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Miquel Ripoll Perelló

  • Despatx AB07planta baixaRamon Llull


Brief CV

Miquel Ripoll Perelló, Graduated in Philosophy and Master in Contemporary Philosophy, is an associate professor in the Department of Philosophy and Social Work of the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) since 2009. He has taught Modern and Contemporary subjects, Aesthetic and Metaphysics in undergraduate curricula. He has been a member of the research group CRIPCON (Corrents Crítics del Pensament Contemporani) and is currently part of the Research Group on Modern and Contemporary Scientific and Philosophical Thought (F&C). His research work has focused on the area of ​​Metaphysics and Aesthetics, especially in Philosophical Hermeneutics and Contemporary French Thought. In the professional field, he is also dedicated to journalism and has been a writer for Diari de Balears (dBalears) since 2006.


-2012, 'L'aigua dels ulls. Consideracions filosòfiques al voltant de 'Desert' de Le Clézio' (Taula Quaderns de Pensament).This paper analysing the novel 'Desert' by the Nobel Prize laureate writer.

-2015, 'Entre las corrientes críticas del pensamiento contemporáneo. La recepción de la hermenéutica en Baleares' ('Comprender e interpretar. La recepción de la filosofía hermenéutica en la España democrática (1960-2010). CSED). Book chapter analysing the reception of hermeneutics in the Balearic Islands, especially its impact on the UIB.

-2018, 'En un alè tan breu. Diàlegs de proverbi amb Joan Alcover' (Documenta Balear. Poesia 31-D).Philosophical Poemary that dialogues with the proverbs that Alcover wrote for his collection 'Poemes Bíblics'. It contains photographs by artist Tomeu Coll.

-2021, 'De la flor al fruit' (Documenta Balear. Poesia 31-D). A philosophical Poemary that explores the poetic and aesthetic avant-gardes inaugurated by 20th-century poets such as Paul Celan and René Char.


Office Hours

Lecturer Tutorial Times
Start Date End Date Day Start Time End Time Location
02/09/2024 31/07/2025 Tuesday 10.00 13.00 AB-06 Ramon Llull

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
20900 - Philosophy in the Current World
  • Degree in Catalan Language and Literature2020-21
  • Degree in English Studies2019-20
  • Degree in History2023-24
20908 - Aesthetics
20913 - Modern Philosophy II
20925 - Current Trends in Philosophy
20936 - Aesthetic Issues
20943 - Contemporary Philosophy Issues
21854 - Philosophy in the Current World
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