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Dr Matias Reus Pons

Dr Matias Reus Pons
Tenured contract senior lecturer
Human geography
  • Despatx 29primer pisBeatriu de Pinós


Brief CV

Doctor (PhD) in Demography by the University of Groningen and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (2018). I have worked mainly on public health and migration. Master of Science in Population Studies by the University of Groningen (2013). Bachelor (licenciatura) in Geography by the Universitat de les Illes Balears (2012).

Member of the Demographic and Tourism Studies Group of the UIB.

Research lines:

1) Population geography, migration, security and health
2) Tourism and local development: new tourism products
3) Geospatial analysis of demographic, socioeconomic and linguistic dynamics in mature tourist destinations


Reus-Pons, M.; Mulder, C.H.; Kibele, E.U.B.; Janssen, F. (2018). Differences in the health transition patterns of migrants and non-migrants aged 50 and older in southern and western Europe (2004-2015). BMC Medicine, 16:57.

Janssen, F.; Kibele, E.U.B.; Reus-Pons, M.; Vandenheede, H.; de Valk, H.A.G. (2018). Gezonde levensverwachting op oudere leeftijd: een vergelijking van migranten en niet-migranten in drie Europese landen over tijd. Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie 49 (6): 232-243.

Reus-Pons, M.; Kibele, E.U.B.; Janssen, F. (2017). Differences in healthy life expectancy between older migrants and non-migrants in three European countries over time. International Journal of Public Health 62 (5): 531-540.

Reus-Pons, M.; Vandenheede, H.; Janssen, F.; Kibele, E.U.B. (2016). Differences in mortality between groups of older migrants and older non-migrants in Belgium, 2001-09. European Journal of Public Health 26 (6): 992-1000.


Office Hours

Lecturer Tutorial Times
Start Date End Date Day Start Time End Time Location
02/09/2024 31/07/2025 Wednesday 10.00 13.00 Beatriu de Pinós despatx 29

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
21101 - Territory and Society
21110 - Population Geography
21116 - Industrial Geography
21124 - Geography and Teaching
21132 - Final Degree Project in Geography
21134 - Cultural and Natural Itineraries
22031 - Final Degree Project in Early Childhood Education
22036 - Human Science and Teaching
29933 - Final Degree Project
  • Degree in Hotel Management (Aff. Centre Hotel Management of the BI)2021-22, 2023-24
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