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Dr Alberto Ballesteros Varela

Dr Alberto Ballesteros Varela
Assistant lecturer with a PhD
Computer Architecture and Technology
  • Despatx 127primer pisAnselm Turmeda


Brief CV

I have received a degree in Computer Engineering by the University of the Balearic Islands (2012). Since 2013 I am Associate Lecturer at the University of the Balearic Islands, where I am teaching Laboratorio de Automatización and Redes de Comunicación Industrial, and in the past I taught Laboratorio de Sistemas Basados en Microcomputador.

I am member of the research group Systems Robotics and Vision (SRV) and I have worked in the context of several research projects in Spain, as well as abroad. In this sense, I have published and presented various papers related to the design of fault-tolerant mechanisms for real-time distributed embedded systems, over CAN and Ethernet networks.

My research interests cover several topics such as real-time dependable systems and industrial networks for distributed embedded systems.


Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
11771 - Application Areas of IoT
  • Master's Degree in Intelligent Systems2023-24
21738 - Laboratory of Microcomputer-Based Systems
22422 - Industrial Communication Networks
  • Degree in Automation and Industrial Electronic Engineering2020-21, 2021-22
22440 - Automation Laboratory


Research groups

Group Membership type
Systems, Robotics and Vision (SRV) Member
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