María Pilar Ainsa Coll
Brief CV
M. Pilar Ainsa Coll
ID 41493664 P
Phone: 619151651
Personal email:
Webmail mail:
Passeig des Mariners, 444
07700 Cala Llonga - Maó
Menorca - Balearic Islands
Academic degree:
- Master in Inclusive School by the UIB. 2012-2013 academic year
- Degree in Psychopedagogy from the UOC. 2008-2009 academic year
- Career Officer: 'Title of career officer of the body of teachers'. Ministry of Education and Science. Madrid, 30.11.2005
- Diploma of the specialty of Early Childhood Education. UIB Palm. 01/07/2000
Other tittles /certificates:
Title of Infant Massage Educator. IAIM- International Association of Infant Massage. Barcelona 03/01/2003
Senior Accounting Technical Degree. ESITE High School. Madrid, 06/05/1992
Title Economic Financial Analysis. ESITE High School. Madrid, May 24, 1992
Title General Accounting and Financial Economic Analysis. ESITE Madrid, 11/19/1987
Mother lenguage: Catalan - Spanish
Other languages: Italian and English, medium level (study for certification)
Current job:
Ceip Maria Lluïsa Serra School - Mahón (Menorca), tutor primary education cycle. Energy commission coordinator.
Associate professor your UIB - Menorca. Grade of Primary, subjects of Attention to the Students with Specific Necessity of Educational Support and that of In. Educ. From the Family and Social Context of the Person with Disability.
University Master's Degree in Teacher Training, teaching the subject of Specific Didactics for the Evaluation of Humanities.
PhD in Inclusive Education.
Teaching experience:
Teacher for 17 years as a tutor in early childhood education, first and second cycle. Escoleta Ses Caneletes to San Luis, CEIP Virgen de Gracia and CEIP Virgen del Carmen. Infant and primary tutor at CEIP María Luisa Serra in Maó.
2 years as Center Director at CEIP Virgen del Carmen and Catalan, citizenship and plastic teacher at the third grade of primary school.
12 years as an associate professor at the Menorca-UIB headquarters, teaching different subjects of GEDI, Educational Research Strategies II of third and Psychomotor Development in early childhood of second. Tutor of practicum I and II, studies of the diploma of teacher of infant education. Primary and University Master's Degree.
Since July 2006 I have volunteered cooperating in the countries of Peru, Nicaragua, Honduras, Morocco and Guatemala; where I teach, train teachers, youth and indigenous women.
I collaborate with the NGO Enseñantes Solidarios giving online courses for solidarity training in Peru and Guatemala.
Lines of investigation:
Thesis: Family separation and the impact on children's school performance. Study of cases.
Member of the research group in education in Menorca (Griem) in the lines of research in early childhood education and inclusive education where I act as coordinator.
PhD in Inclusive Education -UIB.
Office Hours
You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring sessionTeaching, 5 previous years
Subject | Information |
10642 - Specific Didactics. Evaluation in the Field of Catalan Lang. and Lit./Span |
10735 - Specific Didactics. Evaluation in the Specialty of Service Technologies | |
10749 - Specific Didactics: Evaluation in the Field of Geography and History | |
10840 - Specific Didactics. Evaluation in the Field of Drafting and Design | |
10872 - Specific Didactics. Evaluation in the Discipline of Philosophy |
10879 - Specific Didactics: Evaluation and Diagnostics |
10886 - Specific Didactics: Subject Testing for English and German |
10983 - Specific Didactics. Evaluation in the Field of Music | |
22132 - Final Degree Project in Primary Education | |
22139 - Attention to Pupils with Specific Need for Educational Support at School | |
22142 - Educational Intervention from the Family and Social Context of Disabled People |