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Dr Jaime Cantallops Ramón

Dr Jaime Cantallops Ramón
Tenured contract senior lecturer
Sport and Physical Education
  • Despatx B-207segon pisGuillem Cifre de Colonya


Brief CV

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Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
10836 - Complement to the Specialty of Drafting and Design 1 : Contextualisation of
  • Master's Degree in Teacher Training2019-20
10843 - Complement to the Specialty of Physical and Sports 1 : Contextualisation of
  • Master's Degree in Teacher Training2019-20
10905 - Master's Thesis
  • Master's in Social and Educational Intervention with Minors and Families2019-20
10979 - Complementary Training for the Specialty of Music 1: The scientific ...
  • Master's Degree in Teacher Training2019-20
10990 - Master's Thesis
  • Master's in Social and Educational Intervention with Minors and Families2019-20
11047 - Bodywork, Health Promotion and Active Lifestyles
  • Master's Degree in Socieducational Intervention with Children, Adolescents and Families2019-20
  • Master's Degree in Socio-educational Intervention for Children, Adolescents and Families (2010)2021-22
11049 - Master's Thesis
  • Master's Degree in Socieducational Intervention with Children, Adolescents and Families2019-20
11050 - Master's Thesis aimed at Developing Advanced Research Skills
  • Master's Degree in Socieducational Intervention with Children, Adolescents and Families2019-20
  • Master's Degree in Socio-educational Intervention for Children, Adolescents and Families (2010)2021-22
11914 - Research in Gender Perspectives
  • Master's Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences Research2022-23, 2023-24
22017 - Corporal and Musical Education of Teachers
  • Degree in Early Childhood Education2019-20
22024 - Practicum I (0-3)
  • Degree in Early Childhood Education2019-20
22031 - Final Degree Project
  • Degree in Early Childhood Education2019-20
22115 - Physical Education and Teaching
  • Degree in Primary Education2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23
  • Double degree in Early Childhood Education and Degree in Primary Education (pla 2022)2023-24
22126 - Practical Placements on the Degree in Primary Education I
22129 - Practical Placements on the Degree in Primary Education II
22132 - Final Degree Project in Primary Education
22166 - Benchmark practicals: Physical Education
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