive evaluation of 2 teaching five-year periods and of 2 research six-year periods.Indexes of research qualityResearcher ID: 16Number of publications: 28Number of co-supervised PhD theses: 1Number of co-supervised Master theses: 2Number of Bachelor theses: 6Number of supervised collaborating students: 4


Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
11342 - Applied Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory
  • Master's Degree in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling2020-21
11344 - Computational Biochemistry
  • Master's Degree in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling2020-21
11356 - Chemistry, the Structure and Function of Proteins
  • Master's Degree in Chemical Science and Technology2020-21
11366 - Molecular Modelling of Biomolecules
  • Master's Degree in Chemical Science and Technology2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23
  • Master's in Chemical Science and Technology2019-20
  • PhD in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling2022-23
21002 - Chemistry I
21404 - Chemistry II
21418 - Physical Chemistry III
21423 - Physical Chemistry Experimentation
21439 - Molecular Design
21544 - Chemistry II
22123 - Experimental Sciences and Teaching I (Biology-Chemistry)
22132 - Final Degree Project in Primary Education
22405 - Chemistry
  • Degree in Automation and Industrial Electronic Engineering2019-20


Research groups

Group Membership type
Molecular reactivity (ReacMol) Member
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