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Dr Xavier Jiménez González

Dr Xavier Jiménez González
Associate lecturer
History of Art
Servicio de Biblioteca
  • Gestió documentalplanta baixaSon Lledó
  • Despatx AB11planta baixaRamon Llull
  • Despatx de l'Àrea de Serveis a la Investigació i Adquisicionsplanta baixaRamon Llull
  • Despatx CD12segon pisRamon Llull


Brief CV

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Office Hours

Lecturer Tutorial Times
Start Date End Date Day Start Time End Time Location
09/09/2024 20/12/2024 Monday 19.45 20.45 AD04 / Ramon Llull

Teaching, 5 previous years

Subject Information
20254 - The Mass Media and Audiovisual Languages
20258 - History of Cinema
29820 - Evidence-based dentistry
40009 - Applied Statistics and Introduction to Health Research
  • Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics (Aff. Centre ADEMA)2020-21


Research groups

Group Membership type
Study group on culture, society and politics in the contemporary world Member
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