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Dr Pablo Frau Burón

Dr Pablo Frau Burón
Tenured contract senior lecturer
  • Despatx BC12primer pisRamon Llull


Brief CV

Ph.D University of Balearic Islands. LRSM Music Direction Royal Schools of Music ABRSM. London UK. Currently I am part of the Philosophy Area group of teachers and researchers of the University of Balearic Islands (UIB). I have several national and international works published:
- Pablo Frau Buron, 'Michel Foucault: el ejercicio de la escritura como praxis de transformación de sí' en: Pensamiento: Revista de investigación e Información filosófica, ISSN 0031-4749, ISSN-e 2386-5822, Vol. 76, Nº. Extra 290 (Extra), 2020 (Ejemplar dedicado a: La subjetividad en el último Foucault), págs. 697-706.
- Pablo Frau Buron, 'La transformación tecnológica de la audiovisualidad artística contemporánea'en:Tecnología, violencia, memoria: diagnósticos críticos de la cultura contemporánea / coord. por Mateu Cabot Ramis, Antonio Álvaro Soares Zuin, Luiz A.Calmon Nabuco Lastória, Ed. Anthropos, 2018, ISBN 978-84-17556-00-6, págs. 71-84.
-Pablo Frau Buron, 'TH. W. Adorno y el psicoanalisis: la categoría freudiana del 'inconsciente' en la teoría sobre el Expresionismo musical' en: Estudios Filosóficos, ISSN 0210-6086, Vol. 67, Nº 194, 2018, págs. 73-87. Pablo Frau Buron, 'Th. W. Adorno: El arte como racionalidad estética' en: Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía, ISSN 0210-4857, Nº 43, 2016, págs. 183-198.


Office Hours

You need to book a date with the professor in order to attend a tutoring session

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
10703 - Practicum in Schools or Companies
10704 - Master's Thesis
  • Master's Degree in Teacher Training2019-20
10868 - Complement to the Specialty of Philosophy 1: the Scientific Content of the Speciality Subject Matter
11410 - Philosophy Study Methods
  • Master's Degree in Philosophy (2013)2021-22
11422 - Monographic Course on Aesthetics
11443 - Master's Thesis
  • Master's Degree in Philosophy2023-24
  • Master's Degree in Philosophy (2013)2022-23
20900 - Philosophy in the Current World
20903 - History of Aesthetic Ideas
20908 - Aesthetics
20921 - Contemporary Philosophy
20925 - Current Trends in Philosophy
20929 - Final Degree Project


Research groups

Group Membership type
Modern and Contemporary Thought (EPOCHE) Member
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