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Dr Ángel Bujosa Bestard

Dr Ángel Bujosa Bestard
Senior lecturer
Applied Economics
Unid. de Gestión Estudios de Postgrado (director)
  • Despatx DB256segon pisGaspar Melchor de Jovellanos
  • Serveis Administratius-despatx 3primer pisAntoni Maria Alcover i Sureda


Brief CV

Angel Bujosa Bestard (Bunyola, 1982) is Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Economics at the Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB). He holds a Master's and a PhD in Tourism and Environmental Economics. His PhD thesis, titled 'Improving Recreational Demand Modelling for Environmental Policy Needs: A Study of Mallorcan Forest', explored the use of various recreational demand models in the context of Mallorcan forests.
His current research focuses on economic valuation methodologies for the environment, particularly regarding natural areas and climate change. He has participated in both national and international research projects and has authored more than fifteen articles published in journals such as Environmental and Resource Economics, Ecological Economics, Climatic Change, and Tourism Management. Additionally, he has co-authored two book chapters published by Springer and Nova Science Publishers.
In 2007, he was awarded the VII edition of the 'Premi Medi Ambient de Mallorca' by the Consell Insular de Mallorca. In 2008, he received the I AERNA Award for the best presentation from the Asociación Hispano-Portuguesa de Economía de los Recursos Naturales y Ambientales (AERNA). He has been recognized with three research sexennia (sexenios) and three teaching quinquennia (quinquenios).
Since November 2010, he has served as the Director of the UNESCO/SA NOSTRA Chair in Business and Environmental Management. This Chair, created in 1998 through a collaboration agreement between the UIB and the Savings Bank 'Sa Nostra,' received UNESCO recognition in 2001. He has also directed the Master's Degree in Economics of Tourism: Monitoring and Evaluation (2015-2018) and the Master's Degree in Economics of Tourism and Environmental Economics (2014-2017). Additionally, he served as the Assistant Director of the Centre for Postgraduate Studies at UIB (2019-2021). Currently, he is the Director of the Postgraduate Studies Management Unit (UGEP).

More information


Period Appointment
2021 - present

Director of the Postgraduate Studies Management Unit (UGEP), UIB

2010 - present

Director of the UNESCO/Sa Nostra Chair for business management and the environment, created in 1998 under the collaboration agreement between the UIB and the savings bank “Sa Nostra”, Caixa de Balears, and recognised by UNESCO in 2001

2019 - 2021

Assistant Director of the Centre for Postgraduate Studies, UIB

2015 - 2018

Director of the Master in Economics of Tourism: Monitoring and Evaluation (METME), UIB

2014 - 2017

Director of the Master in Tourism and Environmental Economics (MTEE), UIB


Ph.D. in Economics, Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2009
M.S. in Tourism and Environmental Economics, Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2005
B.A. in Business Administration, Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2004


Office Hours

Lecturer Tutorial Times
Start Date End Date Day Start Time End Time Location
02/09/2024 31/07/2025 Thursday 12.00 13.00 DB256 / Edifici Jovellanos

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
11488 - Monitoring and Evaluation for an Optimal Governance
  • Master's in Economics of Tourism: Monitoring and Evaluation2019-20
11496 - Evaluation of non-economic Impacts
11508 - Master's Thesis
  • Master's Degree in Economics of Tourism: Monitoring and Evaluation2020-21
  • Master's in Economics of Tourism: Monitoring and Evaluation2019-20
20490 - End of Degree Project
  • Double degree in Business Administration and Law (2013 syllabus)2021-22, 2022-23
20531 - Final Degree Project in Tourism
20620 - Environmental Economics
20629 - Final Degree Project in Economics

All subjects taught

Subject Degree Period

2627 - Natural Resoruce and Environmental Economics

Degree in Business Administration and Management and Degree in Economics 2008 - 2012
20600 - Economic Environment Degree in Economics 2009 - 2011
20620 - Environmental Economics Degree in Economics 2011 - present

20605 - Microeconomics

Degree in Business Administration and Double Degree in Business Administration and Law 2012 - 2019

10581 - Advanced Economics

Master's Degree in Tourism and Environmental Economics

2008 - 2012 / 2013 - 2014

10584 - Environmental Economics Master's Degree in Tourism and Environmental Economics 2012 - 2014
10158 - Methodologies of Economic valuation Master's Degree in Tourism and Environmental Economics 2014 - 2015
10592 - Master's Thesis (coordinador) Master's Degree in Tourism and Environmental Economics 2014 - 2016
11488 - Monitoring and Evaluation for an Optimal Governance

Master's Degree in Economics of Tourism: Monitoring and Evaluation

2015 - 2020
11496 - Evaluation of non-economic impacts Master's Degree in Economics of Tourism: Monitoring and Evaluation 2015 - actualitat
11508 - Master's Thesis (coordinador) Master's Degree in Economics of Tourism: Monitoring and Evaluation 2015 - 2021



Research groups

Group Membership type
Economic analysis of the impact of tourism (AEIT) Main researcher

Research interests

Environmental Economics, non-market valuation, discrete choice models

Research projects

Project Funding institution Duration
Aproximación a la disposición a pagar de los turistas para la provisión de servicios de alojamiento turístico que incorporan pautas de consumo y producción circular Conselleria de Fons Europeus, Universitat i Cultura 2022-2023
Economía del cambio climático: vulnerabilidad y políticas de adaptación y mitigación en España  Agencia Estatal de Investigación 2020-2023
Impactos medioambientales y económicos del cambio climático sobre las costas y puertos españoles (CLIMPACT)  Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación 2015-2018
Efectos del cambio climático sobre la demanda turística. Evidencia empírica
y medidas de adaptación
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación 2011-2014
Externalidades del transporte rodado en economías turísticas (ETRET)
Evaluación de políticas correctoras para su internalización
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia 2007-2010



Title: Is carbon footprint reduction always preferred over offsetting? An analysis of tourists' preferences in the Mallorca region
Authors: Llorenç B. Femenias, Angel Bujosa and Antoni Riera
Journal: Economic Analysis and Policy, 81, 1371-1381
Year: 2024
Title: Attribute range effects: Preference anomaly or unexplained variance?
Authors: Angel Bujosa and Antoni Riera
Journal: Journal of Choice Modelling41 (100321)
Year: 2021
Title: Measuring the economic impact of climate-induced environmental changes on sun-and-beach tourism
Authors: Alejandra R. Enríquez and Angel Bujosa
Journal: Climatic Change160 (2), 203-217
Year: 2020
Title: Estimation of implicit discount rates for climate change adaptation policies
Authors: Angel Bujosa and Antoni Riera
Journal: Journal of Environmental Management, 252.
Year: 2019
Title: Framing decisions in uncertain scenarios: an analysis of tourist preferences in the face of global warming
Authors: Angel Bujosa, Catalina M. Torres and Antoni Riera
Journal: Ecological Economics, 148, 36-42. 
Year: 2018 
Title: Sun-and-beach tourism and the importance of intra-destination movements in mature destinations
Authors: Angel Bujosa, Antoni Riera and Pere Josep Pons
Journal: Tourism Geographies, 17(5), 780-794. 
Year: 2015 
Title: Valuing tourism demand attributes to guide climate change adaptation measures efficiently: The case of the Spanish domestic travel market 
Authors: Angel Bujosa, Antoni Riera and Catalina M. Torres 
Journal: Tourism Management, 47, 233-239. 
Year: 2015 
TitleDensities rather than shares: improving the measurement of congestion in recreation demand models 
Authors: Angel Bujosa, Antoni Riera, Robert L. Hicks and Kenneth E. McConnell 
Journal: Environmental and Resource Economics, 61, 127-140. 
Year: 2015 
TitleSubstitution patterns across alternatives as a source of preference heterogeneity in recreation demand models 
Author: Angel Bujosa 
Journal: Journal of Environmental Management, 144, 212-217. 
Year: 2014 
TitleClimate change and summer mass tourism: the case of Spanish domestic tourism 
Authors: Angel Bujosa and Jaume Rosselló 
Journal: Climatic Change, 117(1-2), 363-375. 
Year: 2013 
TitleCombining Discrete and Continuous Representations of Preference Heterogeneity: A Latent Class Approach 
Authors: Angel Bujosa, Antoni Riera and Robert L. Hicks 
Journal: Environmental and Resource Economics, 47(4), 477-493. 
Year: 2010
TitleEnvironmental diversity in recreational choice modelling 
Authors: Angel Bujosa and Antoni Riera 
Journal: Ecological Economics, 68(11), 2743-2750 
Year: 2009 

Book chapters

Title: Mediterranean Tourism and Climate Change: Identifying Future Demand and Assessing Destinations' Vulnerability 
Authors: Alexandre Magnan, Jacqueline Hamilton, Jaume Rosselló,Raphael Billé and Angel Bujosa 
Book: Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean, Advances in Global Change Research, Volume 51, 337-365 
Year: 2013 
TitleWho are national parks for? New challenges in national parks management 
Authors: Angel Bujosa and Antoni Riera 
Book: Global Management: Strategy, Challenges, and Uncertainties (pp. 207-219) 
Editorial: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 
Year: 2008 
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