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Dr Gabriel Jordà Sánchez

Dr Gabriel Jordà Sánchez
Associate lecturer
Condensed Matter Physics


Brief CV

My scientific career began after obtaining a degree in Physics from the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) in 1998. I started working at the UPC's Maritime Engineering Laboratory (LIM / UPC) dedicated to the development and implementation of applied numerical models. to various problems of coastal oceanography such as the dispersion of pollutants or circulation in ports. Subsequently, I completed a 28-month stay at the Laboratoire d'Études Geophysiques in Toulouse (France) where I worked on data assimilation methods with Dr. Pierre de Mey and in numerical modeling with Dr. Patrick Marsaleix. This work resulted in the main body of my doctoral thesis that included the first exhaustive characterization of the physical processes that govern the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula and new methods of assimilation of data for coastal areas.


Later I did post-doctoral stays in the LIM / UPC where I applied numerical methods to a wide range of problems in coastal oceanography, operational oceanography and physical-biology interactions. Much of this work had a transfer to society as the relocatable model for marine emergencies that was used in the Prestige crisis and the sinking of Don Pedro or the water quality system in ports. In 2008 I moved to the Institut Mediterrani d'Estudis Avançats (IMEDEA, UIB / CSIC) where I have worked until July 2018. There I started designing the L3 mapping algorithm for the SMOS space mission and then, starting in 2010, to dedicate myself to what has been my main line of research, the study of the marine climate and its interactions with biological systems.


In marine climate research I have dedicated myself to the generation of robust information on the evolution of marine parameters for both the past and the future. For this I worked on the first set of wave simulations and "storm surge" for southern Europe and on the theoretical foundation that should be applied to the projections of the sea level for the Mediterranean. I have also led several international initiatives for the development of marine climate models of the Mediterranean (TANGRAM, MedCORDEX) and I have generated several climatic reconstructions for the Mediterranean (waves, sea level, hydrography). In parallel, I have worked on the interaction between climate and marine ecology and how global change can affect coastal ecosystems and fisheries. This line of work has also had a direct transfer to society such as the generation of the official marine climate scenarios for AEMET or the conversion plan for Playa de Palma. Within the framework of this line I made stays in Southampton (UK, 12 months) and in Boulder (USA, 12 months).


The fruit of my career has been participation in 80 publications (67 SCI, 54 in Q1) including Nature Climate Change, BAMS or Scientific Reports, most of them as first or second author. I have worked on 23 projects and 9 research contracts with a marked multidisciplinary character. I have been IP of 5 projects (1 National Plan, 3 international initiatives, 1 contract with ESA) and responsible for 4 working groups on international projects. I have had several international recognitions (WCRP and MedCLIVAR Young Scientist Awards, NOAA / CIRES fellowship) and I am currently a member of the scientific committee of MedCORDEX, HYMEX, CLIVAR-Spain, EOS-COST and MEDECC.




C.1. Publications

Only 10 publications related to marine climate are included.


Jordà G., K. Von Schuckmann, S. A. Josey , G. Caniaux, J. García-Lafuente, S. Sammartino, E. Özsoy, J. Polcher , G. Notarstefano , P.-M. Poulain , F. Adloff , J. Salat , C. Naranjo, K. Schroeder , J. Chiggiato , G. Sannino, D. Macías. The Mediterranean Sea Heat and Mass Budgets : Estimates, Uncertainties and Perspectives.Progress in Oceanography 156 174–208 (2017)

Adloff F., Jordà G., Somot S., Sevault F., Arsouze T., Meyssignac B., Li L., Planton S. Improving sea level simulation in Mediterranean Regional climate models. Climate Dynamics. In press 10.1007/s00382-017-3842-3 (2017)

Jordà G., A. Sánchez-Román, D. Gomis, Reconstruction of transports through the Strait of Gibraltar from limited observations Climate Dynamics. 48 (3), 851-865, doi: 10.1007/s00382-016-3113-8 (2017)

Ruti PM. et al. (Incl. G. Jordà) MED-CORDEX initiative for Mediterranean Climate studies. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.  (1) Vol.:1. Pág.:1-20. (2015)

Llasses J.; Jordà G.; Gomis D. ; Skills of different hydrographic networks in capturing changes in the Mediterranean Sea at climate scales. Climate Research.  (1) Vol.:63. Pág.:1-18. (2015)

Marbà, N; Jordà, G; Agusti, S; Girard, C; Duarte, C M. Footprints of climate change on Mediterranean Sea biota. Frontiers in Marine Science. Vol.: 2:56. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2015.00056. (2015)

Jordà, G.; Detection time of global and regional sea level trends and accelerations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans.  (1) Vol.:118. Pág.:1-11. (2014)

Jordà, G; Gomis, D.; On the interpretation of the steric and mass components of sea level variability: The case of the Mediterranean basin. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans. Vol.:118. Pág.:953-963. (2013)

Jordà, G.; Marbà, N; Duarte, C.; Mediterranean seagrass vulnerable to regional climate warming. Nature Climate Change.  (11) Vol.:2. Pág.:821-824. (2012)

Jordà, G.; Gomis, D.; Álvarez-Fanjul, E.; Somot, S.; Atmospheric contribution to Mediterranean and nearby Atlantic sea level variability under different climate change scenarios. Global and Planetary Change. Vol.:80. Pág.:198-214. (2012)


C.2. Projects

Participation in 23 R+D projects (10 international, 13 National). Here only those where I had management responsabilities are included.


CLIFISH. Variabilidad climática y pesquerías en el siglo XXI: Efectos del cambio global sobre poblaciones y comunidades nectobentónicas. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. 2016-2018. CTM2015-66400-C3-2-R. Subvención concedida 120.000¤. IP: G. Jordà.

SOCLIMPACT.DownScaling CLImate imPACTs and decarbonisation pathways in EU islands, and enhancing socioeconomic and non-market evaluation of Climate Change for Europe, for 2050 and beyond. European Comission H2020. 2017-2020. Subvención concedida 4.5 M¤ (a nuestro grupo: 198.000¤). IP: Carmelo León (G.Jordà responsable de grupo de trabajo)

Divulgació sobre l’impacte del canvi cllmátic al medi marí. Acción Especial de Investigación y Desarrollo CAIB. 2017-2018. Subvención Concedida 11.488¤.IP: G. Jordà

TANGRAM - Towards a New Generation of Mediterranean Climate Models, Programa ENVIMED-MISTRALS (Ministerio Asuntos Exteriores, Francia), 2015-2016 Subvención Concedida 20.000¤. IP: G. Jordà

ENIGME- EvolutioN Interannuelle de la dynamique dans le golfe de Gascogne et laManchE. CNRS (Francia) - 2014-2016. Subvención Concedida 200.000¤. IP:G. Charria ( G. Jordà Responsable Grupo Trabajo -Sea Level).

MedMAHB - The mediterranean sea mass and heat budget: understanding its forcings, uncertainties and time evolution. , Programa ENVIMED-MISTRALS (Ministerio Asuntos Exteriores, Francia), 2014-2015Subvención Concedida 20.000¤. IP: G. Jordà y K. Von Schukmann


C.3. Contracts

Only 5 contracts are detailed here. In total I have participated in 6 contracts with public entities and 3 with private entities.


WACMOSMED -STSE Water Cycle Multi-mission Observation Strategy for the Mediterranean. Agencia Espacial Europea. 2015-2017. Subvención Concedida 400.000¤ (60.000¤ para nuestro grupo). IP: F. Aires (G.Jordà IP WP6)

ESCENARIOS. Convenio para el desarrollo, validación y aplicación de modelos oceánicos regionales AEMET . 2010-2012. Subvención concedida 300.000¤ IP: E. Álvarez-Fanjul (G.Jordà Responsable generación simulaciones)

La recalificación integral de playa de palma en el eje de sostenibilidad: cambio climático y biodiversidad. Consorcio de la Playa de Palma 2009-2011Subvención concedida 500.000¤ IP: B. Morales (G.Jordà Responsable generación simulaciones)

Convenio para el desarrollo de un programa de control de la calidad de agua en zonas portuarias (mediante simulación numérica y observaciones). Ente Público Puertos del Estado 2007-2009. Subvención concedida 120.000¤ IP: A. Sánchez-Arcilla (G.Jordà Responsable generación simulaciones)

P34 - SMOS PROJECT (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity Missio) Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC). 2007-2009 Subvención concedida 100.000¤ IP: D. Gomis (G.Jordà Responsable desarrollo algoritmos)


C.5 Contributions to Conferences: 170 contributions to conferences (150 internationals) of which 12 as invited talks.


C.6 Theses supervided: Supervision of 3 Degree theses, 6 Master thesis and 3 PhD Thesis.


C.7 Member of Scientific Committees: Spanish Supercomputing Network, CLIVAR-ES, , CORE group of COST Action “Evaluation of Ocean Synthesis” , Member of the Steering Committee de MedCORDEX , Member of MEDECC panel (Mediterranean Experts on Climate and Environmental Change)


C.8 Reviewer for SCI Journals: Reviewer of 45 papers Nature Climate Change, BAMS, Journal of Geophysical Research, Climate Dynamics.



C.9 Reviewer of Research Agencies: Plan Nacional I+D+i MINECO (2017)// National Ocean and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA- EEUU), 2016// H2020 - European Programme Horizon 2020 (Unión Europea), 2016 // Agence Nationale de la Recherche - (Francia, 2015 y 2016) // COST  Action (Unión Europea, 2015) // Red Española de Supercomputación (RES, España, 4 convocatorias desde 2015) // Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE, Unión Europea 2015) // Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR , 2014) //Programa NILS Science and Sustainability programme (Unión Europea, 2013) //Evaluación contratación doctores - RIS3 (2017)


C.10 Prizes: 2011 World Climate Research Programme  Organization Award for Outsanding Presentation//  2012. MedCLIVAR Young Scientist Award // 2014. Highlights en JGR y ECRA sobre el artículoJordà G., 2014. Detection time of reginal and global trends and accelerations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans.  (1) Vol.:118. Pág.:1-11. (2014) //  2015. CIRES– CU/NOAA Fellowship


C.11 Host of Researchers: Host of 5 post-doctoral researchers at international level.


C.12 Organization of activities: Co-Organizer of 1 summer school and 4 international conferences. Member of the scientific committe of 6 international conferences.


C.13 Stays abroad :Istituto Superior Tecnico-MARETEC  - Lisboa (Portugal) - 3 months (2001) // Laboratoire d'études en géophysique et océanographie spatiale - Toulouse (Francia) - 28 months (2003-2005) // National Oceanography Center - Southampton (Reino Unido) - 12 months (2013-2014) // National Ocean and Atmosphere Agency- NOAA - Boulder (EEUU) - 12 months (2015-2016)



Office Hours

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Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
11278 - Spatial Analysis and Data Assimilation


Research groups

Group Membership type
Sea level and Climate Collaborator
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