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Dr Antonio Maria Bruyel Olmedo

Dr Antonio Maria Bruyel Olmedo
Tenured contract senior lecturer
English Philology
  • Despatx 17soterraniArxiduc Lluís Salvador


Brief CV

Antonio Bruyèl-Olmedo is a Tenured Contract Lecturer at the Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB). He graduated in English Philology at the University of Salamanca, and completed his Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) at the Universidad Nacional Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED, Madrid). He obtained his PhD at the UIB.After developing his career at the School of Tourism of the Balearic Islands, where he was academic director, he held the position of deputy director of 'Felipe Moreno' University School of Tourism 'Felipe Moreno'. He is currently a member of the Department of Spanish, Modern and Classical Philology at the UIB.His research interests include the sociolinguistic aspects of the presence of English as a lingua franca in public spaces, as well as its coexistence with local and minority languages, with a special focus on the linguistic landscape of tourist destinations. His work has led to research stays (Universidad del País Vasco, Universidad de La Rioja), the publication of several papers in indexed journals and chapters in edited volumes, his participation in international congresses and guest lectures at various European universities. Since 2017 he has been a collaborator of the Research Group in Applied Linguistics (REGAL) at the UIB. He has also participated in two state research projects: TRANSLINGUAM-UNI (PGC2018-098815-B-100) and, more recently, INCLU-LINGUAM, in which he is part of the research team.As for his teaching activity, he has experience at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. His undergraduate teaching has focused on English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in the areas of English for Tourism, Business English, English for Events and Aeronautical English, for which he has been an authorised examiner by the Spanish Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC). Since 2018, he has been teaching on orality and literacy in the UIB's Master's Degree in Modern Languages and Literature (60 ECTS).

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Office Hours

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Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
11167 - Orality and Writing: Opposition and Interference
  • Master's Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures2021-22
11170 - Research Techniques in Linguistics
11187 - Orality and Writing: Opposition and Interference
  • Master's Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures2021-22
  • Master's in Modern Languages and Literatures2019-20
20506 - English II
  • Double Degree in Business Administration and Tourism2023-24
21829 - Final Degree Project
29107 - English I
  • Degree in Tourism (Felipe Moreno Affiliated Centre)2021-22
29111 - English II
29123 - English III
  • Degree in Tourism (Felipe Moreno Affiliated Centre)2021-22
29136 - Final Degree Project in Tourism
29138 - English IV
29701 - English I
  • Degree in Events Protocol and Organisation: 2015 (UE Felipe Moreno)2019-20
  • Degree in Events Protocol and Organisation (2015) (UE Felipe Moreno)2020-21, 2021-22
  • Degree in Protocol and Events Management (Aff. Centre Felipe Moreno)2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22
29707 - English II
  • Degree in Events Protocol and Organisation: 2015 (UE Felipe Moreno)2019-20
  • Degree in Events Protocol and Organisation (2015) (UE Felipe Moreno)2020-21, 2021-22
  • Degree in Protocol and Events Management (Aff. Centre Felipe Moreno)2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22
29710 - English III
  • Degree in Events Protocol and Organisation: 2015 (UE Felipe Moreno)2019-20
  • Degree in Events Protocol and Organisation (2015) (UE Felipe Moreno)2020-21, 2021-22
  • Degree in Protocol and Events Management (Aff. Centre Felipe Moreno)2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22
29713 - Final Degree Project
  • Degree in Events Protocol and Organisation: 2015 (UE Felipe Moreno)2019-20
  • Degree in Events Protocol and Organisation (2015) (UE Felipe Moreno)2020-21, 2021-22
  • Degree in Protocol and Events Management (Aff. Centre Felipe Moreno)2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22
29910 - English II
  • Degree in Hotel Management (Aff. Centre Hotel Management of the BI)2022-23, 2023-24
29920 - English for Executives
  • Degree in Hotel Management (Aff. Centre Hotel Management of the BI)2022-23, 2023-24
29933 - Final Degree Project
  • Degree in Hotel Management (Aff. Centre Hotel Management of the BI)2022-23, 2023-24
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