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Dr Jaime Manuel García Rosselló

  • Despatx BF04primer pisRamon Llull


Brief CV

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Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
10295 - Archaeological and Ethnological Marine Heritage
  • Master's Degree in Cultural Heritage: Research and Management2020-21, 2023-24
  • Master's in Cultural Heritage: Research and Management2019-20
10317 - Master's Thesis
  • Master's Degree in Cultural Heritage: Research and Management2023-24
20201 - Introduction to Prehistoric Communities
20210 - Prehistory II
20220 - Prehistory of the Iron Age
20224 - Prehistoric Archaeology
20229 - Final Degree Project
20230 - Prehistory in the Balearic Islands
20241 - Ethnoarchaeology
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